AODA Background - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AODA Background


the AODA is about removing & preventing barriers providing for ... Colour contrasting stanchion bars, handholds. Pre-boarding route or destination announcements ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AODA Background

AODA Background
AODA Overview
  • General
  • AODA received royal assent June 2005
  • the AODA is about removing preventing barriers
    providing for a more inclusive society
  • calls for a fully accessible Ontario on or before
    2025 - which is defined by accessibility
  • standards cover provision of goods, services,
    facilities, premises, employment etc.
  • provides for an inclusive standard setting
    process includes persons with disabilities,
    government reps and representatives from all
    sectors of the economy

AODA Overview
  • Accessibility standards will
  • set measures, policies practices etc. to remove
    and prevent barriers
  • address full range of disabilities
  • be mandatory, applying to all sectors of the
    economy both public and private
  • be staged in time periods of 5 yrs. or less
    reviewed for progress and changed as considered
  • have to be accommodated within existing funding

AODA Overview
  • Standard development two streams
  • Common standards apply to all sectors of
    the economy 4 broad categories customer
    service, built environment, employment and
    information communication
  • Sector specific standards apply to
    identified sectors identified sectors have to
    comply with both common sector specific
    standards - sectors determined by Minister

AODA Overview
  • Status of Common Standards
  • Customer Service final standard forwarded to
    Minister awaiting introduction to cabinet
  • Built Environment selection process in progress
    - development to start in fall of 2007
  • Employment selection process in progress
    development to start in fall of 2007
  • Information Communication committee
    established work in progress

(No Transcript)
Public Transit Industry Perspective
Support for the AODA
  • Public Transit
  • the transit industry is supportive committed to
    building a fully accessible Ontario by 2025
  • a commitment predicated on providing clear,
    measurable sustainable (fiscally responsible)
    progress in providing accessible public transit
    services while balancing the needs of all

Impact of Transportation Standards
  • Public Transit
  • standards will impact the delivery of 730
    million plus trips taken on public transit
  • 726 million conventional
  • 5.5 million specialized trips
  • Transit Windsor provides 6 million trips
  • Handi Transit provides 50,000

T-SDC Representation
  • T-SDC includes representatives from government,
    service providers advocates -28 members
  • 5 of 28 members on T-SDC represent public transit
  • Thunder Bay, Brampton, London, Toronto, and GO
  • affiliated with AMO, CUTA and OPTA (previously
  • transit industry representatives on T-SDC
    supported by an industry resource team

Accessibility Philosophy
  • Basic Premise
  • Provide the opportunity to travel
  • Where you want to go
  • When you want to go

What is Accessible Transportation?
  • Accessible Transportation is broader than just
    accessible vehicles. It is a system in which
    accessible vehicles and conveyances are
    integrated with accessible stops and stations,
    accessible curbs, buildings and other
  • Transportation Standard Readiness
  • Deloitte Touche LLP

Family of Services Concept

Accessible Fixed Route
Travel Training Programs
Delivery Cost
Community Bus
Dynamic/Flex Route
Travel Spontaneity

Family of Services Option
Service Delivery Option
Accessible Fixed Route
Accessible Fixed Route
Travel Training Programs
Community Bus
Standards Gap
Dynamic/Flex Route
Significant Mobility Restriction
Approach to Standard Development
  • Two pronged approach to development
  • Conveyances
  • Service
  • The approach reflects
  • industry knowledge and experience
  • a commitment to sustainable affordable progress
    based upon progress to date
  • the diversity of services offered service
    delivery mechanism
  • guiding principles urged by the industry

Approach to Standard Development
  • The approach is predicated on
  • the premise that people want the opportunity to
    travel, that is when and where in a safe,
    effective and affordable manner
  • the issue is one of accommodation noting how to
    deal with the issue is best left to the
    municipality flexibility phase in
  • establishing standards that are prescriptive
    require the establishment of two systems is
  • cost prohibitive
  • counter productive - can lead to the degradation
    of service

Approach to Standard Development
  • Adopting guiding principles was critical -
  • public transportation should be inclusive
  • accessible conventional is primary delivery
  • safety is fundamental
  • approach should promote full participation
  • standards have to be harmonized
  • reflect Ontario best practices
  • flexibility phase in
  • decisions on retrofit based upon a business

  • Accessible public transit services various
    accessible service options, generally referred to
    as a family of services, developed and
    implemented to address the transportation
    requirements for persons with disabilities that
    are delivered by public transit. Accessible
    public transit services include, but are not
    limited to, to-the-door, workshop shuttles,
    medical shuttles, community bus, accessible fixed
    route services, travel training, and trip
  • Equivalent having similar or identical results.

  • New conveyance a conveyance that is offered for
    sale or lease after manufacture without any prior
  • Personal care attendant an individual, who
    accompanies a person with a disability who cannot
    travel independently and provides services and
    assistance to the person with a disability.
  • Transportable Mobility Aid A mobility aid that
    can be accommodated within the allocated space
    requirements while the passenger can remain in a
    seated position and be safely boarded and
    transported on a passenger transportation service.

  • Transportation provider - Persons or
    organizations making the decision to
    provide passenger transportation
    services included in this Standard except those
    services provided by persons or organizations
    that are federally regulated. (Note in terms of
    public transit services, the definition of
    "transportation provider" has the effect of
    ultimately obligating the municipality (or
    region) with the responsibility of standard

Transportation Standards
  • Vehicle (Conveyance) Standards
  • vehicles associated with the delivery of various
    accessible conventional services
  • largely apply on a going forward basis reflect
    technical standards developed through other
    established processes
  • performance based standards vs. technical

Vehicle Standards
  • Accessible fare payment and ticket validation
  • Destination signage with solid characters
  • Colour contrasting stanchion bars, handholds
  • Pre-boarding route or destination announcements
  • On board announcements of stops and connections
  • Designated Courtesy and Personal Care Attendant

5.17 Pre-boarding route or destination
  • For all services that do not require
    pre-booking, the transportation provider shall
    ensure that the operator audibly announces
    through manual or electronic means the route or
    direction, or destination or next major stop of
    the conveyance at the boarding point.

5.25 Location of Personal Care Attendants
  • 5.25.1 Where possible, the transportation
    provider shall on all new conveyances provide
    seating adjacent to the allocated space for use
    by personal care attendants. The transportation
    provider shall ensure that seating for personal
    care attendants is clearly marked.
  • 5.25.2 The transportation provider may combine
    seating for personal care attendants with
    courtesy seating.
  • 5.38 The transportation provider shall ensure
    that clearly marked courtesy seating is provided
    as close as practicable to the entrance door

On-board Announcement of Stops
  • 5.28.1 The transportation provider shall ensure
    that operators audibly announce, through manual
    or electronic means, transfer points with other
    fixed routes, other major intersections and
    destination points, or any stop on the request of
    a passenger.
  • 5.28.2 The transportation provider shall ensure
    that the operator audibly announces through
    manual or electronic means next destination
    points or stops for all services that do not
    require pre-booking.

On-board Announcement of Stops
  • 5.28.5 The transportation provider shall ensure
    that all stops are announced through electronic
  • 5.28.7 The transportation provider shall ensure
    that all stops are legibly and visually displayed
    through electronic means.

5.35 Personal Care Attendant Fees
  • The transportation provider shall not charge
    a fare to personal care attendants, recognized by
    the transportation provider, accompanying a
    passenger with a disability.

Section 6
  • Service Standards

Transportation Standards
  • Service Standards
  • include fares, hours of service, service area,
  • include annual reporting of performance targets
    which are set locally in consultation with
    stakeholders advisory committees
  • reflect the family of services concept
  • provides municipality with flexibility to
    determine how to meet needs
  • objective based with performance

Service Standards
  • Expanded eligibility criteria
  • Enhanced eligibility process
  • Tracking and reporting of performance measures
  • Increased service hours and area to match
    conventional fixed route
  • Reduced booking window
  • Fare parity
  • Free attendant travel

Accessible Public Transportation Policy
  • 6.2.1 The transportation provider shall
    establish, implement, maintain and document an
    accessible public transportation plan that
    includes policies, procedures and performance
    measures that ensure the provision of equivalent
    transportation services to all passengers.
  • 6.2.2 The transportation provider shall
    establish, implement and maintain the accessible
    public transportation plan in consultation with a
    local accessible public transit advisory
    committee that includes a majority of persons
    with disabilities or their representatives who
    use the service.
  • 6.2.3 The transportation provider shall make
    available publicly, local accessible transit
    advisory committee member application and
    nomination procedures, member appointments, and
    minutes of meetings.

Accessible Public Transportation Policy
  • 6.2.4 The accessible transportation plan shall,
    at a minimum, outline
  • a) accessible public transportation policies
  • b) Terms of Reference for the local advisory
  • c) measures to achieve compliance with Clause 5
  • d) types of services offered
  • e) time of services offered through the family of
  • f) methodology used to determine the catchment
    service area
  • g) the catchment service area
  • h) base fare structure
  • i) definition of pick-up time delay
  • j) eligibility process and
  • k) process to manage, evaluate and take necessary
    corrective action on customer feedback

Accessible Public Transportation Policy
  • 6.2.5 The accessible transportation plan shall,
    at a minimum, identify and report actual results
    against performance measures. Performance
    measures relating to all service options
    exclusive of conventional fixed route shall, at a
    minimum, include
  • a) scheduled pick up times versus requested pick
    up times
  • b) actual pick up times versus scheduled times
  • c) trip denials
  • d) missed or cancelled trips
  • e) trip durations
  • f) eligibility determination time and
  • g) number and types of customer feedback.

Time and Area of Service
  • The transportation provider shall provide
    the same hours and days of service as provided by
    fixed route public transit in the same catchment
    service area.
  • 6.4 The transportation provider shall ensure that
    the accessible public transit service area be, at
    minimum, the same catchment area as the fixed
    route public transit catchment service area.

6.5.1 Reservations
  • For those accessible public transit service
    options requiring reservations, the
    transportation provider shall implement a booking
    policy that accepts bookings for service on a
    given day, to the extent that service is
    available, between the opening of the booking
    period the previous day and 3 hours prior to the
    published close of the booking period the
    previous day.

6.7 Fares
  • 6.7.1 The transportation provider shall apply the
    same base fare structure to all public transit
    services within a jurisdiction.
  • 6.7.2 The transportation provider shall provide
    the same fare media options to all passengers
    within a jurisdiction. Where a fare media option
    is not yet accessible, the transportation
    provider shall provide an alternative option.

  • 6.9.1The transportation provider shall provide
    accessible public transit services to individuals
    with disabilities that prevent them from using
    fixed route public transit temporarily or
  • 6.9.2 The transportation provider shall consider
    an individual eligible for accessible public
    transit services if the individuals disability
  • a) prevents their ability to use fixed route
    public transit (unconditional eligibility)
  • b) temporarily prevents their ability to use
    fixed route public transit (temporary
    eligibility) and/or
  • c) environmental or physical barriers limit
    their ability to consistently use fixed route
    public transit (conditional eligibility).

Eligibility Process
  • 6.10.1 The transportation provider of accessible
    public transit services shall
  • a) make available, upon request, all accessible
    public transit eligibility application
    information in
  • accessible formats
  • b) consider an applicant provisionally eligible
    if an eligibility determination has not been made
  • 7 calendar days following submission of the
    completed application and
  • c) establish an independent appeal process for
    eligibility decisions that are unfavourable to
  • applicant with a final decision rendered
    within 14 calendar days of receipt of a request
    for appeal

Standard Costing
  • provisional incremental costing for Windsor
    associated with compliance
  • Total incremental operating and capital cost over
    18 year period equals 10.6 million
  • Annual ongoing operating cost 400,000

Public Consultation
Public Consultation
  • the consultation process included
  • public meetings throughout the Province with
    participation being by invitation only
    determined by ADO
  • written submissions to the Minister
  • on-line submissions to the Minister via Ministry
    of Community and Social Service website

Windsors response Transportation Standards
  • Maintaining municipal flexibility and opportunity
    in terms of meeting local needs
  • Compliance requirements have to consider
  • Undue hardship
  • Safety
  • Competing legislation
  • Compliance will require new long-term sustainable
    funding for related operating and capital costs
  • The framework and process to monitor and/or
    measure Standard compliance needs to be defined

Windsors Response Transportation Standards
  • standards must be viewed as a group
  • In assessing significant social and economic
    benefits associated with creating a barrier free
  • there is a need to ensure from the cost side that
    all of the respective common and sector-specific
    proposed standards are considered. This is often
    omitted given the planned phased introduction of
    the standards.
  • It is critical the Province harmonize the
    requirements of the common (core) and sector
    specific standards in terms of definitions,
    requirements and compliance schedules a task
    made easier by holding all completed common and
    sector specific standards in abeyance until all
    standards are completed

Windsors Response Transportation Standards
  • Standard Specific Messages
  • Certain definitions require clarification ie
    transportable mobility aid
  • Free Attendant Fares, and Blind and Deaf decals
    should be in a common standard versus
    sector-specific (5.35, 5.14, 5.15)
  • Intent re boarding/deboarding assistance needs
    to be clarified (5.19)
  • Service provider requirements re service animals
    needs to be clarified (5.26)
  • Intent re trip restrictions needs to be
    clarified (6.8)
  • The time periods associated with the eligibility
    and appeal process are too restrictive (6.10)

Where do we go from here
  • Await comments from the Minister
  • T-SDC reconvene?
  • Transportation Standards implemented
  • Final goal.
  • Ontario barrier free!!!!!
  • Questions, comments and discussion!!
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