Title: Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Atlantic Canada
1Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency in
Atlantic Canada Canadian Industry Program for
Energy Conservation
Jeff Sward Industry Officer Industrial Programs
Jessica Norup Senior Industry Analyst Industrial
Programs Division
November 17th, 2005
- Seafood Sector in Canada Industrial Outlook
- Energy efficiency and human resource development
- CIPEC and Industrial Energy Innovators
- Key CIPEC Program Elements
- Other NRCan Programs
- Program Delivery the Atlantic Task Force
- Program Contact Information
3Energy Efficiency An Issue of Human Resources?
- Energy Efficiency
- Creates jobs
- Increases income levels
- Avoids layoffs due to recessions, spikes in fuel
prices and international competition - Enhances the working environment
4Energy Efficiency Job Creation and Personal
- Since the establishment of energy management
programs in the early 1980's, residents,
businesses and agencies of San Jose, California
have cut more than 5.5 million from annual
energy bills and saved enough energy each year to
power 7,600 homes. San Jose predicts its
sustainable energy programs will produce a
county-wide 33 million increase in wages and
salaries, and a net employment gain of 1,753 job
years over a ten-year period. - Source Rocky Mountain Institute
- BC Sustainable Energy Association estimates that
over the next 30 years Energy Efficiency can
reduce consumption by 25, 000 GWh and create - 145, 000 jobs.
5Energy Efficiency Avoided Layoffs
- Between 1990 and 1999 seafood processors
- Decreased employment by 13 through plant
closures or layoffs - Saw a 12 increase in fuel prices
- By increasing energy efficiency manufacturers
across Canada can be protected from rising energy
costs and partially avoid unnecessary layoffs.
6Energy Efficiency Better Workplace
- Many technologies that reduce energy consumption
also enhance working conditions - Air barriers a technology to create a laminar
air flow in doorways or large cargo bays to
separate the cold exterior from the warm interior - Reduce space heating costs by as much as 90
- Avoid drafts and unpleasant conditions for plant
workers and administration staff
- Seafood Sector in Canada Industrial Outlook
- Energy efficiency and human resource development
- CIPEC and Industrial Energy Innovators
- Key CIPEC Program Elements
- Other NRCan Programs
- Program Delivery the Atlantic Task Force
- Program Contact Information
8What is the Canadian Industry Program for Energy
- Established 1975 - Unique industry-government
partnership (at sector level) sponsored by NRCan - To reduce energy intensity of the Canadian
industrial sector - Industry set target 1 annually from 1990 to
2005 - Encourage adoption of energy efficiency as a tool
to - cut costs
- improve productivity
- reduce GHG emissions
9CIPEC Structure
10What are Industrial Energy Innovators?
- Established 1995 - Voluntary company-level
commitment, from executive level, to improve
energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions - To date more than 500 Canadian companies are
listed with NRCan as IEIs - IEI participation is a prerequisite for receiving
audit incentive and IBIP funding from NRCan - Receive a 33 discount on Dollars to ense Energy
Management Workshops - Opportunity for customized Dollars to ense
- Seafood Sector in Canada Industrial Outlook
- Energy efficiency and human resource development
- CIPEC and Industrial Energy Innovators
- Key CIPEC Program Elements
- Other NRCan Programs
- Program Delivery the Atlantic Task Force
- Program Contact Information
12Key Program Elements
Industrial Energy Efficiency
13Key Program Elements
- Celebration
- Heads-up CIPEC
- Annual Report
- IEI Awards
- Incentives
- Energy Audit
- Incentive
- Industrial Building
- Incentive Program
- Class 43.1
- Training
- Dollars to ense
- energy management
- workshops
Industrial Energy Efficiency
- Information
- Guidebooks
- Benchmarking
- Studies
- CIPEC Task Forces
14Industrial Energy Audit Incentive
- Covers 50 of audit cost, to a maximum of 5,000
- Allows for supporting funding from utilities
- Available only to companies that are Industrial
Energy Innovators - Companies select own audit contractor and
determine scope of audit - Does not apply retroactively
- Energy Management Services Directory
15Dollars to ense Workshops
- 3 workshops
- Spot the Energy Savings Opportunities
- Energy Monitoring and Tracking
- Energy Master Plan
- Since 1997
- 1500 industry participants
- 33 discount for Industrial Energy Innovators
- Access to customized workshops
- Success Story
- ESCO Foundry in Port Hope realizes a 500,000 to
750,000 savings after a company level customized
workshop in 2001
April 11 Customized Textiles Workshop enjoyed
the entire day it has left me with numerous
ideas for improvement! David Savage, Lincoln
16Class 43.1 Tax Incentive
- Accelerated write-off of certain equipment
designed to produce energy more efficiently or
use alternative renewable sources - In general, systems that generate electricity
and/or produce heat for industrial processes by - recovering and re-using thermal waste,
- using specified-waste fuels,
- using cogeneration, or
- using renewable energy sources, including solar,
wind and small hydro
17CIPEC Energy Intensity Index 1990 2002
- Over the 1990 to 2003 period, there was a 0.7
average annual improvement in energy intensity. - In total, energy intensity was 8.7 lower in 2003
compared to 1990.
18CIPEC companies get results!
- Industrial energy savings related to effective
energy management practices totalled more than
3.4 billion in 2003 - Over the past 5 years, the increase in energy
consumption among non-CIPEC participants was more
than double that of CIPEC participants
- Seafood Sector in Canada Industrial Outlook
- Energy efficiency and human resource development
- CIPEC and Industrial Energy Innovators
- Key CIPEC Program Elements
- Other NRCan Programs
- Program Delivery the Atlantic Task Force
- Program Contact Information
20EnerGuide for Industry?
- Web-based energy rating system for industry
- energy performance comparison of products of same
class size - provides information to purchase energy-efficient
off-the-shelf industrial equipment. - Allows users to
- Choose a product according to its energy
efficiency. - Calculate the energy and dollar savings.
- Provides energy-saving tips for the purchase,
operation and maintenance of energy-efficient
21Motor Selector
22Industrial Buildings Incentive
- Encourages the design of energy efficient
industrial buildings Incentive to offset design
costs - Up to 80,000 to Industrial Energy Innovators
- Design must be 25 more energy efficient than
Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB) - Building measures 15
- 10 minimum contribution to building energy from
improved process
- Assists fleet managers, owners and operators
reduce fuel costs and vehicle emissions and
improve productivity through energy-efficient
practices. - FleetSmart ToolKit
- Fuel Management 101 workshop
- Smart Driver workshops
- Heavy Vehicle
- SmartDriver Instruction's Guide
- Heavy Vehicle Fuel Consumption Calculator
24Renewable Energy Deployment Incentive (REDI)
- Encourage renewable energy for space water
heating cooling - Solar Air Heating Systems (active)
- Solar Water Heating Systems (active)
- Biomass (high efficiency/low emissions) gt75kW
- New incentives available for process heat
- RE Project Development Costs
- Up to 50 for RE feasibility studies
- Assessed on a case-by case basis
- RE Project Implementation Costs
- Up to 25 of eligible RE project expenses
- Max. of 80,000 per application
- Max. of 250,000 per organization
Bombardier Canadair, Montreal QC
Solarwall draws ventilation air into a
building, to preheat or heat using solar energy
25Canmet Energy Technology Centres (CETC)
Works with Canadian companies to develop and
deploy advanced energy efficiency and renewable
energy technologies.
- Varennes, QC
- Targeted Research Programs
- Refrigeration research
- Industrial Process Integration and Engineering
Programs - Buildings Program
- Renewable Energy Capacity-Building Program
- Bells Corners (Ottawa), ON
- Combustion research facility
- Advanced Combustion Technology Program (ACT)
- Targeted Programs
- Buildings Energy Technology Program
- Federal Industrial Boiler Program
- Energy Technologies for High Temperature
Processes, - Community Energy Systems
- Etc
- Devon, AB
- Heavy oil Oil Sands Research
- Advanced Separation Technologies Program
- National Centre for Upgrading Technology
- Seafood Sector in Canada Industrial Outlook
- Energy efficiency and human resource development
- CIPEC and Industrial Energy Innovators
- Key CIPEC Program Elements
- Other NRCan Programs
- Program Delivery the Atlantic Task Force
- Program Contact Information
27What is a CIPEC Task Force?
- A group of industry and industry-association
representatives working with the Canadian
government to improve industrial energy
efficiency. - provides a forum for identifying common needs
such as energy management planning, technical
information, financing, training, employee
awareness. - examines the potential for energy efficiency
improvements. - establishes ways to report and track progress,
and create action plans for achieving targets.
28The CIPEC Task Force Participants
- Private Sector
- Industry Representatives
- Executives, plant managers, energy committee
chairs - Association Representatives
- Utility Representatives
- Public Sector
- Federal Government
- NRCan-Office of Energy Efficiency sector officers
- Provincial/Municipal Government officials
29The CIPEC Task Force Operation
- Task Force members can participate in meetings
- in person
- by teleconference
- by web conference
- Task Force members receive
- meeting minutes
- presentations
- case studies
- other materials presented
30Regional CIPEC Task Forces
- General Manufacturing West
- General Manufacturing Central (Ontario)
- General Manufacturing East (Quebec)
- We plan to develop an additional regional Task
Force - Atlantic Task Force (NB, NS, NFLD, PEI)
31The Atlantic Task Force Benefits
- connects companies in the region interested in
energy efficiency - provides the CIPEC network with an Atlantic
perspective - helps companies to learn about technical,
operational an organizational energy efficiency
best practices
- Seafood Sector in Canada Industrial Outlook
- Energy efficiency and human resource development
- CIPEC and Industrial Energy Innovators
- Key CIPEC Program Elements
- Other NRCan Programs
- Program Delivery the Atlantic Task Force
- Program Contact Information
33General Contact Information
- Office of Energy Efficiency oee.nrcan.gc.ca
- CIPEC oee.nrcan.gc.ca/cipec
- Industrial Energy Innovators info.industry_at_nrcan
.gc.ca - Energy Efficiency Audits info.industry_at_nrcan.gc.
ca - Energy Management Services Dir. oee.nrcan.gc.ca/pr
oviders - Dollars to ense Workshops oee.nrcan.gc.ca/worksh
ops - EnerGuide for Industry oee.nrcan.gc.ca/egi
- Renewable Energy Initiative nrcan.gc.ca/redi
- CETC nrcan.gc.ca/es/etb
34NRCan Coordinates
- Jessica Norup
- JNorup_at_NRCan.gc.ca
- (613) 944-4782
- Jeff Sward
- JSward_at_NRCan.gc.ca
- (613) 996-6780
- Natural Resources Canada Office of Energy
Efficiency Industrial Programs Division - 580 Booth St. Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4