Title: COPD
COPD is fifth commonest cause of death in
England and Wales accounting for approximately
30,000 deaths per year NICE 2004
The National Primary Care Development Team
launched a project to improve the quality of
life for these patients
3And then
Western Sussex Primary Care Trust joined the
alliance in June 2004
4One Light Year Ahead
5COPD - The battle of the Cig
Jo Wadey Project Manager Tony Burrage Head of
Modernisation Western Sussex PCT
6What is it like?
- Six elephants sitting on your chest
- Youre old before your time
- Everything but everything is a bloody effort,
even putting on your socks
- Approach
- Practice Participation
- Patient Centred Care
- Comparative Data
- Service Developments
- Challenges
- Next Steps
8Rhetoric into action
- Form a steering group
- Map current services
- Develop a project plan
- Recruit 7 practices initially
9Steering Group
- Chair Head of Modernisation - PCT
- Respiratory Physicians
- Respiratory Nurse Specialists
- Respiratory Clinical Lead (GP) for 6 months
- Physiotherapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Dietitian
- Social Services
- Ambulance
- NPDT Project Manager
- Secondary Care Medical Manager
- IC_at_H Manager
- Community Matron
- (Expert Patient)
10The Patient Journey
11 Current Services Proposals for patients with
Education Pts HCPs (2.7)
Additional Pulmonary rehab clinics (2.6) ?p
Early discharge pilot Sept 04 Reduce ALOS to 5
days(2.5) ?p
Outpatient clinics Home Visits (2.4)
Key ? Done ? Funded p Pilot
Email advice
Ambulance Guidelines
Palliative Care
Intensive care at home (2.1)
Identify training needs in Community
nursing ? (2.2)
Case managers 2.3
Social Services
Audit of resources in practices
Identify COPD Leads GP PN in each practice ?
(1.0 ) ?
Increase COPD skills in Practice
Nurses (1.3) ?
National Primary Care Project 8 Practices Reduce
admissions by 40 (1.2) ?
LES Spirometry Early identification of COPD (1.1)
? ?
Antibiotics/Steroids at home (1.7) ?
Patient education leaflet (1.8) 1600
Pharmaceutical funding
Develop COPD Register/spirometry diagnosis
Development of COPD (1.5) pathway
Develop a respiratorynetwork
Patient hand held record cards
12(No Transcript)
13Practice Participation
- 7 practices joined in June 2004
- 6 out of the 7 had not worked with the NPDT
- Geographical variances
14Avisford Medical Group
15Patient Representation
- Three patients
- 2 had diabetes COPD
- 1 had type 1 diabetes
16Patient Education
17Patient Centred Care
18Patient Empowerment
19February 2005 3rd learning workshop
80 of patients have been confirmed by
spirometry 93 of patients have a smoking status
recorded There was a marked reduction in
hospital admissions
- 8 more practices joined from January April 2005
15 in total (70) - Secondary care commitment
- Patient representation
- Results so far
81 92 - Smoking status recorded 47 74 -
Confirmed by spirometry
21QOF Points Comparison Collaborative Practices
versus Non Collaborative PracticesApril 2005
23Smoking Cessation
Local enhanced service for smoking cessation
advisors 17 out of 22 practices now have a
dedicated smoking cessation adviser
24Education for H.C.P.s
- Training Needs Analysis
- - Spirometry
- - Ambulance
- - COPD Course for nurses
- - FAQ Meetings, i.e. differential diagnosis
- - District Nurses Community Matrons
- treatments palliative care
26Pulmonary Rehabilitation
'My breathing and general outlook are now
27I did not think I would get to the stage I am
now, and able to return to work
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Feedback
'I got great benefit from mixing with people with
the same illness and breathing problems as me -
especially as people didn't look when my
breathing was heavy'
28Early Discharge/Supportive Discharge Pilot
- Commenced September 04
- Evaluated Jan 05 10 patients estimated 77
bed days - January 05 Supported Discharge Scheme
- 52 patients been seen
- 119 saved bed days
29Sharing Good Practice
30Press Release
- Hospital Coding
- Admitted from AE 26.1.05 with chest
infection/asthma. This is a non smoking asthmatic
man SOLUTION H82R - Ensuring patients are not just a tick box
exercise - Lack of palliative care services
- Keeping the motivation
- Clinicians/Organisation Boundaries
32Hospital Admissions Data
33Where are we now?
- Integral part of the demand management
- Ensure sustainability
- Weather forecasting
- Unique Care/Community Matrons
- 70 of practices are working with the NPDT
- It has worked
- Hospital admissions have reduced
Improved patients quality of life
35Together Everyone Achieves More
May the force be with you