Title: Will Snell
1The Ever-Changing and Uncertain Tobacco Situation
and Outlook
- Will Snell
- Agricultural Economist
- University of Kentucky
2Tobacco Issues
- Lawsuits/Settlements
- Declining Export Markets
- Import Substitution
- World Burley Surplus/Competitiveness
- Movement of Cigarette Production Offshore
- Volume and Quality of Pool Stocks
- Marketing Inefficiencies
- Lease Prices
- Contracting
- Grading
- Designation
- Continued Political Uncertainty
3U.S. Burley Basic and Effective Quota
2000 Quotas Basic -- 247 mil lbs
Effective -- 367 Mil lbs
4Burley ProductionU.S vs. Rest of the World
In recent years 100 of the adjustment in world
burley production has occurred in the U.S. market.
5Kentucky Tobacco Cash Receipts
6Kentucky Tobacco Cash Receipts/Mailbox
7Can Demand/Quotas Recover?
8U.S. Cigarette Consumption
U.S. Cigarette Consumption Is Down Around 10
Since The Tobacco Settlement . But Is Expected
To Fall By Only 2 To 3 In 2000
9While the Tobacco Settlement Is Adversely
Affecting the Domestic Demand for U.S Burley, the
Major Reason for the Decline in U.S. Burley
Demand is Due to
- Losses in the Export Market
- Substitution of Imported Burley
10Domestic vs Imported Burley Use
11U.S. Cigarette Exports
U.S. Cigarette Exports Fell 39 From 1996 To 1999
And Continue To Slide In 2000
12U.S. Cigarette Production
U.S. Cigarette Production Has Declined Constantly
Since the 1996 Record Level of 755 Billion Pieces
13Based on Recent Import Patterns, U.S. Cigarette
Production Levels in the 500 to 550 Billion Piece
Range Would Require Around 200 to 225 Million
Pounds of U.S. Burley
14U.S. Burley Exports
Can U.S. Burley Export Demand Rebound Above 150
Million Lbs?
15U.S. Burley Demand
Current Demand For U.S. Burley May Be More in
the Neighborhood of 350-400 Million Pounds
16What About China?
- Represents 1/3 of World Cigarette Consumption
- Growth in American-Blended Cigarettes
- Opportunities Will Exist To Move Some U.S.
Burley/Cigarettes Into China - Market Will Develop Slowly and Will Not Be the
Immediate Answer to Industrys Short-Term Problems
17What Does This Imply About 2001 Quota Levels?
18U.S. Burley Pool Stocks
19Manufacturer Purchase Intentions
20 Potential Quota Scenarios For 2001
Does the Industry Have Enough Inventory to Allow
the Effective Quota to Fall to Less Than 250
Million Lbs?
21 Potential Quota Scenarios For 2001
22Price Adjustment Issues
- Given Quota Transfer Restrictions, Will Lower
Prices Constrain Available Supplies to Meet
Potential Increases in Demand? - How Will World Burley Prices Adjust to Potential
Reductions in the U.S. Burley Price? - Will Lower U.S. Burley Prices Result in a
Percentage Greater Increase in U.S. Burley
Demand? - What Are the Structural/Adjustment Costs For
Farmers/Rural Communities That Cannot Compete At
Lower Prices?
23Issues To Address
- Industry (Both Buyers and Sellers) Evaluation of
the Distribution of Price Supports According to
the Value of These Grades in the World Market - A Grading System That Is Perceived to be
Objective By Both the Buyers and the Sellers - Mechanism to Adequately Compensate Quota Owners
to Transfer Quota Into the Hands of Active
Growers - Unity/Leadership . Survivorship