Title: Geography Markup Language
1Geography Markup Language
Milan Trninicmtrninic_at_galdosinc.com
Digital Geographic Information Working Group
Conference Vancouver, 09 April, 2003
2Galdos Systems
- A young, fast moving software company focused on
XML and Web-Services for Geo-spatial information
systems - Ron Lake, the owner and CEO was founding member
of OGC (1993). Creator of Geography Markup
Language. - Lead participant in OGC standards efforts
including GML, WFS, WCS since 1998. - Expertise in Analysis/Design/Build, GML
Application Schema development, XML Applications
(XSD / XML / SVG / XSLT / SOAP / WSDL etc.), Java
client/server side development (J2ME ? J2EE), OGC
ISO TC/211 TC204 Standards
3GML History
- Feb 99 White paper by Galdos on XML for
spatial. - Feb 99 Presentation by NTT Data
- Summer 99 Xbed Group led by Galdos Systems,
develops SFXML (Oracle, NTT Data, MapInfo) - October 99 Galdos Systems writes GML RFC, in
December it becomes public - May 2000 GML 1.0 Passed as recommendation
paper. - Feb 2001 OGC publishes GML 2.0
- March 2001 GML 2.0 voted as adopted
specification - July 2001 GML 3.0 Workshop in Vancouver
- 2001 Work on GML3.0 in progress. Work on
harmonizing G-XML and GML3.0 in progress. - Sept 2001 OGC votes to send GML to ISO
- 2002 Work on GML3.0 in progress
- February 2003 OGC releases GML3.0 Specification
4GML OverviewWhat is it?
- OGC Endorsed Adopted Specification.
- A lingua franca for geographic information.
- XML technology for handling spatial data on the
Internet. - Emerging international standard for spatial
dataendorsed by 200 companies and agencies
around the world. - Converged with G-XML (Japan) additional 600
5GML OverviewWhat is it?
- Data transport
- Data modeling language - build application
vocabularies for specific domains. - Create types for geo-spatial web service
- Data store model. Links between elements can
exist across the Internet. Links can represent
relationships (e.g. spatial)
6GML Overview
- GML focuses on content and separates content and
presentation - GML data can be read and understood by people.
Easily transformed. - GML can enable distributed spatial datasets that
are linked together local maintenance
development /global access. Reduced cost for
data - GML data can easily be mixed with non-spatial
data including text, video, and imagery. - GML can build shareable application schemas for
various applications like telecommunications,
utilities, forestry, tourism, location-based
services, etc. - Enables creation and easy discovery of typed
services. Provides a standard means to define
input output arguments. - GML is non-proprietary and open! Enables
non-proprietary web feature servers, image/map
annotation, map styling, spatial analysis, etc.
7GML OverviewMajor elements of GML
- Feature model
- Geometry (2D, 2.5D, 3D)
- Topology
- Coverage
- Presentation - styling
- Coordinate Reference Systems
- Units Of Measure
- Meta data
- Dictionaries
- Temporal (moving objects)
- Observations
8GML Feature Model
- Developed in GML2.0
- Based on OGC Abstract Specification
- Feature model of ISO 19109 matches GML (GML is a
subset). - Enables complex features feature associations
9GML Feature ModelProperties
Property of a feature describes its role in the
ltRadioTowergt ltpositiongt ltPointgtlt/Pointgt
lt/positiongt ltfootprintgt ltPolygongtlt/Polygon
gt lt/footprintgt ltradioCoveragegt
ltPolygongtlt/Polygongt lt/radioCoveragegt
ltnamegtKCFLlt/namegt lt/RadioTowergt
10GML Feature ModelProperties
Property value can be inline
ltpositiongt ltPoint gmlidP001gt
ltcoordinatesgtlt/coordinatesgt lt/Pointgt lt/position
ltpropertygt lt/propertygt
Property value can be remote
ltproperty xlinkhrefhttp//.P001/gt
ltproperty xlinkhref.../gt
11GML Geometry
- ISO 19107 compliant
- 0D, 1D (linear, arcs, bezier, splines), 2D
- 2.5D Geometries (2D in 3D), 3D (solids with
holes) - Geometry Aggregates and Geometry Complexes
ltStreetgt ltnamegtRobsonlt/namegt ltcenterLineOfgt
ltLineString gmlidLS001 srsNameEPSG4326gt
49.28,-123.115lt/coordinatesgt lt/LineStringgt
lt/centerLineOfgt lt/Streetgt
12GML Geometry
ltStreetgt ltnamegtRobsonlt/namegt ltcenterLineOfgt
ltCompositeCurve id"CC1 srsNameEPSG4326gt
ltcurveMembergt ltLineString id"C11"gt
ltcoordinatesgt gt49.29,-123.135
lt/LineStringgt lt/curveMembergt
ltcurveMembergt ltLineString id"C12"gt
ltcoordinatesgt gt49.285,-123.125
lt/LineStringgt lt/curveMembergt
lt/CompositeCurvegt lt/centerLineOfgt lt/Streetgt
13GML Topology
- ISO 19107 compliant
- Nodes, Edges, Faces and Solids
- Topological complexes
- Topology can be described as a part of a feature
or outside of features (e.g. topology of all city
14GML Topology
ltRoute gmlidBus21Route"gt lttopoCurvePropertygt
ltTopoCurvegt ltdirectedEdge
orientation"" xlinkhref"e5"/gt
ltdirectedEdge orientation"" xlinkhref"e3"/gt
lt/TopoCurvegt lt/topoCurvePropertygt lt/Routegt
... ltNode id"n3"/gt ltNode id"n4"/gt ltEdge
id"e3"gt ltdirectedNode orientation"-"
xlinkhref"n3"/gt ltdirectedNode
orientation"" xlinkhref"n4"/gt lt/Edgegt ...
15GML Geometry and Topology
16GML Coverage
- ISO 19123 compliant
- A coverage is a GML feature
- Gridded coverage, segmented curves, surface
tessellation - Data can be binary (file), Comma Separated Values
(CSV), XML - Easy to express things like distribution of
measurement (temperature, pressure) over some
geographic region.
17GML Temporal Model
- ISO 19108 compliant
- Covers most of the temporal types from the ISO
19108 - Support for dynamic feature (jointly feature and
temporal model) - Supports the notion of History
- Time stamping on feature or property level
18GML Meta Data
19GML Default Styling
- Focuses on feature styling
- Uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and Cascading
Style Sheet 2 directly - Capability to define styles for feature
properties of different kinds - Geometry styling and topology styling
- Ability to describe animation styles
- Parameterized styles the output depends on
values of feature properties
20GML Default StylingSymbol Libraries
- Symbol Libraries created separately and used in
GML styles
ltFeature/gt ltdefaultStylegt Inline symbol
definition using SVG and CSS2 lt/defaultStylegt
ltdefaultStyle xlinkhref.../gt lt/Featuregt
Online Symbol Library (XML)
21GML Default Styling and SLD
- Styled Layer Description an OGC specification
- SLD has different scope describes layers and
layer styles pertains to WMS - GML styling mechanism describes feature styles
can be used in any application that uses GML - Efforts under way to harmonize GML Styling and SLD
22GML Coordinate Reference Systems
- Emerged from work done in OGC CRS WG and GML3.0
WG - Complete schemas for description of all aspects
of CRS (SRS) - Definitions also exist for accuracy, data
quality, units of measure etc. - CRS defined in form of libraries and used from
various applications, or referred to from the GML
data directly
23GML Coordinate Reference Systems
ltLineString gmlidLS001 srsNameEPSG4326gt
ltcoordinatesgt49.29,-123.135 49.28,-123.115lt/coord
inatesgt lt/LineStringgt
Online CRS Registry
ltgmlGeographicCRS gmlid"urnepsgv6.1crs4326
"gt ltogcdataSourcegtEPSGlt/ogcdataSourcegt
ltgmlnamegtWGS 84lt/gmlnamegt ltgmlscopegtUsed by
the GPS satellite navigation system and for NATO
military geodetic surveying.lt/gmlscopegt
ltgmlusesCoordinateSystem xlinkhref"urnepsgv6
.1cs6402"/gt ltgmlusesDatum xlinkhref"urneps
gv6.1datum6326"/gt lt/gmlGeographicCRSgt
24GML and ISO
- GML 3.0 is the baseline for ISO GML.
- We do not expect major changes in GML in order
for GML to become an ISO specification (ISO
19136) - There are no serious compliance issues - a joint
meeting (ISO and OGC) was held in Annapolis and
this was discussed at length - OGC and ISO have agreed to create an integrated
task force and produce a single specification - Joint task force to meet in May and likely also
in Vancouver in July. - We anticipate GML will be an ISO DIS by Dec 2003
or Jan 2004.
25GML Performance
26GML Applications
27GML Future
28GML Notes
- GML Dev Days in Vancouver, July 2003
- First book on GML GML Guide presently in print