The Nobel Prize, as founded in Alfred Nobel's will, was the first truly international prize. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Nobel Prize, as founded in Alfred Nobel's will, was the first truly international prize.


Lecture 43. The Nobel Prize, as founded in Alfred Nobel's will, was the first ... The battle of Solferino. 40,000 men killed. That day. 300,000 men in battle ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Nobel Prize, as founded in Alfred Nobel's will, was the first truly international prize.

Lecture 43
The Nobel Prize, as founded in Alfred Nobel's
will, was the first
truly international prize.
  • The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901
    to Jean Henry Dunant,

Jean Henry Dunant
  • Dunant
  • (May 8, 1828-October 30, 1910)

He came from a rich family and publish his first
book about his travels through north Africa and
  • One chapter of the book he spoke of the
    inhumanity of slavery which he witnessed and how
    evil it was both in Europe and America.

  • Later on he was involved in a scheme to make a
    great deal of money on a land purchase deal. To
    make it work he needed water rights and went to
    see in the field Napoleon to discuss his case.

Napoleon was in battle directing the French and
Italian armies, striving to drive the
Austrians out of Italy.
  • He arrived there in time to witness, and to
  • participate in the aftermath of, one of the
    bloodiest battles of the nineteenth century.
    The battle of Solferino

40,000 men killed That day
300,000 men in battle
He was so moved by what he saw he published in
1862 a small book Un Souvenir de Solférino A
Memory of Solferino,
  • Part 1 what he saw of the battle
  • Part 2 what he saw of the treatment of the
  • Part 3 what should be done for the soldiers

He called for an international conference in
Geneva that would give guidelines by which to
treat woundedGeneva Society for Public Welfare
Geneva convention
  • At the convention it was decided that an
    organization should monitor and help war
    prisoners and wounded
  • The International Red Cross was born

HomeworkDo the Le Chateliers Principle handout
and Equilibrium constant Expression handout
on the netRead pages 512 - 516
Check homeworkanswer questions
Quiz 43
  • Gen chem go to

Block 4 go to
We have talked about the Keq and the ratio of
concentration of product to concentration of
  • It is this concentration that pushes the reaction
  • Law of mass action

  • For the system involving N2O4 and NO2 at
  • (N2O4(g)? 2NO2(g))
  • at a temperature of 100oC the concentration of
    N2O4 is
  • 4.0 x10-2M and the concentration of NO2 is 1.2
    x 10-1 M. What is the Keq for this reaction

  • Methanol can be prepared by the reaction of H2
    and CO at high temperature , according to the
    following equation,
  • CO(g) 2H2(g) ? CH3OH(g)
  • What is the concentration of CH3OH(g) if H2
    0.08 M and CO .025M and the Keq for the
    reaction is 290

(No Transcript)
a) enable you to estimate the concentration of
reactants at equilibrium at a particular
temperatureb) indicate the direction of the
reactionc) enable you to estimate the
concentration of reactants at equilibrium at a
particular temperature
Remember that the Kequ gives you a quantitative
idea of the
There is another kind of Equilibrium that
involves the solubility product constant Ksp
  • When an ionic solid dissociates in water
  • CaF2(s) ? Ca2(aq) 2F- (aq) The ionic solid
    will go into solution to slight degree

The Ksp for Ca2 2F- is 1.6 x 10 -10 which
means only a very little of the CaF2(s) becomes
  • It is the movement of solids out of solutions
    from ground water that creates stalactites

It doesn't matter where the ions came from, they
will undergo precipitation (form a solid)
according to the Ksp solubility product constant
The book uses the process where we get magnesium
out of sea water as an example of solubility
  • If you increase OH- then in order for Ksp to
    remain the same then the concentration of Mg must
    fall out of solution

  • Remember that the solubility product is only for
    salts that have low solubility. Super Soluble
    salts such as sodium chloride and ammonium
    nitrate do not have Ksp values.
  • Make sure that the reaction is at equilibrium.

Ksp is called the solubility product because it
is literally the product of the solubilities of
the ions in moles per liter. The solubility
product of a salt can therefore be calculated
from its solubility, or vice versa.
AgBr(s) ? Ag(aq) Br -(aq) We then write the
solubility product expression for this
reaction. Ksp AgBr- 5.0 x 10-13
But what happens when you stress a system
When you hear a loud noise you move away from the
The Scientist named Le Chatelier studied the
change a dynamic equilibrium
This principle stated by Henri Le Chatelier (1850
- 1936) is If, to a system at equilibrium, a
stress be applied, the system will react so as to
relieve the stress
  • "If you kick its tail hard enough, it moves where
    you boot it"

  • quano

Earlier we mentioned the Haber process N2
3H2 ? 2NH3
In order to create NH3 what do you need to do?
What happens if you have a reaction at
equilibrium and you only increase A?
A B ? AB
  • If you do something to disturb
  • a system at equilibrium, the system
  • responds in a way that undoes
  • partially what you have just done.

?A B ? AB
N2 H2 ? NH3
  • Stress of Adding Reactants. The equilibrium
    system will react against this, removing
    reactants by the formation of additional products
    through chemical reaction. The reaction will
    proceed to the right.
  • Stress of Removing Products. The equilibrium
    system will react against this, removing
    reactants to form products by chemical reaction.
    The reaction will proceed to the right.

Movement to relieve stresswhat if you increase H2
What happens if you decrease N2
Shift to the right
For the reaction 2SO2 O2 ? 2SO3 what
happens if you increase SO2 Decrease
SO2 Increase O2 Increase SO3
2NO2 ? N2O4 heathow a out adding heat
Shift to the left
Move to reduce the stressAnd the stress comes in
3 forms, 1) a change in concentration 2) a
change in pressure3) a change in temp
Stress by pressurizing a system
  • The effect of an increase in the total pressure
    is that if the moles of gas present can be
    decreased by reaction, the decrease will occur
    and the chemical reaction will take place in the
    direction of decreasing moles of gas.
  • The effect of a decrease in the total pressure is
    that if the moles of gas present can be increased
    by reaction, the increase will occur and the
    chemical reaction will take place in the
    direction of increasing moles of gas.

  • In a pressurized system which direction will the
    below equations move?
  • 1) N2(g) 3H2(g) ? 2NH3(g)
  • 2) COCl2(g) ? CO(g) Cl2(g)
  • 3) Fe(aq) SCN-(aq) ? FeSCN2(aq)
  • 4) H2 Cl2 ? 2HCl
  • 5) 2NO2(g) ? N2O4(g)
  • 6) 2SO2(g) O2(g) ? 2SO3(g)

Stress the equilibrium by changing the
  • Reactions are either
  • Exothermic reactants ? products heat
  • or
  • Endothermic reactants heat ? products

Adding heat will cause the exothermic to do what
Adding heat will cause the endothermic to do
what Removing heat will cause the exothermic to
do what
Get back to our exothermic Haber reaction
  • N2 3H2 ? 2NH3 heat

What can you do to increase the production of NH3
N2 H2 - NH3 pressure - heat
2NO2 ? N2O4 Heat brown
  • When you increase the heat which direction will
    the reaction be shifted?
  • When you increase the heat which direction will
    the reaction be shifted?

  • So there are basically three influences on a
    dynamically balanced system
  • 1)   increase or decrease of a reactant or
  • 2)   increase or decrease of the temperature
  • 3)   increase or decrease of the pressure

Of all these three influences only temperature
will change the equilibrium constant. All the
other influences cause the concentrations to
adjust in order to establish the Keq
Remember this
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