Title: Surface force measurements of polyelectrolyte mediated interactions:
1Surface force measurements of polyelectrolyte
mediated interactions Implications on tailings
paste technology Thomas Abraham NSERC
Industrial Research Chair in Oil Sands
Engineering Department of Chemical and Materials
Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta
2- Profile
- Importance of Study
- Polyelectrolyte- assisted flocculation
- (Paste Technology)
- Objectives
- Materials Method
- Results
- Conclusions
3Importance of Study
Process technology for Disposal of fine tails
Syncrude data
Cumulative fine tails
4Polyelectrolyte- assisted flocculation
Paste technology
5Polyelectrolyte- particle interaction
6Floc- structure
Loose flocs
Dense flocs
Rgf (pH, CS )
9Interferometric Surface Forces Apparatus
Surface Forces versus Distance
10Results Forces between mica surfaces
3mM MgCl2/ PAA/ pH 8
50 ppm
10 ppm
11Results Forces between mica surfaces
3mM CaCl2/ 10 ppm PAA/ pH 8
- PAA mediated surface interactions are strong
function of
(a) divalent ion size
(b) Polyelectrolyte/ divalent ion concentration
13Conclusions (Continued)
- Presence or use of these counterions in systems
containing PAA can have profound effects on
relevant surface interactions
14Further work
- Effects of
- charge density molecular
- weight of polyelectrolyte
- divalent salt concentration
- other constituents such as surfactants
Professor Zhenghe Xu Professor Jacob Masliyah
Atte Kumplainen RIT YKI, Stockholm NSERC
Industrial Oil sand Chair