Title: New Roles in Digital Libraries...
1New Roles in Digital Libraries...
José Borbinha ltjose.borbinha_at_bn.ptgt National
Library of Portugal Direction of Services for
Innovation and Development
2- Digital Libraries???
- Issues and cases in digital libraries
- the main cases
- New content genres, metadata, ...
- about interoperability
- Projects LEAF and TEL...
- about actors
- The DELOS/NSF Working Group...
- ...one global vision, BND...
- The National Digital Library (Portugal)
3An historical perspective
Libraries and technology among the times...
4A Computer Sciences perspective
- ACM Computing Classification System (January
1998) - ...
- H. Information Systems
- ...
- H.3 Information Storage and Retrieval
- ...
- H.3.7 Digital Libraries
- Collection
- Dissemination
- Standards
- System issues
- User issues
5A perspective of a traditional library
Digital Library
6Use Cases (from the model)...
- Publication
- Availability of a manifestation of a work
(resource)... - Licensing
- Rules for the usage of an item of a resource...
- Acquisition
- Ownership of a resource...
- Registration
- Create metadata to describe the resource...
- Dissemination
- Making aware the existence of a resource...
- Search
- Searching of information about a work (resource
discovery). - Access
- Visualization of a resource, duplication, ...
- Preservation
- To keep the resource in good shape for access...
7Another view of the cases...
Delivery by the publisher
Capture by the library
Harvesting by the library
Medium integrity
Content integrity
Logical integrity
Bibliographic and content description
Installation and de-installation
Intellectual preservation
Logical preservation
Format conversion
Physical preservation
Medium refreshing
Medium migration
Local access
Conditions of use
Remote access
8Emerging issues...
- Genres (what?)
- Information resources media, formats, type,
characteristics (on-line/off-line, dynamic
resources, interactive resources, ...) - Actors (who?)
- Need to review concepts and roles (editor,
creator, contributor, translator, illustrator,
distributor, owner, user, librarian, host,
mediator, ...) - Identifiers (where?)
- Names, uniform names and identifiers, contextual
names and identifiers, persistency, ... - Metadata (how?)
- Bibliographic description, administration,
structural description, ..., creation versus
reutilization, ...
9Classes of metadata
10Multiple perspectives for the "metadata" problem
in the Digital Library...
11Interoperability in a networked world...
- Linking and Exploring Authority Files
- Funded by the European Commission under the 5th
framework - IST programme
- Started March 2001
- End February 2004
- http//www.leaf-eu.org
13- The partners
- Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon
- Biblioteca de Universidad Complutense, Madrid
- British Library, London
- Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach
- Forschungsstelle und Dokumentationszentrum für
Österreichische Philosophie, Graz - Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, Weimar
- Institut Mémoires de l'édition contemporaine,
Paris - Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
- University of Bergen, Bergen
- Swiss National Library, Bern
- National and University Library, Ljubljana,
- Riksarkivet, Stockholm
14Annotation Manager
User Interface
CNAF Common Name Authority File
Linking Manager
Update Manager
Local Authority Data
Local OPACs
15- Feasibility study concerning (Feb. 2001 July
2003) - Interoperability across Europes national
libraries - Combining the resources of Europes national
libraries - Groundwork to establish pan-European services
16- Partners
- European national libraries of United Kingdom,
Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal,
Finland, Italy, Slovenia, Conference of European
National Librarians (CENL), Istituto Centrale per
il Catalogo Unico, Italy (ICCU-Italy) - Combining the resources of Europes national
libraries - Groundwork to establish pan-European services
17Work packages
- WP 1 Publisher relations
- WP 2 Business plans and models
- WP 3 Metadata development
- WP 4 Interoperability testbeds
- WP 5 Dissemination and use
- WP 6 Management
18- DELOS/NSF Working Group
- Reference Models forDigital Libraries
- Actors and Roles
19WG Members
- John Kunze, University of California, USA (NSF
coordinator) - Barbara Tillett, Library of Congress, USA
(Libraries) - Becky Dean, OCLC, USA (Libraries services)
- Angela Spinazze, USA (Museums)
- Howard Besser, University of California, USA
(Multimedia and digital art production) - DCMI - Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Warwick Cathro, National Library of Australia
- DELOS (Europe)
- José Borbinha, National Library of Portugal
(DELOS coordinator) - Michel Mabe, Elsevier Science, UK (Publishing
industry) - Peter Mutschke, Social Science Information
Centre, Germany (Software agents, Information
Retrieval) - Hans-Jörg Lieder, Berlin State Library, Germany
(LEAF project)
20Purpose of Actors Working Group
- to develop a reference model describing the
different classes of actors related to the
problem of the Digital Library, including their
roles and implications. - - traditional entities (authors, editors,
publishers) - non-traditional (users, catalogers, ref.
librarians) - emerging (software agents, mediators, special
rights holders)
21Actors in Digital Libraries???
- ... are persons, organizations, and automata that
play roles in the production, dissemination,
management and use of digital information.
- White paper
- Definition and introduction to the problem.
- Description and analysis of the requirements.
- Proposal to the community for a reference model.
- Proposals for an international agenda for further
technical and collaborative developments.
23Generic framework (1/2)
24Generic framework (2/2)
25HTTP//BND.BN.PTThe National Digital Library
26- Publication (Collection building)
- External deposit (digitized and digital born
contents) - Local edition (creation of our own resources...)
- Digitization (from our own digitization
program...) - Registration and storage
- Structural metadata (XML, METS...)
- Identifier management (URN/PURL)
- Cataloguing (UNIMARC, ...)
- Preservation
- Short-medium term management
- Long-term physical and logical preservation
- Access (who, how, when, why, ...)
- Local access versus remote access (URN/PURL
resolution) - On-line versus off-line
- Dissemination and Resource Discovery
- Traditional interfaces and services
- OPACs (PORBASE and specialized services)
- Thematic indexes
- New interfaces and services