Title: Curriculum and Assessment Developments
1Curriculum and Assessment Developments
2Who is the NCCA?
- NCCA statutory remit (1998)
- advise the Minister curriculum for early
childhood education, primary and post-primary
schools - Consultation and partnership
- education partners
3Current Issue?
NCCA Resources info_at_ncca.ie
- Play in Early Childhood Education
- Mobile phones supporting teaching and learning in
Gaeilge - Introduction to Standardised Testing
- Learning in Science
- Key Skills.
- and more!
4Corporate website www.ncca.ie
NCCA Resources info_at_ncca.ie
- Updates on NCCA areas of work
- Resources, e.g. Parents DVD
- Guidelines, e.g. Assessment guidelines for
primary schools - Publications
5Curriculum online www.curriculumonline.ie
NCCA Resources info_at_ncca.ie
6Whats involved?
- Develop ACTION Assessment, Curriculum and
Teaching Innovation on the Net - Showing rather than telling
- Complement guidelines
- Teaching scenarios, resources and solutions
- Range of media - text, video, photos
7Inclusion NCCAs contribution
8Inclusion NCCAs contribution
9Primary Curriculum 1999
- to enable children to become lifelong learners
through developing positive attitudes to learning
and the ability to learn independently - to enable children to develop literacy skills,
comprehension skills and expressive skills in
language and to appreciate the power and beauty
of language
- communicate clearly and confidently using a
range of linguistic, symbolic, representational
and physical expression locate, extract, record
and interpret information from various sources - use information and communication technologies
to enhance learning - read fluently and with understanding
- develop a love of and an interest in reading
10Access to authentic materials
- Newspapers (e.g. Irish Times free newspaper
archive - www.ireland.com is available as a free
service in primary and post-primary
schools through www.askaboutireland.ie) - Access to online resources
- Perhaps a teacher-specific section of the library
as a way to manage resources which come from
NCCA, DES and so on -
11Post-primary junior cycle
- Issues in transition from primary school
- Print, image, and resource rich environment
- Tosometimes plainer and less stimulating
surrounds - ESRI research
- Importance of informal supports
- Teacher/student relationship is central
- Curriculum stimulates and challenges
- Positive academic self-image
- Literacy development can take a backward step
- Hands-on, active learning
12Junior Cycle Review since 1998
- Addressing the curriculum as a whole
- Re-balancing of syllabus documents
- Overload, overlap, obsolescence
- Learning outcomes
- Focus on learning skills promoting independent
learning - Broadening the assessment conversation
- Looking at school structures especially in the
light of ESRI findings
13Junior cycle
- Rebalancing of junior cycle syllabuses
- Seven subjects coming towards completion
- Art, craft, design,
- English,
- Environmental and social studies,
- Geography,
- History,
- Home economics,
- Music
- Discussions on sequencing, timelines and
necessary accompanying material
14Introduction of rebalanced syllabuses
- Issue to the Department of Education and Science
- Information for teachers and schools on the
adjustments made - NCCA website to provide updates and support
15Fact-sheets for each subject
- Information for teachers, parents and others
- Will be web published over the coming months
- Some limited publishing later
16Assessment for Learning
- Initiative in response to the dominance of
assessment and examinations within the Irish
system - 2003 200?
- Significant international movement
- Aims
- Better engagement with learning
- Higher levels of motivation
- Self-assessment and reflection
- Autonomous learners
17Assessment of Learning
- Remote from site of learning
- Measures achievement
- Marks and grades
- Examinations
- The Certificate
18Assessment for Learning
- Occurs at the site of learning
- Shared learning goals and success criteria
- Support for learning through feedback
- Fosters self-assessment and independence
- Leads to improved learning
19AfL Key Principles
- Sharing the learning intention
- Sharing the criteria for success
- Providing feedback based on the criteria for
- Involves students in assessing their own learning
- Teaching adjusted to take account of the outcome
of assessment for learning
20NCCA Initiative 2003 - 2007
- Web pages at www.ncca.ie
- Teacher networks in Cork and Sligo
- Expanded range of subjects 2004/05
- Monitoring and reporting on outcomes
- Work in progress exemplifying student work
2005/06/07 ACTION Website
21Offering Feedback
- Providing feedback on the learning task rather
than on the person - Using a bank of exemplars to suggest to students
what they are aiming forthe bigger picture - Encourage students to judge their work by how
much they have learned and the progress they have
made - Help students to understand where they are in
relation to learning goals (outcomes/intentions)
and how to make further progress - Encourage collaboration among students
22AfL develops learning skills
- N.B. Those skills are not the curriculumthey do
not replace subject aims, rationale, or content - They aim to facilitate and enhance learning
- There is not a finite bag of tricks approach
- Neither does AfL aim to replace the Junior
Certificate examinations
23(No Transcript)
24- Towards a different school culture
- Towards a re-structured learning experience at
senior cycle - Towards a re-balanced curriculum
- Towards different assessment arrangements
25- Investment in change
- Professional development for teachers and support
for schools - Information for and engagement with parents
- Monitoring, research and evaluation
26Phase one curriculum components
27Subject review and development underpinned by.
- Key skills
- Learning outcomes
- Syllabus updating
- Effective learning
- Differentiation
- Assessment
28Arts and Humanities
- Politics and Society
- Physical Education
- Social, Personal and Health Education
- Languages
- Irish, English, modern foreign languages
- Sciences
- Syllabuses and second component assessment
- Mathematics
- Preparing for Project Maths
29Review of Languages
- A language space in the curriculum
- The European perspective
- The school as a resource for language learning
a plurilingual environment - The Languages of Schooling
- The language needs of newcomers
- The language richness newcomers bring
30Short Courses
- Enterprise
- Draft short course almost complete
- Psychology
- Work on the syllabus is now nearing completion
- Assessment under discussion
- Course in Preparation for Work being considered
- Discussions on recognition for higher education
- One or two short courses will issue to DES as
31Transition Units
- Sample transition units on website
- Soap Operas and Popular Culture
- Food Matters
- Exploring models of validation
- a school-based model
- Validation of individual units
- http//www.itv.com/page.asp?partid90 Link to ITV
Website on Soaps - http//www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/ Link to
Eastenders Site - http//seven.com.au/homeandaway/ Home and Away
site - http//www.ifi.ie Irish Film Institute website
32(No Transcript)
33Overview of 2007/2008
- Moving towards completion on
- Curriculum Framework - SPHE
- Short Course - Enterprise
- Revised subjects - Science
- New subject - Politics and Society
- Transition Units
- Unifying curriculum development, teaching and
learning, learning support Project Maths
34Other considerations for 2007/2008
- Communicating the developments
- Sensitivity to pace
- Using insights from senior cycle research
- Recognition and certification
- Planning for implementation
- Approaches to consultation
35(No Transcript)
36ElementsInformation Processing
- Accessing information from a range of sources
- Selecting and discriminating between sources
based on their reliability and suitability for
purpose - Recording, organising, summarising and
integrating information - Presenting information using a range of
information and communication technologies
37Key skills what they are
- Transferable skills
- Essential for development of the person as
- an individual
- a successful learner
- a family member
- a participative citizen
- Contribute to the development of subject-specific
practical/vocational skills
38Critical and creative thinking
- Examining patterns and relationships, classifying
and ordering information - Analysing and making good arguments, challenging
assumptions - Hypothesising and making predictions, examining
evidence and reaching conclusions - Identifying and analysing problems and decisions,
exploring options and alternatives, solving
problems and evaluating outcomes - Thinking imaginatively, actively seeking out new
points of view, problems and/or solutions, being
innovative and taking risks
- Analysing and interpreting texts and other forms
of communication - Expressing opinions, speculating, discussing,
reasoning and engaging in debate and argument - Engaging in dialogue, listening attentively and
eliciting opinions, views and emotions - Composing and performing in a variety of ways
- Presenting in a range of media
40Working with others
- Working with others in a variety of contexts for
different goals and purposes - Identifying, evaluating and achieving collective
goals - Identifying responsibilities in a group and
establishing practices associated with different
roles in a group - Developing good relationships with others and a
sense of well-being in a group - Acknowledging individual differences, negotiating
and resolving conflicts - Checking progress, reviewing the work of the
group and personally reflecting on ones own
41Being personally effective
- Being able to appraise oneself, evaluate ones
own performance, receive and respond to feedback - Identifying, evaluating and achieving personal
goals, including developing and evaluating action
plans - Developing personal qualities that help in new
and difficult situations, such as taking
initiatives, being flexible, being reliable and
being able to persevere when difficulties arise - Being able to assert oneself as a person and
becoming confident
42The successful learner
- Developing
- beliefs and attitudes about learning that support
a willingness to engage with learning in new
situations - practices that promote reflection about learning
- a commitment to improving learning
- a language for learning
- ability to make connections