Title: Changing the face of Language Acquisition.
1Socius Oy Changing the face of Language
Acquisition. A new way to get the maximum
benefit from your training course and build
Communicative Competence.
2- 90 minutes is not enough!
- The Problems
- Takes employees away from their natural
- working environment
- Trainer is seen as an outsider
- High absentee rate caused by having to work
- Not intensive enough
- No direct connection between training and
3- There is a better way!
- How it should be
- Students in their working areas as much
- of the time as possible
- Trainers involved in current projects
- Trainer seen as part of the team
- Trainer not watching the clock
- English Only Project Rooms
4- Working together, sharing information.
- Benefits to the students
- More natural and relaxed atmosphere
- Subconscious learning technique
- More motivating
- More relevant
- More useful
5- Working together, sharing information.
- Benefits to the training manager
- Higher attendance
- Access to the trainer
- Better accountability
- Visible results
- Happier students
6Acheiving Communicative Competence through
The Grammatical subcompetence is gained though
classroom time in the traditional manner.
The Discourse subcompetence is attained through
natural daialogues during project work.
The Sociocultural subcompetence comes about as a
result of observing the behaviour of the trainer.
The Sociolinguistic subcompetence occurs during
exchanges with the native speaker.
The Strategic subcompetence is a direct result of
problem-solving within a project environment.
7- How does it work?
- What needs to be in place
- Half-Day schedule
- N.D.A (Non-disclosure Agreement)
- Intranet access (Reporting on site)
- Student orientation
- Less money than you think!