Title: Quality Goals for April 06
1Quality Goals for April 06
- Consolidate Quality by Improving
- 1049-1050 Points for all practices
- Screening for the 10 chronic conditions
- Diagnosis register accuracy
- Clinical Reviews
- Outcome Measures
- Patient Involvement
2Chronic Disease Prevalence
3Five Hypertension Indicators
4Prevalence by Age and Sex
5Hypertension Prevalence
- UK Community surveys quote prevalence
- Patients gt 16 37
- Patients gt 65 81
- GP Practice prevalence is much lower
- Patients gt 16 14.4
- Patients gt 65 - 46
6 How to Screen for Hypertension
- Opportunistic screening in primary care is ideal
- 70 of pts consult annually 90 in 5 years
- Patients never refuse a BP check
- Screening only takes 1-2 mins per quinqennium
- GP workload about 11 mins a week or 9 hrs a year
- Most efficient screening programme on earth
- Achieving uptake of 80-90 is straightforward
7Potential Hypertensives
- 492 patients whose last recorded BP was gt140/85,
but where unsuccessful recall has not allowed a
diagnosis of hypertension to be confirmed or
refuted - About half are likely to have hypertension.
8Accuracy of BP Measurement
- BP is bobbing up down all day long
- Single measurement is unreliable
- Patient should be seated, relaxed with arm
supported - Correct Cuff at heart level
- Calibrated Sphygmomanometer
- Automatic or Aneroid ?
9Medical students can cause blood pressure to
rise, report says
- A new study has shown that the presence of a
medical student can increase BP when measured in
general practice -
- The researchers found that BP was significantly
higher when a medical student or trainee was
present during consultations
10BP Measurement Bias
11Does Terminal Zero Bias Matter
- NO if readings well within target range
- YES if at threshold for diagnosing hypertension
- YES if at threshold for increasing medication
12Confirmation of Diagnosis
- Sustained readings over 140/90
- BP sky high with TOD. Diagnosis straightforward.
Proceed to Treatment - Remainder carefully confirm by
- 2 surgery readings - 4 different consultations
- HBPM Automatic upper arm home BPs over several
days - ABPM 24 hour record
13Validity of Registers
14Diabetes and HypertensionApril 2005 SDN Practice
- 15.3 of hypertensives have diabetes
- 24 of Type 1 diabetics have hypertension
- 53 of Type 2 diabetics have hypertension
15Beta Blockers and Thiazides
- Recent modification to ABCD code
- B D increases diabetes incidence 0.4 per year
- B D is not ideal for hypertensives with
- BMIs over 30
- Family history of diabetes
- History of gestational diabetes or IGT
- South Asian Afro-Caribbean patients
16Hypertension - Target BPs
- Clinical control target 140/85 (BHS 4)
- Audit standard for QOF is 150/90
- Clinical Target Diabetes 130/80 (BHS 4)
- Audit standard for QOF is 145/85 (BHS 3)
- Renal damage clinical target is 130/80
17Obstacles to Good BP control
- Confusion over guidelines
- Doctor Nurse inertia
- Reliable BP measurement
- Prescribing unacceptable therapies with side
effects - Concordance - Getting message to patient
- Poor Follow Up
18BP Suggestions for 2005-06
- Improve Screening Levels
- Follow up Potentials for Accurate Diagnosis
- Improve Practice Nurse Training
- Calibrate BP machines
- Audit of Drug Prescribing use more agents
more combinations - Relentlessly target raised diabetic BPs lt 130/80
- Review hypertensives on B D. Change therapy of
those at high risk of developing diabetes. - Surgical Referrals Raised BP common cause of
delay in operations. Sort hypertension first
19Value of Care Plans e.g. Diabetes
- Educational tool for patient
- Spells out why good control of BP, Cholesterol
glycaemia is essential - Empowers patients to take more responsibility
for their own diabetes management. - Annual monitoring tool for practice
20Personalised Diabetic Care Plans
21Improve Quality Reviews with hot keys
- Example - Asthma Annual Review
- Step One/Two/Three
- Current, predicted and best ever peak flow
- Symptoms B2A doses for Wheeze per week EIA ,
nocturnal cough - Inhaler and spacer technique
- Management plan 05 06
2206 07 Targets - Obesity