Title: Silviculture
2What is Silviculture?
The art and science of controlling the
establishment, growth, composition, health and
quality of forests and woodlands
Entails the manipulation of forest and woodland
vegetation in stands and on landscapes to meet
the diverse needs and values of landowners and
society on a sustainable basis
3Where is the Silvculture activities taking place?
It is taking place on the west side of the
reserve near the rail-road-tracks in stand 1
The total area for stand 1 is 23 hectares
4How do you determine what kind of silvicultural
prescription to apply to a particular stand?
The study of the life history, requirements and
general characteristics of forest trees and
stands in relation to the environment and the
practice of silviculture.
5Background history on the Management Plan for the
In order to receive access to funding
opportunities for a 5 year period. We had to
undertake a forest management plan.
Fall/Winter of 2003 a management plan was put
together by the Forest Financial Consulting
company out of Fredericton
The reserve land is broken up into different
6Composition Growth Establishment Health and
Quality Vegetation Life History Environmental
7What was the prescription for Stand 1?
A pre-commercial thinning and fill plant Jack
Pine seedlings
Keeping in mind 3 separate Species Priority lists
Economic Priority
Stream enhancement Priority
Wildlife Priority
8What does pre-commercial thinning do for a
It allows the tree to grow more freely
It doesnt get shaded out by adjacent trees
It decreases root competition
Alters tree density
Increases growth, quality, and health of crop
Allows opportunity to get rid of less desirable
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10How much was completed in the first 14 weeks of
the Silviculture Program?
An area of approximately 6 hectares was worked on
The prescription was not followed correctly
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12How much was completed in the second 14 weeks of
the Silviculture Program?
An area of 17 hectares was completed correctly
In 5 weeks of work this was completed
Cut, split and delivered 13 cords of firewood to
the elders
12 cords, cut, split and piled in the shed next
to the Headstart building (seasoning)
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14What is proposed for the upcoming season?
Scarifying the ground in several stands for
Approximately 80 hectares in total
15The Silviculture Crew Curtis Peter-Paul Jason
Sparks Tony Peter-Paul Adam Peter-Paul