Title: The Reference Revolution
1The Reference Revolution
- Laying the Foundation for a Question Economy
2- R. David Lankes
- Director Information Institute of Syracuse
- Assistant Professor, Syracuse Universitys School
of Information Studies - rdlankes_at_ericir.syr.edu
- http//www.askeric.org/rdlankes
3Picture of Things to Come
- Pre-Dewey
- Reference Desks and Card Catalogs
4View 1 of the Virtual Library
- the library might be seen as a machine with
many simultaneous users, each of whom perceive
that he has the whole collection to himself, and
further, through connections to other
librariesaccess to much greater resources than
are physically present. - - Hartly cited by Von Wahlde and Schiller 1993,
15 - The electronic library will be realized as an
aggregation of catalogs, lists, and indexes of
documents of every imaginable type, organized
according to myriad schemes of classification,
and linked and cross-indexed for search, so that
they come to behave as a single database in which
the lines between individual collections and
catalogs are blurred. - - Nunberg 1993, 30
5View 2 of the Virtual Library
- Library as a place, will give way to library
as a transparent knowledge network providing
intelligent services to business and education
through specialized librarians and merging
information technologies. - - Murr and Williams 1987, 7
- The virtual library is the library without
walls, but with instantaneous electronic
connections to libraries, individuals,
institutions, and commercial firms worldwide. It
is access to a reservoir of intellectual
resources encompassing not only formal libraries,
but also databases, electronic texts, multimedia
objects, and potentially millions of interacting
human minds. - - Beiser 1992, 26
6The Traditional Library
7Saphos Sphere
- The relationship between burgeoning paper and
even more rapid electronic diffusion resembles an
expanding sphere, in which volume increases more
rapidly than surface area. The information
business has become a kind of piñata a thin
paper crust surrounding an enabling electronic
core. Paper has become the artifact of electronic
media, but we barely notice because the paper
crust conceals the core.
8The Library Continuum
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10The Changing Ethic
- Disconnecting reference from the collection
- Reference is context
- Reference Librarian as
- Agency
- Tool Users
- Tool Makers
11Tool Making
- The case can be made that by keeping us out
there at those reference desks eight, 10, 12, or
16 hours a day, we are neglecting our mission
finding threads of information - wherever they
are and in whatever format - and weaving them
together effectively for patrons to use. Without
widespread grassroots focus by reference
librarians on system improvements and design,
what we will all assuredly become soon are
masters of chaos theory, because the opaque
online systems are about to outnumber the
practitioners. - -LeGuardia, JASIS
12The Primary Knowledge Revolution
- Gutenbergs Secondary Knowledge Revolution
13The Virtual Reference Desk
- Digital Reference Clearinghouse
- Development Partner
- Collaborative Standards
- Incubator
- Main Entry 1AskA
- Pronunciation 'ask-a
- Function noun
- Etymology From Virtual Reference Desk Project,
from Ask an Expert services such as Ask A
Scientist - 1 a digital reference service linking a
community (commonly the K-12 community of
teachers, students and parents) to an expert or
group of experts.
- Every Expert, Every Student, Every Teacher, Every
Parent - Every Question - Set the Agenda for Digital Libraries
- A cooperative of those interested in improving
education (including schools, colleges, industry,
government, and any qualified expert) by linking
the K-12 community directly with expertise and
experience. The Virtual Reference Desk is helping
to build a network of experience and inquiry.
16The Opportunity
- By the year 2007
- 54 million K-12 students in US (39 million K-8
and 15 million 9-12) - Question and answer services are at risk of being
overwhelmed - Considering that only a fraction of today's
students have Internet access from their schools,
the potential burden of universal connectivity on
Internet-based educational resources is daunting
17Public Library Digital Reference
Digital reference transactions for one week
18AskA Digital Reference
Digital reference transactions for one week
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211. Question Acquisition
2. Triage
3. Expert Response
4. Answer Sent
5. Tracking
222b. Triage - Mediation
2b-1 Mediation
2b-2 Expert differentiation
2b-3 multiple mediators for triage
Questions sent to experts based on load as
defined by service.
Questions sent to experts based on categories
determined by user in Web form (see 1b) and user
profile data (see 1c) and then load as defined by
Set permissions for different mediators. Go to
2c-1 mediator triage functionality.
Go to 2c-1 mediator triage functionality.
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- Metadata is data associated with objects which
relieves their potential users of having to have
full and advanced knowledge of their existence or
characteristics. - -Dempsey, L. and Heery, R. Journal of
Documentation, March 1998
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27Lessons Learned
- Digital reference is possible and its more than
bookmarks and web pages - Experts and expertise can be included in the
collection - Archiving
- Data-mining
- Digital reference does not necessitate a computer
science degree
28Further Implications
- Digital Reference
- Public/Academic/Special
- Cooperative Collection
- Question Economy
- K-12 Barter
- Transaction Based Help Desks and Support
- Questions Stock Market
29Question Economy
- Service as Product
- Third Party Reference Centers
- No Library Affiliation
- New Types of Certification
- Software
- Content
- Process
- The benefits of asynchronous
30Libraries at a Crossroads