Title: Supersymmetry
- Hitoshi Murayama
- Taiwan Spring School
- March 29, 2002
2Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
- In the MSSM, electroweak symmetry does not get
broken - Only after supersymmetry is broken, Higgs can
obtain a VEV vmSUSY - Regard EWSB as a consequence of supersymmetry
breaking - EW symmetry and hierarchy protected by
3Origin of Hierarchy
- vltltMPl because vmSUSYltltMPl
- Why mSUSYltltMPl?
- Idea dimensional transmutation
- SUSY broken by strong gauge dynamics with
- Dynamical supersymmetry breaking
4Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking
- Simplest example SO(10) with one 16
- No moduli space, cant analyze with Seibergian
techniques - non-calculable (Affleck-Dine-Seiberg)
- Add one 10, make it massive and decouple
- When M100, moduli space spanned by 161610, 102,
generically SO(10)?SO(7)
- SO(7) gaugino condensation generates dynamical
superpotential - Add WM10102, lifts moduli space, breaks SUSY
- Decouple 10 smoothly(HM)
5Izawa-Yanagida-Intriligator-Thomas model
- Sp(Nc) gauge theory with NfNc1
- Quantum modified moduli space
- Pf M L2Nf for mesons MijQiQj
- Add superpotential with singlets Sij
- WSij QiQj forces Mij0
- Contradiction ? no SUSY vacua
6Issue of mediation
- Many gauge theories that break SUSY dynamically
known - The main issue how do we communicate the SUSY
breaking effects to the MSSM? mediation
- Supersymmetry is broken either by an F-component
of a chiral superfield - fiq2Fi?0
- or a D-component of a vector superfield
- Vq2D?0
- Once they are frozen at their expectation values,
they can be viewed as spurions of supersymmetry
breaking order parameters
8Soft supersymmetry breaking
- Purpose of supersymmetry is to protect hierarchy
- Arbitrary terms in Lagrangian that break
supersymmetry reintroduce power divergences - Soft supersymmetry breaking classified
- mll, m2ijfifj, Aijkfjfjfk, Bijfjfj, Cifj
- Dark horse terms (not always allowed)
- fjfjfk, lyj, yiyj
9Spurion operators
- Spurion z fi/Mq2Fi/M generates soft terms
- M is the mediation scale where the effects of
SUSY breaking are communicated - m ll ?d2q z c Wa Wa
- m2ijfifj ?d4q zz cijfifj
- Aijkfjfjfk ?d2q z cijkfjfjfk
- Bijfjfj ?d2q z cijfjfj
- Cifj ?d2q z cifj
- Coefficients c are random at this point
10Supersymmetric flavor problem
- Random SUSY breaking excluded by FCNC constraints
- Consider scalar down quarks
- Take the off-diagonal terms to be perturbation
11Supersymmetric flavor problem
- Random SUSY breaking excluded by FCNC constraints
- Want a reason why off-diagonal terms are
12Two possible directions
- Develop a theory of flavor that predicts not only
the pattern of Yukawa matrices (masses, mixings),
but also soft masses - Develop a theory of mediation mechanism of
supersymmetry breaking that predicts
(approximately) flavor-blind soft masses
13Gravity Mediation
- Specify Kähler potential K and superpotential W
- Minimal supergravity
- Kz2?ifi2 WWh(z)Wo(f)
- SUSY broken if FzzWWz?0, W?0
- ?Universal scalar mass, trilinear couplings etc
- Got universal scalar mass!
- Of course, because gravity doesnt distinguish
flavor - Wrong!
- Minimal is a choice to obtain canonical kinetic
terms with no Planck-suppressed corrections - But in general there are such corrections in
non-renormalizable theory and SUGRA not minimal
16Problems with Minimal SUGRA
- There is no fundamental reason to believe that
Kähler potential in effective theory of quantum
gravity is strictly minimal - In many string compactifications, it isnt
- Direct coupling of observable fields with moduli
in Käler potential that depend on their modular
weights - Thought to be an ad hoc convenient choice, not a
theory of mediation - But phenomenologically excellent start point,
explaning EWSB, dark matter, absence of FCNC
17Problems with general SUGRA
- There may be arbitrary coupling between hidden
and observable fields in Kähler potential under
no control - Generically, soft masses expected to be
arbitrary, with flavor violation - m2ijfifj ?d4q zz cij fifj
- Phenomenogically disaster
18Remedy by flavor symmetry
- We need theory of flavor anyway
- The issue of flavor-violating soft masses is
intimately tied to the origin of flavor, Yukawa
couplings - Seek for a common theory that solves the problem
19Flavor-blind Mediation Mechanisms
- Gauge Mediation
- Gaugino Mediation
- Anomaly Mediation
20Gauge Mediation
21Dine-Nelson-Shirman model
- Dynamical supersymmetry breaking sector
- Take SU(5) with 105
- (non-calculable DSB model
- add massive 55 and can show DSB HM)
- break it to SU(4)?U(1) with non-anomalous global
U(1)m - (624-31-8)1 (4-114)-3
- W 4-1 4-3 14 14 14 1-8
- breaks supersymmetry dynamically
- gauge global U(1)m as messenger U(1)
- Problem with FY D-term for messenger U(1) ?
solved by changing the DSB model to SU(6)?U(1) - (Dine, Nelson, Nir, Shirman)
22Dine-Nelson-Shirman model
- Messenger sector
- a pair f? charged under messenger U(1)
- NF pairs of FF (55) under SU(5)
?SU(3)?SU(2)?U(1) - Wl1Sff-l2SFFl3S3
- f? acquire negative mass-squred from two-loops
in messenger U(1) interaction
- triggers S to acquire both A- and F-component
VEVs - gives both mass and B-term to FF
- Ml2ltSgt, MBl2ltFSgt
23Dine-Nelson-Shirman model
- Because FF are charged under the standard model
gauge groups, their one-loop diagrams generate
gaugino masses, and two-loop diagrams generate
scalar masses
- Generated scalar masses flavor-blind, because
gauge interactions do not distinguish flavor
24Dine-Nelson-Shirman model
- Lightest Supersymmetry Particle gravitino
- In general, a cosmological problem (overclosure)
- (de Gouvêa, Moroi, HM)
- Collider signatures may be unique
- Bino ? gravitino photon
- Decay length may be microns to km
- Should not have any new flavor physics below the
mediation scale to screw-up flavor-blindness of
soft masses
25Direct Gauge Mediation
- Too many sectors to worry about!
- DSB sector Sp(4) with 5 flavors charged under
SU(5) (HM)
26Gaugino Mediation
- (Kaplan, Kribs, Schmaltz)
- (Chacko, Luty, Nelson, Ponton)
- DSB in another brane
- Gauge multiplet in the bulk
- Gauge multiplet learns SUSY breaking first,
obtains gaugino mass - MSSM at the compactification scale with gaugino
mass only - Scalar masses generated by RGE
27Gaugino Mediation
- Phenomenology similar to minimal supergravity
with zero universal scalar mass - Gravitino heavy less harmful
- Needs high (GUT scale) compactification to jack
up slepton mass high enough - Should not have any new flavor physics below the
compactification scale to screw-up
flavor-blindness of soft masses
28Anomaly Mediation
- (Randall, Sundrum)
- (Giudice, Luty, HM, Rattazzi)
- Try not to mediate
- Zen of SUSY breaking
- If no coupling between DSB and MSSM, there is no
supersymmetry breaking at tree-level - But divergence of supercurrent in the same
multiplet as the trace of energy momentum tensor - Conformal anomaly induces supersymmetry breaking
29Weyl compensator formalism
- Conformal Supergravity fixed by Weyl
compensator F - The only communication of SUSY breaking is
through the auxiliary component of Fq2F - ?d4q FF ff ?d2q F3 (M f2l f3)
- Scale f?f/F
- ?d4q ff ?d2q (F M f2l f3)
- Only dimensionful parameters acquire SUSY
breaking - Massless theory ? no SUSY breaking
30Conformal Anomaly
- Any (non-finite) theory needs a regulator with an
explicit mass scale - Pauli-Villars with heavy regulator mass
- DRED with renormalization scale m
- (Boyda, HM, Pierce)
- Regulator receives SUSY breaking
- SUSY breaking induced by regulator effect anomaly
31Anomaly Mediation
- Anomaly mediation predicts SUSY breaking with
theory given at the scale of interest - UV insensitivity
- Can be checked explicitly by integrating out
heavy fields that their loops exactly cancel the
differences in b-functions anomalous dimensions - (Giudice, Luty, HM, Rattazzi)
- (Boyda, HM, Pierce)
- SUSY breakings always stay on the RGE trajectory
32Too predictive!
- Anomaly mediation highly predictive with only one
parameter overall scale - Slepton mass-squareds come out negative
- Phenomenologically dead on start
- Remedies
- Add uinversal scalar mass
- Cause symmetry breaking via SUSY breaking
- Destroys UV insensitivity
33Viable UV-insensitiveAnomaly Mediation
- Add U(1)B-L and U(1)Y D-terms
- Three SUSY-breaking parameters now
- Can show that UV-insensitive
- (Arkani-Hamed, Kaplan, HM, Nomura)
34Conformal sequestering
- Inspiration from AdS/CFT correspondence
- Make hidden sector nearly superconformal
- Dangerous coupling between hidden and observable
fields suppressed because Kähler potential of
hidden fields flow to IR fixed point (Luty,
Sundrum) - Can be extended to include U(1) breaking sector
to make the scenario phenomenologically viable
(Harnik, HM, Pierce)
35U(1) breaking sector
- SO(5) theory with 6 spinors, no mass parameters
- Gauge SU(4)?SU(2)?U(1) subgroup of global SU(6)
symmetry - Quantum modified moduli space breaks U(1) (and
also SU(4)?Sp(2)) - D-term non-calculable because compositeness
scale Lv U(1)-breaking scale - Can be made calculable within the same
universality class by (1) additional flavor Lgtgtv
or (2) additional colorflavor Lltltv to show D?0 - Can be used to generate right-handed neutrino
mass - (Harnik, HM, Pierce)
36SUSY spectra
37Models of Flavor
38Question of Flavor
- What distinguishes different generations?
- Same gauge quantum numbers, yet different
- Hierarchy with small mixings
- ? Need some ordered structure
- Probably a hidden flavor quantum number
- ? Need flavor symmetry
- Flavor symmetry must allow top Yukawa
- Other Yukawas forbidden
- Small symmetry breaking generates small Yukawas
39Broken Flavor Symmetry
- Flavor symmetry broken by a VEV ???0.02
- SU(5)-like
- 10(Q, uR, eR) (2, 1, 0)
- 5(L, dR) (1, 1, 1)
- mumcmt md2ms2mb2 me2mm2mt2 ?4 ?2 1
40Not bad!
- mb mt, ms mm, md me _at_MGUT
- mumcmt md2ms2mb2 me2mm2mt2
41New Data from Neutrinos
- Neutrinos are already providing significant new
information about flavor symmetries - If LMA, all mixing except Ue3 large
- Two mass splittings not very different
- Atmospheric mixing maximal
- Any new symmetry or structure behind it?
42Is There A StructureIn Neutrino Masses Mixings?
- Monte Carlo random complex 3?3 matrices with
seesaw mechanism - (Hall, HM, Weiner Haba, HM)
- No particular structure in neutrino mass matrix
- All three angles large
- CP violation O(1)
- Ratio of two mass splittings just right for LMA
- Three out of four distributions OK
- Reasonable
- ? Underlying symmetries dont distinguish 3
44Anarchy is Peaceful
- Anarchy (Miriam-Webster)
- A utopian society of individuals who enjoy
complete freedom without government - Peaceful ideology that neutrinos work together
based on their good will - Predicts large mixings, LMA, large CP violation
- sin22q13 just below the bound
- Ideal for VLBL experiments
- Wants globalization!
45More flavor parameters
- Squarks, sleptons also come with mass matrices
- Off-diagonal elements violate flavor suppressed
by flavor symmetries - Look for flavor violation due to SUSY loops
- Then look for patterns to identify symmetries
- ? Repeat Gell-MannOkubo!
- Need to know SUSY masses
46To Figure It Out
- Models differ in flavor quantum number
assignments - Need data on sin22q13, solar neutrinos, CP
violation, B-physics, LFV, EWSB, proton decay - Archaeology
- We will learn insight on origin of flavor by
studying as many fossils as possible - cf. CMBR in cosmology
47More FossilsLepton Flavor Violation
- Neutrino oscillation
- ? lepton family number is not conserved!
- Any tests using charged leptons?
- Top quark unified with leptons
- Slepton masses split in up- or neutrino-basis
- Causes lepton-flavor violation (Barbieri, Hall)
- predict B(t?mg), B(m?eg), m?e at interesting (or
too-large) levels
48Barbieri, Hall, Strumia
49More FossilsQuark Flavor Violation
- Now also large mixing between nt and nm
- (nt, bR) and (nm , sR) unified in SU(5)
- Doesnt show up in CKM matrix
- But can show up among squarks
- CP violation in Bs mixing (Bs?J/y f)
- Addtl CP violation in penguin b?s (Bd?f Ks)
- (Chang, Masiero, HM)
- Dynamical supersymmetry breaking successfully
produces hierarchy - Various mediation mechanisms
- Gravity mediation flavor symmetry
- Gauge mediation
- Anomaly mediation
- Gaugino mediation