Title: Glenview Downtown Plan
1Glenview Downtown Plan
Community Workshop Downtown Development Concepts
February 3, 2005
2The Team
- S.B. Friedman Company
- Overall Project Management
- Market Analysis
- Economic Analysis
- The Lakota Group
- Physical and Land Use Analysis
- Conceptual Site Design
- Traffic, Parking, Pedestrian Circulation Analysis
- Christopher B. Burke Engineering
- General Stormwater, Infrastructure and River
3Overall Objective
4Specific Goals
- Follow Comp Plan Recommendation that Detailed
Downtown Concept Plans be Developed - Help Glenview
- Define Preferred Height, Density, and Character
- Evaluate Tradeoffs Between Conflicting Goals
- Define Priority Sites/Improvements
- Evaluate Tools to Meet These Goals Through
- Guiding Private Investment (Zoning/Design
Control) - Public/Private Partnerships (Including
Incentives) - Placement of Public Facilities
- Use of Public Land
5Comp Plan Preferred Concept
6Public Input Forums To Date
- Walking Tour (7/15/04)
- Community Input Workshop (9/23/04)
- Downtown Stakeholder Focus Group (11/10/04)
- Downtown Businesses Survey (Oct/Nov 2004)
- Constraints/Opportunities DPC Presentation
(12/9/04) - Min-Mid-Max and Economic Model Methodology DPC
Presentation (1/10/05)
7Key Themes from Public Input
- Widespread Support for Change/ Improvements in
Downtown Glenview - Change Should Respect and Enhance Character and
Charm of Downtown - 3. Means of Ameliorating Impacts on Local
Businesses Should be Considered
89/23/04 Most-Preferred Townhome Images
99/23/04 Most-Preferred Condo Images
109/23/04 Most-Preferred Retail Images
119/23/04 Most-Preferred Mixed-Use Images
129/23/04 Most-Preferred Parking Images
139/23/04 Most-Preferred Streetscape Images
149/23/04 Key Sites Identified In Public Input
- Block Bounded by River Drive, Glenview Road,
Dewes and Church Streets - Fire Station and Glenview State Bank Site
- 1800 Block of Glenview Road
- Dominicks Site
- NW Corner Glenview Road and Pine Street
159/23/04 Key Sites Identified In Public Input
- SW Corner Glenview Road and Waukegan Road
- SE Corner Waukegan Road and Grove Street
- West Side of Waukegan from Grove to McLean
- Village Hall/Police Station Site
- East Side of Waukegan from Glenview to Grove
16Opportunity Sites Identified by Team
17What the Min-Mid-Max Is
- A Way to Test a Range of Ideas on Various Sites
- An Opportunity to Brainstorm and Mix-and Match
- A Chance to Add Your Own Ideas to the Concepts
- A Forum to Tell Us What We Missed
18What the Min-Mid-Max Is Not
- A Final Plan Set in Stone
- A Recommendation That the Village Acquire
Property - A Value Judgement About Existing Businesses,
Buildings, or Uses
19Sample Min-Mid-Max
20Economic Model
- First Cut Economic Feasibility Test
- Compares Estimated Development Costs and Revenues
from Each Project/Block Shown in the Min-Mid-Max
Concepts - Indicates Whether Private Sector Would Consider
Undertaking a Project if Zoning Permitted
21Sample Economic Analysis