Title: Supersymmetry
1 Supersymmetry
- Yasuhiro Okada (KEK)
- January 14, 2005, at KEK
- Motivations for introducing SUSY
- Structure of SUSY models
- SUSY phenomenology
3Motivations for introducing SUSY
- SUSY is an extension of space-time concept.
- Superstring requires SUSY
- A solution to the hierarchy problem
- Gauge coupling unification in SUSY GUT
4SUSY an extension of space-time
- Supersymmetry (SUSY) a symmetry between bosons
and fermions. - Introduced in 1973 as a part of an extension of
the special relativity. - Super Poincare algebra.
- SUSY a translation in Superspace.
- Supergravity was formulated in 1976.
- The only known way to unify gravity and gauge
theory. - SUSY is an essential ingredient of the
superstring theory. - Low-energy SUSY or SUSY GUT can be an effective
theory below the Planck scale (, but not
necessarily so).
6Hierarchy problem and SUSY
String and GUT unification -gt A cutoff scale
Planck scale (1019 GeV). SUSY is the only known
symmetry to avoid the fine tuning in the
renormalization of the Higgs boson mass at the
level of O(1034).
- Three possibilities
- Some new dynamics associated with the
electroweak symmetry breaking exists just above
the TeV scale. - SUSY exists.
- Fine-tuning is realized by unknown reason.
- gt LHC will provide a hint on which is the
correct direction.
Non-SUSY case
GUT was introduced independently of SUSY, but
SUSY and GUT are closely connected. GUT assumes
the desert between the EW scale and the GUT
scale, so that the hierarchy problem is
real. Gauge coupling unification works for SU(5)
and SO(10) SUSY GUT.
Puzzles in GUT models associated colored Higgs
fields Triplet-doublet splitting, Non-observation
of proton decay gt Depends on details of the GUT
8Structure of SUSY models
- Existence of SUSY partners
- SUSY-invariant Lagrangian
- SUSY breaking terms.
9SUSY models
A SUSY model is not a single model, rather
collection of models. The number of free
parameters of the minimal supersymmetric
standard model (MSSM) is about 100.
No strong motivations to consider beyond the MSSM.
The particle content of MSSM Two Higgs doublet
SM scalar SUSY partners and fermionic SUSY
Two Higgs doublets are necessary for fermion
Yukawa couplings. H1 down-type-quark and lepton
Yukawa couplings H2 up-type-quark Yukawa
11MSSM Lagrangian
- SUSY invariant Lagrangian
- Coupling constants.
- Lightest Higgs boson mass bound
- R parity conservation
- Missing energy signal. Dark matter
12SUSY breaking terms
- Mass terms for SUSY particles.
- Origin of SUSY breaking.
- Spontaneous SUSY breaking in supergravity.
(Super Higgs mechanism) - Various possibilities.
- Origin of electroweak scale may be understood
from SUSY breaking. - (Radiative electroweak symmetry breaking
13SUSY mass spectrum
Example of SUSY mass spectrum
Pattern of the SUSY mass spectrum depends on
SUSY breaking scenarios. Generic feature
Colored particles heavy Non-colored particles
light The overall scale is a free parameter.
LHC cascade decays from colored SUSY particles.
LC pair production of SUSY particles
14Flavor mixing in squark and slepton
- Squark/slepton matrixes
- new sources of flavor mixing and CP
violation. - Quark/lepton mass -gt Yukawa coupling
Squark/slepton mass -gt
SUSY breaking terms - SUSY breaking terms depend on SUSY breaking
- mechanism and interaction at the GUT/Planck
Diagonal tem LHC/LC Off diagonal term
Quark Flavor Physics Lepton Flavor
15Cosmology and SUSY
- Good Dark matter
- Bad Gravitino problem
- Interesting Baryogenesis
- Leptogenesis
- Affleck-Dine baryogensis (Q-ball)
- Electroweak baryogensis
- These issues depend on the cosmological scenario
and are related to each other.
16SUSY phenomenology
- Discover SUSY particles
- Establish the symmetry property.
- Determine SUSY breaking mechanism.
- Clarify the meaning in unification and the
cosmological connection.
- LHC experiments will provide a crucial test for
SUSY. - Mass reach of squark and gluino search is about 2
TeV. - A light Higgs boson below 135 GeV must exist for
Higgs search At least one Higgs boson can be
SUSY search Cascade decay.
gluino 2 TeV
18LC studies on SUSY
- Determine mass, spin and quantum numbers of SUSY
particles. Beam polarization and energy scan are
very useful tools. - Determine chargino and neutralino mixings.
- Test SUSY coupling relations.
- Test the gaugino GUT relation.
- Determine properties of the dark matter
candidate. - Search for lepton flavor violation in slepton
production and decays.
19Test of a SUSY relation
Smuon production and decay
Selectron production
Dark matter candidate?
M.M.Nojiri, K. Fujii and T. Tsukamoto
20Combined analysis of LHC and LC provide a hint on
a SUSY breaking scenario.
LHC Squark and gluino production and
cascade decay LC Slepton, neutlarino,
and chargino pair-production
SUSY particle masses
Combined analysis
Energy scale
SUSY breaking scenario
G.A.Blair, W.Porod,and P.M.Zerwas
21Search for LFV in the SUSY Seesaw model
Dark matter and LHC/LC
H.Baer, A.Belyaev, T.Krupovnickas, X.Tata
J.Hisano, M.M.Nojiri, Y.Shimizu, M.Tanaka
Neutrino mixing -gt Slepton mixing -gt LFV in
slepton production and decay
- Discovery of SUSY, if it occurs, would be a
revolution of physics in 21st century. - SUSY is a key to unification and cosmology.
- SUSY discovery reach will be extended by an order
of magnitude from the current mass bound at LHC. - LC is necessary in order to establish the new