Open Issues in Router Buffer Sizing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Open Issues in Router Buffer Sizing


Motivation and previous work. The Stanford model for buffer sizing ... TCP NewReno with SACK option. BDP = 250 packets (1500 B) Model-1: persistent flows mice ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: buffer | issues | open | router | sack | sizing


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Open Issues in Router Buffer Sizing

Open Issues in Router Buffer Sizing
  • Amogh Dhamdhere
  • Constantine Dovrolis
  • College of Computing
  • Georgia Tech

  • Motivation and previous work
  • The Stanford model for buffer sizing
  • Important issues in buffer sizing
  • Simulation results for the Stanford model
  • Summary and future work

  • Router buffers are crucial elements of packet
  • Absorb rate variations of incoming traffic
  • Prevent packet losses during traffic bursts
  • Increasing the router buffer size
  • Can increase link utilization (especially with
    TCP traffic)
  • Can decrease packet loss rate
  • Can also increase queuing delays
  • So the million dollar question is
  • How much buffer should a router have ?

Motivation (cont)
  • Some recent results suggest that small buffers
    are sufficient to achieve full utilization
  • The loss rate is not considered !
  • Other results propose larger buffers to achieve
    full utilization and a bounded loss rate
  • Why these contradictory results ?
  • Different assumptions, applicability of these
    models ?
  • Is there a single answer to the buffer sizing
    problem ?
  • NO !
  • Is that answer a very small buffer ?
  • NO !

Previous work
  • Approaches based on queuing theory (e.g. MM1B)
  • Assume a certain input traffic model, service
    model and buffer size
  • Loss probability for MM1B system is given by
  • p?B(1- ?)/(1-
  • TCP is not open-loop TCP flows react to
  • There is no universally accepted Internet traffic
  • Morris Flow Proportional Queuing (Infocom 00)
  • Proposed a buffer size proportional to the number
    of active TCP flows (B 6N)
  • Did not specify which flows to count in N
  • Objective limit loss rate
  • High loss rate causes unfairness and poor
    application performance

Previous work (cont)
  • BSCL (Dhamdhere et al. Infocom 2005)
  • Proposed a buffer sizing formula to achieve full
    utilization and a bounded loss rate
  • Applicable to congested edge links
  • Proposes a buffer proportional to the number of
    active large flows
  • Can lead to a large queuing delay !

  • Motivation and previous work
  • The Stanford model for buffer sizing
  • Important issues in buffer sizing
  • Simulation results for the Stanford model
  • Summary and future work

Stanford Model - Appenzeller et al.
  • Objective Find the minimum buffer size to
    achieve full utilization of target link
  • Assumptions
  • Most traffic is from long TCP flows
  • Long flows are in congestion avoidance for most
    of their lifetime (follow the TCP throughput
  • The number of flows is large enough that flows
    are independent and unsynchronized
  • Aggregate window size distribution tends to
  • Queue size distribution also tends to normal

Stanford Model (cont)
  • Buffer for full utilization is given by B CT /
  • N is the number of long flows at the link
  • CT Bandwidth delay product
  • If link has only short flows, buffer size depends
    only on offered load and average flow size
  • Flow size determines the size of bursts during
    slow start
  • For a mix of short and long flows, buffer size is
    determined by number of long flows
  • Small flows do not have a significant impact on
    buffer sizing
  • Resulting buffer can achieve full utilization of
    target link
  • Loss rate at target link is not taken into account

Stanford Model (cont)
  • More recent results (Wischik, McKeown et al.
  • Sacrifice some utilization to make buffers
  • Of the order of 20 packets
  • If TCP sources are paced, even smaller buffers
    are sufficient
  • O(log W) where W is the TCP window size
  • Pacing makes the sources less bursty
  • Pacing can occur automatically, due to slow
    access links and fast backbone links

Dont want to sound like a broken record, but
  • Motivation and previous work
  • The Stanford model for buffer sizing
  • Important issues in buffer sizing
  • Simulation results for the Stanford model
  • Summary and future work

What are the objectives ?
  • Network layer vs. application layer objectives
  • Networks perspective Utilization, loss rate,
    queuing delay
  • Users perspective Per-flow throughput, fairness
  • Stanford Model Focus on utilization queueing
  • Can lead to high loss rate (gt 10 in some cases)
  • BSCL (Infocom 05) Both utilization and loss
  • Can lead to large queuing delay
  • Buffer sizing scheme that bounds queuing delay
  • Can lead to high loss rate and low utilization
  • A certain buffer size cannot meet all objectives
  • Which problem should we try to solve?

Saturable/congestible links
  • A link is saturable when offered load is
    sufficient to fully utilize it, given large
    enough buffer
  • A link may not be saturable at all times
  • Some links may never be saturable
  • Advertised-window limitation, other bottlenecks,
  • Small buffers are sufficient for non-saturable
  • Only needed to absorb short term traffic bursts
  • Stanford model is targeted at backbone links
  • Backbone links are usually not saturable due to
  • Edge links are more likely to be saturable
  • But N may not be large for such links
  • Stanford model requires large N

Which flows to count ?
  • N Number of long flows at the link
  • Long flows show TCPs saw-tooth behavior
  • Short flows do not exit slow start
  • Does size matter?
  • Size does not indicate slow start or congestion
    avoidance behavior
  • If no congestion, even large flows do not exit
    slow start
  • If highly congested, small flows can enter
    congestion avoidance
  • Should the following flows be included in N ?
  • Flows limited by congestion at other links
  • Flows limited by sender/receiver socket buffer
  • N varies with time. Which value should we use ?
  • Min ? Max ? Time average ?

Which traffic model to use ?
  • Traffic model has major implications on buffer
  • Early work considered traffic as exogenous
  • Not realistic. The offered load due to TCP flows
    depends on network conditions
  • Stanford model considers mostly persistent
  • No ambiguity about number of long flows (N)
  • N is time-invariant
  • In practice, TCP connections have finite size and
    duration, and N varies with time
  • Open-loop vs closed-loop flow arrivals

Traffic model (cont)
  • Open-loop TCP traffic
  • Flows arrive randomly with average size S,
    average rate l
  • Offered load lS, link capacity C
  • Offered load is independent of system state
    (delay, loss)
  • The system is unstable if lS gt C
  • Closed-loop TCP traffic
  • Each user starts a new transfer only after the
    completion of previous transfer
  • Random think time between consecutive transfers
  • Offered load depends on system state
  • The system can never be unstable

  • Motivation and previous work
  • The Stanford model for buffer sizing
  • Important issues in buffer sizing
  • Simulation results for the Stanford model
  • Summary and future work

Why worry about loss rate?
  • The Stanford model gives very small buffer if N
    is large
  • E.g., CT200 packets, N400 flows B10 packets
  • What is the loss rate with such a small buffer
  • Per-flow throughput and transfer latency?
  • Compare with BDP-based buffer sizing
  • Distinguish between large and small flows
  • Small flows that do not see losses limited only
    by RTT
  • Flow size k segments
  • Large flows depend on both losses RTT

Simulation setup
  • Use ns-2 simulations to study the effect of
    buffer size on loss rate for different traffic
  • Heterogeneous RTTs (20ms to 530ms)
  • TCP NewReno with SACK option
  • BDP 250 packets (1500 B)
  • Model-1 persistent flows mice
  • 200 infinite connections active for whole
    simulation duration
  • mice flows - 5 of capacity, size between 3 and
    25 packets, exponential inter-arrivals

Simulation setup (cont)
  • Flow size distribution for finite size flows
  • Sum of 3 exponential distributions Small files
    (avg. 15 packets), medium files (avg. 50 packets)
    and large files (avg. 200 packets)
  • 70 of total bytes come from the largest 30 of
  • Model-2 Closed-loop traffic
  • 675 source agents
  • Think time exponentially distributed with average
    5 s
  • Time average of 200 flows in congestion avoidance
  • Model-3 Open-loop traffic
  • Exponentially distributed flow inter-arrival
  • Offered load is 95 of link capacity
  • Time average of 200 flows in congestion avoidance

Simulation results Loss rate
  • CT250 packets, N200 for all traffic types
  • Stanford model gives a buffer of 18 packets
  • High loss rate with Stanford buffer
  • Greater than 10 for open loop traffic
  • 7-8 for persistent and closed loop traffic
  • Increasing buffer to BDP or small multiple of BDP
    can significantly decrease loss rate

Stanford buffer
Why the different loss rate trends ?
  • Open loop traffic
  • The offered load does not depend on the buffer
  • Possible to decrease loss rate to zero with
    sufficient buffer size
  • Loss rate decreases quickly with buffer size
  • Closed loop traffic
  • Larger buffer leads to smaller loss rate, flows
    complete faster, and new flows arrive faster
  • Loss rate decreases slowly with buffer size

Per-flow throughput
  • Transfer latency flow-size / flow-throughput
  • Flow throughput depends on both loss rate and
    queuing delay
  • Loss rate decreases with buffer size (good)
  • Queuing delay increases with buffer size (bad)
  • Major tradeoff Should we have low loss rate or
    low queuing delay ?
  • Answer depends on various factors
  • Which flows are considered Long or short ?
  • Which traffic model is considered?

Persistent connections and mice
  • Application layer throughput for B18 (Stanford
    buffer) and larger buffer B500
  • Two flow categories Large (gt100KB) and small
  • Majority of large flows get better throughput
    with large buffer
  • Large difference in loss rates
  • Smaller variability of per-flow throughput with
    larger buffer
  • Majority of short flows get better throughput
    with small buffer
  • Lower RTT and smaller difference in loss rates

Why the difference between large and small flows ?
  • Persistent flows Larger buffer is better
  • Mice flows Smaller buffer is better
  • Reason Different effect of packet loss
  • Persistent flows
  • Large congestion window halved due to packet loss
  • Take longer to reach original window Decreased
  • Mice flows
  • Congestion windows never become very large
  • Quickly return to original window, especially
    with a smaller buffer
  • For persistent flows, the tradeoff is in favor of
    low loss rate, while for mice it is in favor of
    low queuing delay

Variability of per-flow throughputs
  • Large buffer reduce the variability of throughput
    for persistent flows
  • Two reasons
  • All RTTs increased by a constant (the queuing
  • Smaller loss rate decreases the chance of a flow
    getting unlucky and seeing repeated losses
  • In our simulations, the RTT increase accounts for
    most of the variability reduction
  • Why is variability important ?
  • For N persistent connections, we have a zero-sum
  • If one flow gets high throughput, some other must
    be losing

Closed-loop traffic
  • Per-flow throughput for large flows is slightly
    better with larger buffer
  • Majority of small flows see better throughput
    with smaller buffer
  • Similar to persistent case
  • Smaller difference in per-flow loss rate
  • Reason Loss rate decreases slowly with buffer

Open-loop traffic
  • Both large and small flows get much better
    throughput with large buffer
  • Significantly smaller per-flow loss rate with
    larger buffer
  • Reason Loss rate decreases very quickly with
    buffer size

Summary and Future Work
  • The buffer size required at a router depends on
    multiple factors
  • The provisioning objective
  • The model which the input traffic follows
  • The nature of flows that populate that link
    (large vs small)
  • Very small buffers proposed in recent work can
    cause a large loss rate and harm application
  • Most work so far has focused on network layer
  • What is the optimal buffer when some application
    layer performance metric is considered ?

Thank You !
Common operational practices
  • Major router vendor recommends 500ms of buffering
  • Implication buffer size increases proportionally
    to link capacity
  • Why 500ms?
  • Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP) rule
  • Buffer size B link capacity C x typical RTT T
    (B CxT)
  • What does typical RTT mean?
  • Measurement studies showed that RTTs vary from
    1ms to 10sec!
  • How do different types of flows (TCP elephants vs
    mice) affect buffer requirement?
  • Poor performance is often due to buffer size
  • Under-buffered switches high loss rate and poor
  • Over-buffered DSL modems excessive queuing delay
    for interactive apps

TCP window dynamics for long flows
  • TCP-aware buffer sizing must take into account
    TCP dynamics
  • Saw-tooth behavior
  • Window increases until packet loss
  • Single loss results in cwnd reduction by factor
    of two
  • Square-root TCP model
  • TCP throughput can be
  • approximated by
  • Valid when loss rate p is
  • small (less than 2-5)
  • Average window size is
  • independent of RTT

Loss Rate
Origin of BDP rule
  • Consider a single flow with RTT T
  • Window follows TCPs saw-tooth behavior
  • Maximum window size CT B
  • At this point packet loss occurs
  • Window size after packet loss (CT B)/2
  • Key step Even when window size is minimum, link
    should be fully utilized
  • (CT B)/2 CT which means B CT
  • Known as the bandwidth delay product rule
  • Same result for N homogeneous TCP connections
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