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About one-third of entrepreneurs say they have lost jobs in the past year. ... 58% say that more should be done to encourage entrepreneurship. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • September 2009

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Introduction and Methodology
  • The purpose of this poll is to assess the
    feelings of entrepreneurs about the state of the
    economy, government and business, and current
    economic policies.
  • Pollster Doug Schoen interviewed more than 250
    entrepreneurs and 150 would-be entrepreneurs
    from Sept. 8 to Sept. 12, 2009
  • An entrepreneur was defined as someone who has
    started a business and is currently running it.
  • A would-be entrepreneur was defined as someone
    who would like to start a business.
  • The following findings reflect responses from

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Overview of Findings
  • Entrepreneurs and small businesses continue to
    struggle despite increasing optimism on Wall
  • About one-third of entrepreneurs say they have
    lost jobs in the past year.
  • 55 of entrepreneurs say that their business has
    decreased in volume.
  • 61 of entrepreneurs say that the profitability
    of their company has decreased.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Overview of Findings
  • Entrepreneurs want government to pursue a
    fundamentally different approach than what it is
    pursuing now, and they want the government to
    take steps to encourage entrepreneurship.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Overview of Findings
  • Entrepreneurs want policies that cut payroll
    taxes and fix health care. They are most afraid
    of the government raising the debt and the
  • 46 believe that the stimulus has hurt the
    economy, and three-quarters are against another
    economic stimulus.
  • A majority (53) believe that the stimulus
    package itself hurts entrepreneurial activity.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of EntrepreneursOvervi
ew of Findings
  • Entrepreneurs believe that the economy is heading
    in the wrong direction (61).
  • They believe that the economy is getting worse
    (59), not better, by a substantial margin. They
    believe that the economy is not beginning to
    recover (68).

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Overview of Findings
  • Entrepreneurs think it is critically important
    for government to make it easier to start a new
  • They think that the laws in America make it more
    difficult to start a new business (35).
  • 82 are concerned about taxes increasing, while
    61 are very concerned.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Overview of Findings
  • 92 think that entrepreneurs are central to
    creating new jobs.
  • Over half of entrepreneurs (53) feel that the
    United States does not do enough to encourage
    entrepreneurship. 58 say that more should be
    done to encourage entrepreneurship.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Overview of Findings
  • Entrepreneurs believe tax cuts (38) and
    incentives for small business (31) will
    encourage more entrepreneurial activity.
  • They agree that the U.S. economy has been and
    will continue to be built by entrepreneurs (80).

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs Job
  • 59 of entrepreneurs say there has been no change
  • 32 say they have lost jobs in the past year
  • 5 say that they have created jobs in the past

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs Size
of Business
  • 55 of entrepreneurs say it has decreased in
  • 27 say it has stayed the same
  • 9 say that their own business has increased in

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Profitability of Business
  • 61 of entrepreneurs say it has decreased
  • 21 say it has stayed the same
  • 10 say that the profitability of their company
    has increased

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs Mood
of the Economy
  • 61 of entrepreneurs say the economy is on the
    wrong track
  • 30 say it is headed in the right direction
  • 9 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs Mood
of the Economy
  • 46 of entrepreneurs say their personal economic
    situation is on the wrong track
  • 25 say it is headed in the right direction
  • 29 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Health of the U.S. Economy
  • 59 of entrepreneurs say that the economy is
    getting worse
  • 35 it is getting better
  • 6 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Health of the U.S. Economy
  • 68 of entrepreneurs do not believe that the U.S.
    economy is beginning to recover
  • 13 believe that it is beginning to recover
  • 19 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Health of the U.S. Economy
  • We then asked respondents to tell us how much
    longer they think the country's current economic
    recession will last a few more months, up to
    six months, up to a year, up to two years, or
    longer than that.
  • 69 say it will last a year or two longer, while
    one-quarter say it will last for longer than two

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Health of the U.S. Economy
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Agree/Disagree Statements About the U.S. Economy
  • We read respondents a series of statements about
    the U.S. economy, and asked if they strongly
    agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or
    strongly disagree with each statement.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Agree/Disagree Statements About the U.S. Economy
  • 90 of entrepreneurs think that the United States
    is facing a serious risk of inflation in the
    future. 80 strongly agree.
  • 7 disagree.
  • 80 of entrepreneurs think that the United
    States economy has been and will continue to be
    built by entrepreneurs. 56 strongly agree.
  • 17 disagree.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Agree/Disagree Statements About the U.S. Economy
80 Strongly Agree
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Agree/Disagree Statements About the U.S. Economy
56 Strongly Agree
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Agree/Disagree Statements About the U.S. Economy
  • 75 of entrepreneurs think we cannot have a
    sustained recovery from our economic crisis
    without another burst of entrepreneurial energy.
    42 strongly agree.
  • 12 disagree.
  • 66 of entrepreneurs think the United States is
    facing a risk for a period of long term higher
    unemployment, with the unemployment rate hovering
    around 10. 40 strongly agree.
  • 28 disagree.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Agree/Disagree Statements About the U.S. Economy
42 Strongly Agree
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Agree/Disagree Statements About the U.S. Economy
40 Strongly Agree
Kauffman Foundation Survey of EntrepreneursCreati
ng Jobs in the United States
  • Next, we asked entrepreneurs to tell us how
    important big businesses, entrepreneurs,
    scientists, and the government are for creating
    jobs in the United States

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Creating Jobs in the United States
  • 93 say big businesses are very important for
    creating jobs
  • 92 say entrepreneurs are very important
  • 82 say scientists are very important
  • 59 say government is very important

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Creating Jobs in the United States
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Creating Jobs in the United States
72 Very Important
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Creating Jobs in the United States
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Creating Jobs in the United States
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Economic Growth
  • 51 say growth in the economy has come more from
    the private sector in the past ten years, while
    34 say it has come from the public sector. 15
    are not sure.
  • Entrepreneurs are split on whether public sector
    jobs create sustainable economic growth. 37 say
    that they do, while 37 say they do not. 26 are
    not sure.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Economic Growth
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Economic Growth
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Federal Government and Improving the Economy
  • We asked respondents what they think is the most
    important thing that the federal government
    should be doing to boost the economy.
  • 34 of entrepreneurs say cut tax rates on
    payrolls and businesses
  • 27 say reform the health care system

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Federal Government and Improving the Economy
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Federal Government and Business
  • We then asked entrepreneurs what they think is
    the most important thing that the federal
    government could do to help them and their
  • 55 say cut tax rates on payrolls and businesses
  • 23 say reform the health care system

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Federal Government and Business
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Federal Government and Business
  • And finally, we asked respondents what the
    federal government could do that would cause them
    and their businesses the most problems.
  • 28 say cut tax rates on payrolls and businesses
  • 16 say reform the health care system.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Federal Government and Business
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs Role
of Business in Improving the Economy
  • We then asked respondents what they think is the
    most important role that American businesses can
    play to help us improve the economy, given the
    current economic crisis.
  • 28 say they should create jobs
  • 22 say they should act in ways that are socially
    responsible and do more than just maximize profits

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs Role
of Business in Improving the Economy
Kauffman Foundation Survey of EntrepreneursThe
Economic Stimulus Package
  • Next, we asked respondents a series of questions
    on the economic stimulus package.
  • Overall, 35 approve of the stimulus package
    while 64 disapprove of it.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package
  • Of those who approve of it, 25 say they do
    because it is creating jobs.
  • 19 approve because it is bringing a much-needed
    boost to our economy.
  • 16 say it is improving Americas infrastructure.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package
  • Of those who disapprove of it, 32 say they do
    because money is being wasted.
  • 30 disapprove because it is increasing the
    national debt and is putting a higher tax burden
    on our children.
  • 21 say it is giving government too big of a

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package Impact on the Economy
  • One-third think that the stimulus package has
    helped the economy, while 46 say it has hurt the
    economy. 22 say that it has had no impact on
    the economy.
  • 28 think the stimulus package supports
    entrepreneurial activity, while 53 think it
    hurts it. 15 say it has no effect on
    entrepreneurial activity.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package Impact on the Economy
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Economic Stimulus Package Entrepreneurial
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Second Economic Stimulus
  • Three-quarters of entrepreneurs say we do not
    need a second economic stimulus to boost our
  • 11 say that we do
  • 14 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Facilitating Economic Growth
  • Next, we asked respondents if they think that the
    new administration and Congress are doing as much
    as can be done to facilitate economic growth, or
    if is there more they can do.
  • 58 say there is more they can do
  • 18 say they are doing as much as they can
  • 23 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Facilitating Economic Growth
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Saving and Creating Jobs
  • 66 think the new administrations economic
    policy initiatives have not been effective in
    saving or creating jobs
  • 21 think they have been effective
  • 13 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Economic Policies and the Federal Government
  • 56 say that some of the recent economic
    policies, such as the bank bailouts, stimulus
    package and bailout of the auto industry threaten
    the stability of our free market system.
  • 57 think that the federal government should
    refrain from spending money to stimulate the
    economy, given the large deficit we are facing
    and the possibility of inflation being created.

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Recent Economic Policies
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Federal Government and Spending
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Government and Entrepreneurship
  • We then asked entrepreneurs to tell us how much
    they think the U.S. government encourages
    entrepreneurship a great deal, some, not much,
    or not at all.
  • 43 say not much
  • Next, we asked entrepreneurs whether they think
    that the U.S. government should do more to
    encourage entrepreneurship.
  • 58 say yes

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Government and Entrepreneurship
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs The
Government and Entrepreneurship
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship in the United States
  • We asked entrepreneurs what they think will
    encourage more entrepreneurial activity in the
    United States.
  • 38 say that tax cuts generally will encourage
    more entrepreneurial activity in the United
  • 31 say incentives for small business

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship in the United States
Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Starting a Business in the United States
  • 93 of entrepreneurs say that it is important to
    make it easier to start a business in the United
  • 2 say it is not important

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs
Starting a Business in the United States
  • 31 of entrepreneurs say that the laws in America
    make it easier to start a business in the United
    States, while 35 say they make it more difficult
  • 34 are not sure

Kauffman Foundation Survey of Entrepreneurs Tax
  • 82 of entrepreneurs say that they are concerned
    about tax rates increasing
  • 12 are not concerned
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