Title: Kevin Sutton
- By
- Kevin Sutton
- Isadora Rivers
2Explanation of a Tessellation
- A tessellation is made when a shape is repeated
covering a plane without any gaps or overlaps.
3How do We Know That a Shape Tessellates
- We know that a shape will tessellate if it
tessellates by it self. If the sides dont
overlap and there are no gaps then the shape can
4An explanation of each type of transformation and
how they are used in tessellations
- Rotation
- A rotation is a transformation in which a figure
turns around a fixed center point. A rotation
does not change the figure. A quarter turn is a
rotation of 90. A half turn is a rotation of 180
. - Reflection
- A reflection is a transformation in which a
geometric figure is reflected across a line,
creating a mirror image. A reflection changes the
order of points as one goes around the figure.
5An explanation of each type of transformation and
how they are used in tessellations
- Translation
- Without any change in size or orientation, a
translation is the transformation in which a
geometric figure is moved to another location. - Tessellation
- Without overlapping or leaving blank spaces, a
tessellation is to cover a plane with identically
shaped pieces.
6An explanation of each type of transformation and
how they are used in tessellations
- Dilation
- A dilation is the transformation in which a
geometric figure either enlarges or becomes
smaller. This has to do with the center of
dilation and a scale factor.
7A slide show of art work from Escher that clearly
illustrates each transformation
- This Tessellation clearly uses the
transformations of reflection, and translation.
8A slide show of art work from Escher that clearly
illustrates each transformation
- This tessellation clearly uses the transformation
of rotation and translation.
9A slide show of art work from Escher that clearly
illustrates each transformation
- In this tessellation the transformation used is
clearly the one of translation.
10A slide show of art work from Escher that clearly
illustrates each transformation
- This Tessellate clearly uses the transformations
of rotation and translation.
11A slide show of art work from Escher that clearly
illustrates each transformation
- One transformation this tessellation clearly uses
is the one of dilation.
12A slide show of art work from Escher that clearly
illustrates each transformation
- This tessellation clearly uses the
transformations of dilation, reflection,
rotation, and translation.
13A slide show of art work from Escher that clearly
illustrates each transformation
- This tessellation clearly uses the
transformations of rotation and translation.
14A construction of each type of transformation
- Rotation
- This is a rotation of 120
15A construction of each type of transformation
- Tessellation This is a tessellation of
- Dilation This is a dilation by 0.5.
16A construction of each type of transformation
- Translation This shape is translated by 5 cm.