Title: ArctEco
Photo Cornelius Nello
2Little auk study the history 1970 1980
Norwegian and Polish studies on LA cenzus,
feeding, growth (M.Norderhaug, L. Stempniewicz)
1979-1990 massive auk diet analyses at IOPAS
For projects by NPI (F. Mehlum), UG (L.
Stempniewicz), UB (J. Taylor) 1985- 1990
Norwegian and Polish studies on energy
requirement, ecophysiology of Alle alle (GW
Gabrielsen, F. Mehlum, M. Konarzewski, J. Taylor)
1991 recognition that Calanus in Alle alle
diet is NOT a C. finmarchicus (S. Kwasniewski
J. Koszteyn, IOPAS) 1992 sampling and paper
from Franz Josef Land colony (Weslawski,
Stempniewicz, Galaktionov 1994) 1994 sampling
and paper from Bjornoya colony (Weslawski,
Mehlum, Stempniewicz) 2001 start of regular
USA-Polish cooperation in Hornsund on auks
zoopl. (Karnovsky et al.2003, Ann Harding ) 2004
sampling diet from NE Greenland (A. Harding)
2005 sampling zooplankton diet at NE
Grenland (A. Harding Wiktor junior) 2005 -
Formulation of two clusters at IPY4 that cover
the climate, ocean, plankton and seabirds
coupling (SF Petersen, S. Kwasniewski, L.
Stempniewicz, K. Drinkwater)
3The concept of food web change in historical
time. Bowheads elimination, provided excessive
food for Little auks
Weslawski et al..2000, Oceanologia 42
4 AUK - present contact persons IOPAS
zooplankton sampling, diet analyses (Wojtek
Walkusz) IB UG auks feeding behaviour at
colony (Lech Stempniewicz) CC USA auks
behaviour, counts at sea (Nina Karnovsky) Alaska
auks genetics, physiology (Ann Harding) Norsk
Polarinstitutt lipids transfer, food web (
Harald Steen) Dansk Polarcenter (Knud Falk ?)
5Nina Karnovsky at Polish Polar Station in
Hornsund, AUK study 2005
6Sea birds count zooplankton sampling with
simultaneous diet samples collection in colony
(2001- 2005)
7Average of large Calanus in net tows (ind/m3)
2.2 kJ/m3
6.9 kJ/m3
Karnovsky et al. 2003
8Seabirds counts zooplankton sampling from
OCEANIA , AUK project 2001- 2005, for details see
9Example of combined survey from r/v OCEANIA, July
Karnovsky et al..2003, MEPS
10Little auk colonies studied by present consortium
sampled Hornsund Isfjorden Bjornoya FJ
Land Young Sound NW Greenland Not sampled Novaja
Zemlia Jan Mayen Magdalena fjord