Title: Halo LID Project
1Halo LID Project
HALO LID Project
SW 35th Avenue, Stephenson to Arnold April 3, 2008
2Halo LID Project
- Determine if
- Affordable
- Non-traditional Ped Improvements
- Funded by the Community
3Halo LID Project
TODAYS GOALS 1 - Your input on the design
concept 2 - Your input on the neighborhood
interest in pursuing an LID
4Halo LID Project
- SWNI HALO LID Committee
- Formed the neighborhood project
- teams - September / October 07
- Charter the Teams November
- Oversee their activities
5Halo LID Project
- Kick-off Meeting November
- Field Recon
- Preliminary Designs
- Team Meetings
- Refine the Design
6Halo LID Project
Field Recon
7Halo LID Project
- Recommend SOLUTIONS
8Halo LID Project
SW 35th Avenue, SW Stephenson to SW Arnold
9Halo LID Project
10Halo LID Project
11Halo LID Project
12Halo LID Project
13Halo LID Project
14Halo LID Project
15Halo LID Project
16Halo LID Project
17Halo LID Project
18Halo LID Project
- Design Treatments
- Portland Pedestrian Design Guide
- 16 Typical Sections
- Ditch and Swale Alternatives
- Costs per section
19Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
1D Separated Pathway with Ditch
20Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
5D Separated Pathway Above Roadway with Ditch
21Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
6D Separated Pathway on Wall with Swale
or Ditch
22Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
13D Widened Shoulder with Ditch or Swale
23Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
14 Widened Shoulder on Fill Wall
24Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
15 Widened Shoulder with Retaining Wall
25Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
12 Widened Shoulder
26Halo LID Project
Design Treatment
8 Curb Tight Pathway
27Halo LID Project
- Preliminary BASE MAP (Otak)
- Field Notes Team Input
- Create Base Map for Project
- ID Key Issues / Challenges
- ID Project Components
- ID Alternative Design Treatments
28Halo LID Project
Design Treatments
29Halo LID Project
Design Treatment Costs
30Halo LID Project
- Construction Cost Estimates
- Design Treatment Costs
- Additional Construction Costs
- Contingencies
31Halo LID Project
- Additional Construction Costs
- Tree Removal Costs
- Retaining Walls
- Extra Excavations / Fills
- Driveways
- Utility Structures
- Miscellaneous Items
32Halo LID Project
Construction Cost Estimates Design Treatment
Costs Additional Construction Costs
Contingencies Construction Total
33Halo LID Project
Project Cost Estimates Construction
Engineering Right-of-Way Total Project
34Halo LID Project
Project Cost Estimates Construction
665,790 Engineering
266,315 Right-of-Way
0 Total Project Cost 932,106
35Halo LID Project
- Local Improvement District (LID) Process
- Neighborhood contacts PDOT to initiate
project - Public meeting hosted by PDOT to determine
interest - If sufficient interest, petitions prepared
valid if gt50 support
36Halo LID Project
- Local Improvement District (LID)
Process - Council makes decision to move project
forward or table project - Survey and design
- Advertise for bids
- Award contract to private sector
37Halo LID Project
- Local Improvement District (LID) Process
- Build project
- Close out project
- Property owners billed
- Financing of 5, 10 or 20 years available
38Halo LID Project
- Walkshed Proximity
- 12 abutting taxlots (1 of total)
- 139 within 1/8 mile (13 of total)
- 215 within 1/4 mile (20 of total)
- 237 within 3/8 mile (22 of total)
- 469 within 1/2 mile (44 of total)
- 1,072 total all figures approximate
39Halo LID Project
- Cost Example Abutting Only
- Abutting taxlots 82K (630/mo.)
- Within 1/8 mile 0
- Within 1/4 mile 0
- Within 3/8 mile 0
- Within 1/2 mile 0
- 979K Assumed Project Cost
40Halo LID Project
- Cost Example Equal Share
- Abutting taxlots 900 (10/mo.)
- Within 1/8 mile 900 (10/mo.)
- Within 1/4 mile 900 (10/mo.)
- Within 3/8 mile 900 (10/mo.)
- Within 1/2 mile 900 (10/mo.)
- 979K Assumed Project Cost
41Halo LID Project
- Cost Example 15 Stepback
- Abutting taxlots 1,400 (14/mo.)
- Within 1/8 mile 1,200 (12/mo.)
- Within 1/4 mile 1,000 (11/mo.)
- Within 3/8 mile 900 (10/mo.)
- Within 1/2 mile 800 (9/mo.)
- 979K Assumed Project Cost
42Halo LID Project
- Thank You for Attending this Presentation
- Best Wishes on a Successful Project