Title: Holocaust, Zionism, the 1948 War
1Holocaust, Zionism, the 1948 War
2The Holocaust 1933-1945
3To the Death Camps
4Six Millions
5The Reaction in the Jewish Yishuv
- The change in Zionism from immigration to
- Practical national independence
6Biltmore Declaration
- Towards a Jewish State May 11, 1942)
- The Conference calls for the fulfillment of
the original purpose of the Balfour Declaration
and the Mandate which recognizing the historical
connection of the Jewish people with Palestine'
was to afford them the opportunity, as stated by
President Wilson, to found there a Jewish
7Towards a StateArmed Forces
- Trying to consolidate a national
- military force
8Towards a State- Immigration
- Greater immigration to Palestine from 400,000 to
9Towards a State- Land
- More land purchase, more land settlements
10Towards a State- political parties
- A multi-partisan system a dominant party
11Towards a state- states organs
- Establishing a national bureaucracy and other
states organs
12 The Partition Plan
- UN Resolution 181 11/29/1947
- Independent Arab and Jewish States and the
Special International Regime for the City of
Jerusalem, set forth in part III of this plan,
shall come into existence in Palestine two months
after the evacuation of the armed forces of the
mandatory Power has been completed but in any
case not later than 1 October 1948. The
boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State,
and the City of Jerusalem shall be as described
in parts II and III below."
13 The 1947-1948 Map
14- Data Arab and Jewish States 1947-1948
15The War of 1948 Inter-State
16The War of 1948- Communities
17 The Palestinian Question
- Res. 194 (11) December 11, 1948
- the refugees wishing to return to their homes
and live at peace with their neighbors should be
permitted to do so at the earliest practicable
date, and that compensation should be paid for
the property of those choosing not to return and
for loss of or damage to property which, under
principles of international law or in equity,
should be made good by the Governments or
authorities responsible
18Ceasefire 1949
19 The Holocaust as Jewish memory
- State legislation and the Eichmann Trial
20The Holocaust as Jewish memory
- Nationalization of the holocaust as a main
- Fundamental in states ideology
21The Holocaust as Jewish memory
- Never Again
- Siege Mentality
- Self Reliance
22The Tragedy of Collective Memories
- How the Past is becoming the Present
- The 1948 roots of intractable conflict
- Land borders
- Refugees
- Jerusalem- holy places
- Legitimacy