Title: Rossendale Partnership Environment Theme Group
1Rossendale Partnership Environment Theme Group
- Overview and cross cutting opportunities
- 17th November 2008.
- Membership (inc. Countryside Working Group.)
- Action plan
- Cross cutting opportunities
3MEMBERSHIP Env Theme Group
- Civic Pride
- Environment Agency
- Greenvale Homes
- Groundwork Pennine Lancashire
- Lancashire County Council (DPO)
- Rossendale BC (Environmental Health and
Communities team) - Cllr Peter Steen (Environment Portfolio Holder)
- Rossendale Civic Trust
- United Utilities
- The Wildlife Trust
- Chris March
- Rossendale Climate Change Group ??
4MEMBERSHIP Countryside W.G.
- Access Rossendale
- Forest of Rossendale BW Association (FORBA) / BHS
- Groundwork Pennine Lancashire
- Irwell Sculpture Trail
- Lancashire County Council (Countryside)
- United Utilities
5Environment Theme Group
- Relevant SCS objectives
- We want to reduce our carbon footprint and the
impact we have on the environment - We want clean town centres that are attractive to
residents and visitors alike - We want more people to come to Rossendale and
enjoy our fantastic countryside and attractions
which we will continue to protect and enhance.
6Environment Action Plan
- To promote and encourage understanding of
Rossendale's Environment Heritage - Promotion of good environmental standards in the
local economy.
7To promote and encourage understanding of
Rossendale's Environment Heritage (i)
- Increase beneficial management of woodlands for
biodiversity and community benefit
8To promote and encourage understanding of
Rossendale's Environment Heritage (ii)
- Implement Parks Improvement Plan
- Secure green flag status for one municipal park
9To promote and encourage understanding of
Rossendale's Environment Heritage (iii)
- Identify programme of Built heritage activities
- Bankfield Street- the street looks so much
better. Its amazing what a difference the
changes have made. - Spring Terrace- Before the work was done it was
like living by a rubbish dump. Now we have the
bin store we can recycle and we no longer have an
eyesore next to our homes.
10To promote and encourage understanding of
Rossendale's Environment Heritage (iv)
- Develop year 2 rights of way (ROW) improvement
plan for Rossendale and implement
11To promote and encourage understanding of
Rossendale's Environment Heritage (v)
- Maintain a guided walks programme graded to
encourage local people and visitors to experience
the landscape and health benefits of walking
12Promotion of good environmental standards in the
local economy.(i)
13Promotion of good environmental standards in the
local economy.(ii)
- deliver programme of advice for local businesses
on means to reduce carbon emission. - arrange and deliver a Rossendale Environment Fair
14Promotion of good environmental standards in the
local economy. (iii)
15Cross Cutting Opportunities
- Health walking and physical activity
- Regen. Board Resource Efficiency workshops
- Culture and Regeneration Board Valley of Stone/
Guided Walks, Built Environment - Childrens Trust Woodland / Forest Schools,
Climate Change Agenda, somewhere to go - Community Safety e.g. Secured by design
- Housing and Transport Sub Group (Regen.) Climate
Change agenda