Title: 1.What is mathematics forin the workplace
11.What is mathematics for/in the workplace?
- A lot of discussion in this ICME TSG is focused
on the question "can we call this mathematics or
is it just general knowledge?"Shouldn't we stop
the discussion among mathematicians and just call
this coping with the quantitative/qualitative
aspects of the reality (of the workplace) around
us. Or must we incorporate this in the definition
of mathematical thinking and acting? - 'Old'
curricula don't fit the needs anymore. But ....
what then? Are there examples of 'good practice'?
The italian case? Mathematics in Context? What
exactly does that mean?After all research that
ends in "school math and workplace needs don't
fit together", what should a vocational math
program look like? Are there any key issues
(Steen, Hovis) to be addressed?
22. Do we need a change in teaching methods?
- Mathematics integrated in vocational
courses?(Problem Based Education) - Teamwork? -
ICTechnology - ..
33. About technology what are 'appropriate uses'?
- Use of Technology in the Workplaces - Learning
tool for math - Artefact and/or Instrument -
Techno-mathematical literacy ....
44. How about transfer? ('mathematics in context')
Setting Workingplace, situated problems One
visionGeneralisation (de-contextualisation) is
needed for transfer. Generalized knowledge is
applicable in new, different situations.This
vision is (mostly implicit) underneath most
discussions about designing curricula and
programs.But the transfer results are mostly very
disappointing. Another visionFind a set of
meaningful contexts which are not too far
apart. Get a structured situated
abstraction.Will that enhance the transfer
55. How to assess 'math for the workplace'
integrated or separate?
- Stand alone modules (England) - If you are able
to use mathematically correct strategies in your
work in the workplace setting, why do you have to
pass a test on this in a formal setting?Test
for politicians? Or tests for getting projects
66. Do we know/consider research in other
vocational subject disciplines/ general?
- Does it make sense to do research in math ed
apart from more general workplace research?
77. What status has Research in vocational
education in the mathematics educational research
88. What are next steps for the (near) future?