Title: Glenview Downtown Plan
1Glenview Downtown Plan
Key Findings Existing Conditions,
Opportunities, and Constraints
2Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
3Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
5ExistingLand Use
9SitesSusceptibleto Change
10Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
11Public Input Forums
- Walking tour (July 15)
- Community Input Workshop (September 23),
including an Image Preference Survey - Focus group (November 10) including a range of
Downtown stakeholders - Written survey of Downtown business
owners/operators (October/ November)
12Top-Scoring Townhome Images
13Top-Scoring Condo Images
14Top-Scoring Retail Images
15Top-Scoring Mixed-Use Images
16Key Themes from Public Input
- Widespread support for change/ improvements in
Downtown Glenview - Change should respect and enhance character and
charm of Downtown - Impacts on local businesses should be considered
Team will explore methods of mitigating these
17Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
18Retail- Key Components
- Confirm demographic trends
- Analyze presence/absence and business mix vs.
other downtowns and shopping centers - Supplement/refine Gibbs findings
19Retail Trade Areas and Competition
20Key Demographic Findings Retail Trade Areas
- 2004
- Combined market areas population of 140,000
- Median household income of 70,000
- 2004 2009 (Claritas projections)
- 1,900 households in combined market areas
- Stable or slightly increasing household size
(2.6 people/household) - Median household incomes stable (adjusted for
22Conclusions- Potential Additional Retail
- Apparel/shoes/accessories (9 establishments)
- Bakery/café/snack shop (1)
- Community theater/cinema/meeting space
(potentially in Library) (1) - Consumer electronics (3)
- Cosmetics/personal care/bath body (2)
- Full-service restaurants (3)
- National chain drug store or variety store
GNC (1) - Pets/pet food/accessories (1)
- Sporting goods/equipment (1)
- Toys/crafts fabric, art supplies, toys (3)
- Visitor center/downtown organization (1)
23Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
24Residential- Key Components
- Inventory/study competing projects
- Analyze change in households by age and income
category - Reconcile known supply with projected demand in
the market to estimate future potential
25ResidentialMarket Area
26Projected Household Growth by Age Income,
Village of Glenview
Balance of Market Area
27Residential Supply, Demand, Recommended Program
Supply Demand Summary, 2004 - 2009
Study Area Residential Program, 2004 - 2009
1 Current-year dollars
28Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
29Key Traffic and Pedestrian Findings
- Downtown traffic system generally performing
well, despite Lake Avenue construction - Poor east-west continuity pushes traffic onto
Glenview Road - Pine St./Glenview Road intersection as currently
configured causes disruptive turning movements - Waukegan/Glenview intersection is intimidating to
pedestrians - Potential need for mid-block pedestrian crossings
on Glenview Road
30Parking- Weekday Midday
31Parking- SaturdayMidday
32Parking- Sunday 930 OLPHMass
33Transportation Opportunities
34Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
35Floodplain and Topography
36Potential for Cut and Fill
37Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
39Key Downtown Zoning Districts
- D-1
- Mixed-use
- 35-40 foot maximum height
- B-2
- Businesses only
- 40 foot maximum height
- R-18
- 18 dwelling units/acre
- 35 foot maximum height
40D-1 PotentialBuildout
41Report Chapters
- Land Use and Physical Conditions Assessment
- Public Input Summary
- Retail Market Assessment
- Residential Market Assessment
- Traffic, Pedestrian, Parking Conditions
- Stormwater Analysis
- Code Analysis
- Development Opportunities
42Opportunity Sites