Title: Inelastic neutron scattering and heterogeneous catalysis:
1Inelastic neutron scattering and heterogeneous
catalysis methanol on ?-alumina.
David Lennon Department of Chemistry University
of Glasgow
Coeseners House, November 2008.
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31. Introduction
- Characterization of surface acidity for modified
aluminas. - Target reaction
- Part of a wider programme seeking to develop
structure/ activity relationships for a new
generation of methyl chloride catalysts.
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5TOSCA Pyridine on ?-alumina
- New information on surface Lewis acidity
Lundie et al, J.Phys.Chem.B, 2005
6Four-Site Model
adsorption site
Lundie et al, J.Phys.Chem.B, 2005
7?-Alumina/methanol - DRIFTS
- Unknown band at 2600 cm-1.
8?-Alumina/methanol - Transmission IR spectroscopy
Band actually present in literature spectra but
not assigned.
9?-Alumina/methanol DRIFTS - saturated overlayer
heated to 473 K for 15 mins.
- Unassigned feature clearly present.
10TOSCA. Methanol, chemisorbed overlayer, model
- Methyl rock now accessible. Methoxy?
11Energy minimised structure for methoxy on
?alumina (110).
12Experiment vs simulated INS spectra methoxy on
Reasonable correlation but simulations
compromised by complexity of surface.
13INS cell as a batch reactor (TOSCA)
INS capable of following molecular transformation.
14MARI. Ei 4034 cm-1
2600 cm-1 feature assigned to a combination of
methyl rock and methyl deformation mode
15- INS Intensity-
- Q momentum transfer, ? energy of vibration, ?
cross section, U? root mean square displacement
of atoms in the mode, exponential term
Debye-Waller factor, UT total root mean square
displacement of all the atoms in all the modes.
- MARI - Scattered intensity as a function of
collection angle determines momentum transfer.
Potentially valuable tool for distinguishing
fundamental modes.
16The more general form of S(Q,n?) is
n specifies nature of vibrational transition. By
differentiation, the maximum in S(Q,n?) ,occurs
thus providing a method to distinguish
fundamentals (n 1) from higher order (n ³ 2)
transitions such as overtones and combinations.
Parker et al, JACS, 2004.
17MARI ?-alumina/methanol mitre plot.
- Permits mapping of neutron scattering intensity
with energy and momentum transfer.
18Chemisorbed methanol momentum transfer
- Red ?(C-H) Blue ?(C-H) Purple 2630 cm-1.
19Al(OCH3)3 momentum transfer dependence.
- Red ?(C-H) Blue ?(C-H) Purple 2630 cm-1
Green ?(C-H).
20McInroy et al, Langmuir, 2005
21Methanol Adsorption -DME TPD
- Minimisation of by-product formation by control
of surface acidity. - New catalyst now used in the industrial
- DRIFTS of Al2O3/CH3OH revealed previously
unreported feature. New surface species? - INS increased dynamic range accessible for active
catalyst. - 2600 cm-1 feature assigned to combination of
methyl rock and deformation modes. No new
- Momentum transfer dependence (MARI) confirmed
2600 cm-1 to be a non-fundamental mode. - Mechanism developed for Al2O3/CH3OH system.
- Catalyst preparation modified to control DME
production. - Laboratory concept ? large-scale commercial
247. Acknowledgements
- David Lundie University of Glasgow
- Alastair McInroy University of Glasgow
- John Winfield University of Glasgow
- Stewart Parker ISIS Facility, RAL.
- Peter Jones INEOS Chlor Ltd.
- Chris Dudman INEOS Chlor Ltd.
- INEOS Chlor Ltd.
- EPSRC//Royal Society/SHEFC.
- ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
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