Title: Field Work in Utah English
1Field Work in Utah English
- English Language Society Meeting
- February 8, 2007
2What do these signs have in common?
3Why is it important to do field work in a
language like Utah English?
- dialect prejudice
- dialect change
- dialect acquisition
- social factors that influence dialect
- speech pathology
- computer language processing
- heritage/ genealogy
4Why do field work in Utah English?
From The Phonological Atlas of Northern America
5Why do field work in Utah English?
Utah is also a great place to study dialect
acquisition and social factors (like
6How do you do field work in a language like
- Usually we need a lot of speakers, so . . .
- interviews
- phone calls
- covert observations
- public forums
- door-to-door
- We decided on door-to-doorso the four of us got
a map of Utah County and each took a different
7The Utah English Project Team
Diane, Wendy, Jared and Danny
8Some of the Questions from the Survey
- In what building does a farmer keep his animals?
- Name the days of the week
- What is the term for a sweetened carbonated
beverage? - If you had to say theres a difference, whats
the difference between a bag and a sack? - What do you say when people say thank you to you?
9What were some of the challenges of doing field
work in dialects of English?
- Achievement of a random sample
- Recording of the speakers
- Confusion over some of the questions
- Worry about keeping anonymity
- Worry about saying the wrong thing
- Anger of some of the groups (non-LDS
participants) - Belief that they did not have a Utah accent
- Suspicions about our work/danger to us
10(No Transcript)
11Some more fun things we encountered
- Overexcitement about helping us out
- Peoples feelings about Utah English
- Coaching by husbands/wives
12NWAV and LSA 2005