Title: Irish Health Sciences Libraries Group
1Irish Health Sciences Libraries Group
- e-resources at the RCSI
- Paul Murphy BA MLIS
- Deputy Librarian RCSI Library
- pauljmurphy_at_rcsi.ie
2e-resources at the RCSI
- Introduction collection issues
- Journal management tools
- Linking and the Pubmed problem
- Usage measures
- A word about E-Books
- Remote access
- Impact of e resources
- User support
- 350 staff, research, teaching, clinical
- Beaumont, Blanchardstown
- National surgical training programmes
- Mobile remote user base
- 20 clinical sites Leinster region
- Dubai, Bahrain, Penang
- 2,200 FTE Grad undergrads
- Medicine, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing,
Healthcare management
- Undergrads all get Apple laptops
- Intense use of internet
- All courses online support Moodle VLE
- 14.95 fte library staff
- 98,000 vols
- 300 print titles
- 3,200 e-journals
4Ex Libris digital library products
Aleph Circulation, OPAC, Technical
Services SFX Link Resolver Metalib federated
search tool
Verde Electronic Resources Management DigiTool
Digital Repository Management
5RCSI webspace
Moodle VLE Curricular content Scheduling
Coursework submission Online assessment Class
communication Collaborative groupwork Discussion
forums Multimedia formats Library Information
Skills support
Public webspace
Catalogue Databases E-Journals E-books Weblinks
Intranet, Registry, Finance
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7Electronic based services
- Ex Libris - Aleph ILMS
- Databases
- OVID Online
- Medline, Cinahl, PsychInfo, EBMR, Nursing
Collection, Journals_at_Ovid - Individual e-journal subscriptions
- Bundled aggregation Synergy, SciDirect
- E-books
- Links to web healthcare resources, gateways,
- e-books, reference material
- Information skills support course on Moodle VLE
8Collection issues e-journals
- By 2002, journal provision -ie- library budget
was really only supporting a core of printed
teaching learning titles - Existing budget could not sustain a progressive
transition to e-journals given additional costs - Deficits endangering research capability
- RCSI Research Institute funded purchase of
ScienceDirect and Nature Group plus some others - By 2004 a journals survey of staff
- Opinion that approx 15 more high impact journals
were needed - Respondents did not select 20 of the existing
clinical for retention
9Collection issues e-journals
- In 2005 Science Foundation Ireland granted RCSI a
one off 400K for e-resources - In 2006 a wide range of journals and services
were delivered with SFI grant yearlong
monitoring, evaluation use analysis - Reported results to Research Institute who funded
the continuation of approx 30 of the highest
used services - Selection criterion was download volume / cost
per use funder decides - What was previously a sedate acquisitions and
serials management process in library hands
becames much more fluid in context of
subvention/direct purchasing by end-user centres - Library in intermediary/agency role
- Responsive to immediate needs and additional or
refocussed research programmes and returns
ownership of issues to users
10Collection issues licensing
- Clinical Teaching Collection RCSI Beaumont
networks - Research Collection RCSI network
- Relatively few licensing issues arose except in
price calculation based on print retention where
some publishers attempted to include all
subscriptions both personal and institutional
sent to RCSI addresses - Extending to RCSI Bahrain 15, to Penang 15
- decisions pending
11Active e-journals
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
100 320 2,000 2,200 3,100
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13User driver
- Perceived failure to get required resourcing in
period of expansion led stakeholders to dismiss
Library Committee as talking shop - Leads to direct action by schools, departments,
centres purchasing - allocation formulae within library budget have
been a failure - objective comparative criteria -ie- impact
factor, cost-per-use, benchmarking now more
possible - threat of being outflanked by user stakeholder
actions School of Healthcare Management /
Emerald collection - E-resources suggest use-based decision making
14Implication for e-journals management
- Need flexible responsive e-management system to
respond to funder choices - Many accounts, invoiced to different centres, end
users do not understand serial processes - Good communication with funding stakeholders
- Establish institutional needs and situation with
suppliers - Need e-journal management skills combining
acquisition, bibliographic, system skills and
communication - Flexibility in systems and linking solutions
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16Print and e-journal routes 2003
Print journals
Journals _at_ Ovid
Journal A-Z list
Science Direct Journals
Synergy Journals
Library home page
17 2003 style home made journal A to Z list
18Journal control !
- Print journal
- Opac entry
- Aleph serial check-in
- Print online
- Opac entry with manual URL
- manual webpage, flat A- Z list URL
- ScienceDirect Synergy
- No control
- growing collection
- impossible to maintain flat A to Z
- Miss changes in access, in provider
- Miss server or link problems
- Impossible to monitor 3,500
- Rely on users to complain staff to alert
19Journal management options
- 1. Develop or purchase alternative A Z run
internally - successful d/b driven examples
- - separates e-journals / another route for
users - 2. Migrate all to catalogue
- retains LMS route
- - originate / buy MARC
- - long lead-in time
- - maintaining many records
- 3. Outsourced solution TDnet, Serial Solutions
- faster deployment
- maintained knowledgebase
- - cost ?
20Serial Solutions www.serialssolutions.com
- Ensured quick title level access
- Submit subscribed list, aggregator other
services (single subs Synergy SD Highwire
PubMedCentral) - Serial Solutions provide data, monitor providers,
maintain E Portal ( html Excel lists also) - Client can also amend maintain data
- Control overlapping titles feature best copy
- Price
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22 Collect comprehensive knowledgebase, all
known copies Correct accurate, current,
normalised Connect users to appropriate
copy Control library staff in control
23Serials Solutions
24Serial Solutions
25Add password note, add extended holdings on 2nd
26Going electronic the factors
- New courses more numbers
- medical graduate entry, postgraduate, overseas
growing - New research demands
- increase in HEA PRTLI SFI funded research
- changing research programmes gt new journal
requests - Costs rising slight cost advantage for e only
in many journals - Falloff in academic / clinical staff coming into
libraries - Falloff in print journal usage
- Collection Development Policy focus on working
collections rather than research / heritage - From 2002 major significant decrease in document
27Going electronic
- Stakeholder decision making
- With e-journal control, we could offer to act and
deploy any non-library funded journals quickly - Space becoming critical issue
- Confined downtown sites - zero growth
- Dark store or dispose older material
- Choice to focus upon heritage monographs
- Space recovery a numbers game
- Disposed of 20,000 printed journals summer 2005
- Space for 150 study carrels 30 more
- Space for 5 additional small group study rooms
- Retain working collection of unbound printed
journals for 5 yrs - Bind core collection of surgical, Irish and
heritage related
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Resolver Server Knowledge Base of all
providers OpenURLs of all possible targets MARC
records available Library configures base to
show preferred providers Server holds local data
Target journals, databases, sites OpenURL DOI co
Sources OPACs Medline Cinahl OpenURL compliant
d/bases metadata to article embedded
- Options for OpenURL resolver product
- Hosted versus in-house
- Maintaining the OpenURL resolver configuration
- Additional server for Ex Libris SFX, licences,
maintenance, staff support overhead - With highly customised functionality, SFX product
upgrades require significant local maintenance
31Linking to fulltext
- Ovid Online implemented
- Linking from databases
- Implemented Links _at_ OVID from Medline, CINAHL,
EBRM, PsychInfo to all our journals - Promote use of database route as entry to
fulltext - Promote OVID further on this basis
- Serials Solutions option
- Outsources solution
- Uses existing AMS services database of our
journals - Relatively low cost
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33Linking to fulltext the PubMed problem
- 30,000 searches of Ovid online databases per year
- No idea how many use PubMed
- Partial link capability for RCSI within PubMed
- If onsite, within IP, PubMed Link Outs will be
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36PubMed links to RCSI subscriptions
- These do not connect misleading how many?
37PubMed Link Out
4 clicks from article abstract
Will readers persist through this A-Z?
38Global PubMed searches per month
39Usage measures
- E-Portal stats only measure users choosing to
access via portal A-Z / subject list while within
IP range - Users do bypass by bookmarking journal URL
directly and access while within IP range - Could also link directly at article level from
within OVID, PubMed etc - General network monitoring tools too crude
- COUNTER stats from publisher server only reliable
40Usage of subscribed journals
accesses logged via E Journal Portal COUNTER fulltext downloads COUNTER access activity
2005 72,149 180,091 990,500
2006 124,535 197,895 1,088,422
41Usage measures
42Usage measures
43NATURE package 24 titles 44,451 Fulltext 2006 cost per download calculation Impact Factor
Nature 4232 2208 1.95 29.273
Nature Medicine 2170 720 3.01 28.878
Oncogene and oncogene reviews 5090 672 7.57 6.872
Nature Genetics 1860 528 3.52 25.797
Cell Death and Differentiation 1000 462 2.16 7.785
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 1705 396 4.3 20.951
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 1860 108 17.22 18.775
Nature Reviews Microbiology 1705 108 15.78 13.989
Gene Therapy 1315 72 18.26 4.836
Nature Structural Molecular Biology 1705 60 28.41 12.19
The Pharmacogenomics Journal 860 36 23.88 3.989
Total 44,451 8243 5.39
44Usage measures
- Demonstrates the impact of information resource
use within institution - Major new metrics
- Ranks by actual use, informs legacy value claims
- Quantifies between cost and use
- Does not yet include major
- non-subscribed resources
- PubMed
- Open Access
- Cochrane
users uses
2550 197,895 articles
1 77
2550 1,088,422 accesses
1 426
45However.COUNTER compliant?
Counter 2 standard Jan 06 Swets? Wiley? Ingenta
- Ex Libris E.R.M.
- Subscription info
- Licenses
- Cost analysis
- Usage reports
47Counting the clicks
- Nature Group
- Ovid Databases
- Ovid Journals
- ScienceDirect
- Thomson ISI
- SwetsWise
- Blackwell Synergy
- Highwire
- Some individual titles
- 8 X 2 usernames/passwords
- COUNTER Reports 1 3 from each provider
- Collate all data manually
- Couple of days, once a year
48Digitisation - potential
- RCSI Research Institute database of intellectual
outputs - RCSI averages 200 published papers p.a.
- 120 dissertations p.a.
- Digital learning objects
- Pre-1850 Irish material in library collection
- National Digital Learning Repository IUA ITs
- E Prints at NUIM
- Irish Health Services Electronic Archive at HSE
Libraries Online
49Electronic books undergraduate textbooks
- Positives
- Low overhead
- Immediate delivery
- Potentially available to all
- Measurable use
- Suited to factual look up
- Direct link to content
- Negatives
- TCO ongoing lease v print model use and dispose
- number of simultaneous users
- Low use unless lecturer driven?
- Course directors slow to adopt integrate e-book
- Permissive attitude to texts in medical education
50E books textbooks, knowledge bases
- NCBI Bookshelf 50
- Virtual Hospital multimedia textbooks - 40
- e-medicine.com
- Genetics Home Reference and Handbook -
- Gray's Anatomy
- Urbana Atlas of Pathology
- Online Biology Book
- Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook
- Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics
- WorldOrtho Electronic Textbook
- Yale University School of Medicine Heart Book
- Selected by Faculty specifically because its a
North American product - Averages 1,106 consults a month
- Cost per consult approx 1
- Aimed at hospital campuses
- No off campus access
- UpToDate is a comprehensive evidence-based
clinical information resource designed to get
physicians the concise, practical answers they
need when they need them the most. Focussed upon
concise, current information in medical
specialties the assessment of clinical signs and
therapy options. UpToDate contains the equivalent
of over 70,000 pages of original, peer-reviewed
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53Currently trialing DynaMed, an EBM based quick
reference product - feedback very mixed
54E books
- Being user led, as demand evolves
- Currently, only a small proportion of recommended
pre-clinical and clinical titles actually
available electronically on site licence basis - Evidence of significant use of free knowledge
base type resources pointed from within Moodle - Insufficent information from available network
monitoring tools to illuminate traffic
55PDA use in RCSI
- Concept to introduce newest technology
applications - From 2000 to 2004 all medical students got PDA in
3rd med Palm Tungsten - Plenty of content available
- Pocket Medicine - major specialties with
diagnostic, problem oriented content - Some EBM coursework PDA based ( calculators )
- Some useful free resources
- However - no academic leadership, poor general
use, no curriculum integration - general PDA
distribution dropped in 2005
56Remote access
- IP based services
- Athens
- separate standalone, separate passwords
- Labour intensive account management
- Devolved Authentication option
- Little management information
- Cost per user
- Still necessary for some affiliate library users
- Alternatives
- Proxying integrated within some LMS
- proprietary or open source
- EZproxy
- www.usefulutilities.com
- Open source
- Configured by IT Dept
57Remote access
target journals databases
Feeds URLS
EZProxy Server Rewrites URLs of targets
Serials Solutions E Journal Portal _______________
_ Databases
User in any location Login authentices
Page requests all read as RCSI IP
pages served
58 Passwords / Login Network Internet Moodle
VLE Email Server Copy/Print crediting Quercus
student Registration Finance HR Research
- Single sign on authentication to local and remote
services - Access all permitted services at appropriate
level - Arrange and rearrange user view of all network
objects and services
Databases Alerts PASSWORD
E-books Password
Opac Password PIN
E-journals Password
59 Portal Single Sign On Email Virtual
Learning Environment Favourites Priority
activities Calender Priority documents
wiki RSS Personal portofolio Library
services Groups Message Board File
60Federated search
- MetaLib ExLibris
- Search all databases plus any designated internet
resources at once - simultaneous cross-database searching, Z39.50 etc
- de-duplicating, mark save
- Consolidated presentation of results
- Authentication for customized features
- Claimed effective for undergraduate users
- We invest heavily in IST to use native search
features of databases - Federated search undermines that
- Hardware, licence, and support overheads
expensive - Users will just google anyway
Supplied Received
62Impact of e-resources
- access ubiquitious, wirefree, mobile
- known volume of use
- demonstrated use of library resources
- E-resources embedded within curricular content in
- informs strategic evolution of IT infrastructure
- drives progress to integration library, records
management, registry issues now seen as related - appreciation of investments required
- Library
- Roles in predominantly e-libraries
- New positions, skills flexibilities
- Supporting users online, remotely
- enquiry handling
- Training in database updates, e-resource access,
journal management tools
- Users
- Googalisation low tolerances for systems
complex enough to require instruction - Preference for full-text journal services
- Disengagement, least-effort evident among
students - Challenge of simplification
- Extent and impacts of e- learning
64Aleph SFX Serials Solutions Metalib X
Verde Serials Solutions DigiTool Open source
D Space
65Information skills support
- Focus on problem formulation, discovery processes
- Less concern now with systems
- Skills based, workbook exercises
- Web searching techniques
- Medline / CINAHL / Cochrane / ejournal exercises
- EBM methods
- Embedded and co-ordinated to course assignment
- Hospital based skills sessions largely 1 to 1
- 2006 formal sessions 750 users 80 contact
66Developing e-based support on Moodle
- Simple, entry level PubMed presentation on
Intumed - Various programmes planned
- Basic database searching
- Use of MeSH
- Searching for Evidence Based Medicine resources
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71Support for reference management
- www.endnote.com
- Site licence v 9
- New web based version withThomson ISI products
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
3000 ejournals Serial Solutions Portal e-j only decision COUNTER based usage analysis Serial Solutions Article linking
Up to Date Kumar Clarke ?
Moodle VLE Moodle based IST enhance IST
Ez-Proxy end Athens EndNote website redesign
73Irish Health Sciences Libraries Group
- e-resources at the RCSI
- Paul Murphy BA MLIS
- Deputy Librarian RCSI Library
- pauljmurphy_at_rcsi.ie