Title: Search for Antihelium progressed with BESS
1Search for Antihelium Progress with BESS
2006 July 22 36th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly Sasaki, M. Haino, S. BESS Collaboration
- Science Objective
- Baryon symmetric universe or Baryon asymmetric
universe? - Search for Antihelium using the BESS spectrometer
- We had first scientific flight in 1993.
- Using the seven successive flights (1993, 1994,
1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000) data, we
reported the most stringent upper limit (6.8 x
10-7, 1GV lt R lt 14GV) in 2002 (SpacePart) - No antihelium events were found, yet.
- Two New Flights
- Extend the energy range (BESS-TeV)
- More sensitive search (BESS-Polar I)
3BESS-TeV Flight
- Extended energy range
- Upgraded Central Tracker (JET/IDC)
- s 200 ? 150µm
- N 28 ? 52
- New detector (ODC) installed
- L 0.8 ? 1.6m
- MDR 200GV
?Lynn Lake
BESS 2000
4BESS-Polar I Flight
- More sensitive search
- Reduced the material
- Ultra-thin transparent Solenoid
- Middle TOF
- Placed the Aerogel Cherenkov Counter at bottom
- No pressure vessel
- Long duration flight
- Total 8.5 days flights, collected 900 millions
Mcmurdo stationUSA/NSF/NASA
5Data Analysis
- Event selection
- Choose good single track
- 1 or 2 hodoscopes have hits in both the Upper and
Lower TOF - Only 1 track in the Drift Chambers
- Require track quality
- Particle Identification
- TOF-ß selection
- Z 2 (dE/dx) selection
m ZeR 1/ß2 -1
6Track quality selections
- Require the good track path
- Nshould gt 32
- PathLength gt 640 mm
- Abs(Zpos) lt 450mm
- Require the TOF Track matching
- XTOF XTrack lt 75 mm
- ZTOF ZTrack lt 100 mm
- Require the good track fittng
- Nrfit gt 26
- ChisqX lt 5
- ChisqZ lt 5
- Require the wire hits along the track
- Ndrop lt 10
7Data Analysis
- Event selection
- Choose good single track
- 1 or 2 hodoscopes have hits in both the Upper and
Lower TOF - Only 1 track in the Drift Chambers
- Require track quality
- Particle Identification
- TOF-ß selection
- Z 2 (dE/dx) selection
m ZeR 1/ß2 -1
8TOF beta, Z 2 selections
9Search Results
1/RGT Plot for BESS-Polar I 8.4 x 106 Helium
Events between 1 to 20 GV
1/RGT Plot for BESS-TeV 2.8 x 104 Helium Events
between 5 to 500 GV
BESS-Polar I Z 2
No He Events
No He Events
10Set upper limit
___ __ __ __ __ __
Nobs,He / ( SWhe snglebe dE/dxe TQ ) dE
Nobs,He / ( SWhe snglebe dE/dxe TQ ) dE
If we have assumed that the spectrum of He has
a same of He
eb eb , e dE/dx e dE/dx and
e TQ e TQ
__ __
Nobs,Hehe sngl / (he sngl) dE
SW, h and e sngl were determined using the
Monte Carlo simulation
- Using only the BESS-TeV data, we can set an
upper limit of 1.4 x 10-4 ( 5 500 GV) - Using only the BESS-Polar I flight data, we can
set an upper limit of 4.4 x 10-7 ( 1 20 GV) - Combining all BESS flight data, we can set an
upper limit of 2.7 x 10-7 ( 1 14 GV)
- Using the BESS-TeV data, we could set the upper
limit of 1.4 x 10-4 ( 5 500 GV) - Using the BESS-Polar I flight data, we could set
the upper limit of 4.4 x 10-7 ( 1 20 GV) - combined all BESS flight data, we could set the
upper limit of 2.7 x 10-7 ( 1 14 GV)
We plan the BESS-Polar II flight in 2007 with an
anticipated sensitivity 3 x 10-8
- We have extended the search for antihelium with
two flights of BESS-TeV in 2002 and BESS-Polar I
in 2004 - No antihelium events were found in the 2002 or
2004 data. - We have set upper limits He/He 1.4 x 10-4 for
BESS-TeV up to 500 GV, 4.4 x 10-7 for BESS-Polar
I, 2.7 x 10-7 for ALL BESS Flights combined - We will search for antihelium in the BESS-Polar
II flight with anticipated sensitivity 3 x 10-8.