Title: Axing the Forest Service
1Axing the Forest Service
- The impacts of government cutbacks for our
communities and forests
2Total Number of Job Losses to MOF Since 2002
3Total Number of Forest Service Jobs Lost at
4To protect and manage our public forests for
the sustained benefit of all British Columbians.
- BC Forest Service Mission Statement
5To Have and To Have Not
6Job Losses to MOF by Community
7Job Losses to MOF by Community
8Job Losses to MOF by Job Category
9Job Losses to MOF by Job Category
10Total Wage Loss by Community
11Total Wage Loss by Community
12Total Wage Loss in BC Urban Vs. Rural
13Wage Losses in BC Urban Vs Rural
14Total Job Losses Victoria Vs. Rural BC
15Total Wages lost to BC communities from cuts
16Implications of Job Loss to sectors within MOF
- Recreation
- Protection
- Inventory
- Silviculture
- Research
- Range
- Scaling
17Recreation Positions Over Time
18Protection Positions Over Time
19Inventory Positions Over Time
20Silviculture Positions Over Time
21Research Positions Over Time
22Range Personnel Over Time
23Scaling Personnel Over Time
24All Sectors Personnel Over Time
25Staffing in Forest Districts from 2000-2004
26Revenue Generated by Our Forests
27Our staff are not going to be assisting
applicants to develop their range use plans,
whereas the history had been that we worked very
closely with the license holders to prepare the
- Forest Service employee, Range Section.
28The Ministry of Forests is attempting to make up
for this now by requiring the forest companies to
provide their own digital data to help government
update its inventory information. But many
companies are still providing paper copies, and
those that are providing digital, well, I think
its going into cyberspace because I dont think
they have enough people in place to accept it.
Karen Brown, former inventory staff, Forest
Service, Invermere.
29The conservationists dont like industry
providing inventory information that will then be
used to determine the rate of cut in our publicly
owned forests . . . You need a neutral,
independent government-driven body to be
responsible for the publics resource. Because
the trees dont belong to the licensees, they
belong to the Crown. Davide Cuzner, former
inventory staff, Forest Service, Prince Rupert.