Title: Probing the inmedium properties of hadrons with dielectrons
1Probing the in-medium properties of hadrons with
Thomas EberlPhysik-Department E12 Technische
Universität München
High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer
2High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer
- Introduction
- Physics goals
- The HADES experiment
- setup
- data analysis
- Results comparison with theory
- pp 2.2 GeV
- CC 2 AGeV
- CC 1 AGeV
3Goal and Concept
- (p, p, A) A collisions at SIS GSI,
0 ? r ? 3 r0 , 0 ? T ? 80 MeV - Dielectron two-body decays of light Vector
Mesons r, w, f - High resolution spectroscopy of ee- pairs, no
final state interaction !
Rare probes at bombarding energies of 1 2 AGeV
4Heavy ion collisions at moderate beam energies
Enhancement of baryon density Dt(r/r0 gt 2) 10
comparatively long life-time ... ... at moderate
5Prediction Vector meson modification
e.g. T. Renk et al., PRC 66 (2002) 014902
- melting of the ?-meson
- mass shift and broadening of the ?-meson
- small effects on the f-meson
Vector mesons are interesting probes to
investigate in-medium effects
6Spectrometer concept
- Geometry
- Full azimuth , polar angles 18o - 85o (y 0
- 2) - Pair acceptance ? 0.35
- 80.000 ch., seg. solid or LH2 targets
- Fast particle identification
- RICH CsI solid photo cathode, C4F10 radiator
N0 ? 80-90, p - suppression 104 - TOF 384 scintillator rods , s ? 150 ps
- TOFino 24 scintillator paddles, s ? 450 ps
temporary solution, RPC in future - Pre-Shower 18 pad chambers lead converters
- Online ee- identification
- RICH, TOF, Pre-Shower IPUs Matching Unit
- Momentum measurement
- Magnet super-conducting toroid Br 0.36 Tm
- MDC 24 multi-wire drift chambers, sy ? 100
mm single cell resolution
1 m
7The HADES experiment _at_ GSI
8Data analysis
- Single electron analysis
- classical 2-dim cuts
- on RICH rings, Shower, p vs b, hit matching
... - or Bayes theorem cut on pid prob.
- track fitting quality
- ee- pair analysis
- close pair cuts
- opening angle q gt 9 (tracks removed)
- corrections for detector and reconstruction
9Di-electrons from pp 2.2 GeV
10Exclusive h production in pp reactions at 2.2GeV
dN / dMee
Mee MeV/c2
... to be continued with pp _at_ 3.5 GeV
11Di-electrons from CC collisions at E 2AGeV
12CC 2AGeV ee- invariant mass spectrum
No Efficiency / Acceptance corrections
signal lt 140 MeV/c2 20971 counts signal gt 140
MeV/c2 1937 counts
Statistical errors only !
- Combinatorial background (CB)
- from like-sign pairs
- CB
- Signal S- Nee- - CB
13CC 2AGeV ee- invariant mass spectrum
- efficiency corrected spectra
- - detector efficiency
- - reconstruction efficiency
- normalized to the pion yield
Invariant mass of e and e-
12C12C 2AGeV
in HADES acceptance
Statistical errors only ! Systematic errors still
under investigation, but lt 20
14Comparison to models
15PLUTO a fast event generator for HADES
- Uses ....
- known prod. cross sections or extrapolations
- known branching ratios
- angular distributions
taken from mt-scaling Bratkovskaya et al. PLB
16CC 2AGeV vs PLUTO simulation
Transverse momentum of ee- pair
Invariant mass of ee- pair
17CC 2AGeV vs HSD v2.5. vacuum
HSD v2.5 vacuum, Giessen E. Bratkovskaya, W.
18CC 2AGeV comparison with URQMD transport model
Transport calculation (vacuum result) UrQMD
Frankfurt M. Bleicher, D. Schumacher
fails to describe the high mass region
19CC 2AGeV comparison with models
vacuum results
- Included calculations
- PLUTO evt generator
- UrQMD Frankfurt
- M. Bleicher, D. Schumacher
- HSD Gießen (v2.5)
- E. Bratkovskaya, W. Cassing
20Di-electrons from CC collisions at E 1AGeV
21CC 1AGeV
- Combinatorial background (CB)
- from like-sign pairs
- CB
- Signal S- Nee- - CB-
not efficiency corrected !
22CC 1AGeV
"full" PLUTO cocktail
"full" cocktail reproduces almost the data
but ? Dalitz ? ? ? from mt scaling ... ?
transport calculations ? elementary reactions ?
? Dalitz currently measured in pp 1.25 GeV
- CC 2 AGeV analyzed
- Efficiency corrected di-electron spectrum
- Comparison with transport models
- Preliminary results from CC 1 AGeV
- pp 2.2 GeV exclusive eta production
- High momentum resolution achieved (s 3.5)
- Form factor measurement feasible
- Ongoing data analysis
- ArKCl 1.757 AGeV
- CC 1 AGeV
- Current beam time in May 2006 pp 1.25GeV
- pp 3.5 GeV pd, pA and pA at var. energies
- Upgrade of TOF subsystem with RPC (2007)
- ? NiNi AuAu runs
- Feasibility studies for HADES operation at
FAIR-GSI ? 2-8 AGeV runs
25The Collaboration
- Bratislava (SAS, PI), Slovakia
- Catania (INFN - LNS), Italy
- Cracow (Univ.), Poland
- Darmstadt (GSI), Germany
- Dresden (FZR), Germany
- Dubna (JINR), Russia
- Frankfurt (Univ.), Germany
- Giessen (Univ.), Germany
- Milano (INFN, Univ.), Italy
- Munich (TUM), Germany
- Moscow (ITEP,MEPhI,RAS), Russia
- Nicosia (Univ.), Cyprus
- Orsay (IPN), France
- Rez (CAS, NPI), Czech Rep.
- Sant. de Compostela (Univ.), Spain
- Valencia (Univ.), Spain
- Coimbra (Univ.), Portugal
26 27 28A reminder The controversial DLS result
? DLS puzzle!?
DLS at the Bevalac (1987-1995)
29The DLS puzzle CC_at_1AGeV
ee- invariant mass spectrum
?, ? in-medium width 200-300 MeV
2841- 82 signal pairs
Data R.J. Porter et al. PRL 79(97)1229
Model E.L. Bratkovskaya et al. NP
A634(98)168, BUU, vacuum spectral
Recent theoretical progress Shekhter et al.,
Phys. Rev C 68, 014904 (2003)
30Phase space coverage HADES vs. DLS
A direct comparison of HADES and DLS di-electron
results is not feasible !!!
31Comparison with the DLS results
- generated events processed by the full
- HADES analysis including
- detector (in)efficiency
- reconstruction (in)efficiency
32CC 1AGeV
HADES data vs PLUTO sim.
simple event generator only p0 , ? !
only p0 , ? is not sufficient !
33 34Hadron identification in CC 2 AGeV
y 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.3 0.8-0.9 0.9-1.0 1.6-1.
Data in good agreement with TAPS/KaoS results
35Pion spectra (12C12C 2 AGeV)
2 parameter fit
- data in good agreement with TAPS/KaoS results!
36Hadron analysis two-particle correlations in CC
K0s ? pp-
? ? p p-
37- pp
- Electromagnetic transition form factors
38Meson form factors
39 40Dominant Source of ee- - Pairs
p0 - production
CC, E 2AGeV 0,8 p0 / coll. CC, E 1AGeV
0,3 p0 / coll. ct 25 nm
TAPS Averbeck, Z.Phys. A359 (1997)
p0 - decay
p0 --gt gg
BR 1,2
BR 98,8
p0 -gt e e- g
p0 Dalitz - decay in target
41Meson modification
shift of in-medium mass broadening of resonances
42Dilepton Sources in HI Collisions
43Analysis Strategy
44Offline Track Selection
Tracking Quality Matching
Pre-Shower Condition
Velocity vs Momentum
45Categories of ee- pairs
Next step
single e and e- from one event systematically
into pairs
2 Sources of Background Pairs with 1
misidentified partner (fake pairs) Pairs from
different sources (combinatorial pairs)
Analysis Cuts
Pairs from same emitting source (mesons, )
46Fake Pairs
close pair (resolved)
close pair uncorr. track
noise ring
Cluster in TOF
Fake pairs (a,b,c,d) and pairs with opening
angle ?olt9 deg. are removed before
signal S- calculation.
47Background rejection strategy
- "Conversion rejection"
- C1,2 "close pair candidates"
- Remove the track if a non-fitted
- track candidate is within 10o
- Pair rejection cuts
- C3 opening angle lt9o
- Remove both tracks
- from the sample
48Combinatorial Pair Background
Dominant Sources
true pair !
e e-
Gamma conversion p0 -gt g g
g -gt ee-
Dalitz decay of neutral mesons p0 -gt gee-
? -gt gee-
Proton-Neutron Bremsstrahlung pn -gt N N
Dalitz decay of D resonance D -gt
N ee-
Pion annihilation pp-
-gt ee-
false pair !
e e-
2 resolution scenarios
49Cut Performance
- Singles
- e / e- candidates ( RICH
Tracking ) - PreShower, Beta vs Mom
- Pairs
- 0 All pairs
- 1,2,3 Combine only tracks with individual hits
in each detector - 4 (Close pair rejection, preliminary)
- 5 Opening angle larger 9
- 6 Good segment fit
12C12C 2 AGeV Simulation
cut number
50 51Fast 2nd level trigger
up to 20 kHz LVL1Fast multiplicity trigger
full event information digitised.up to 450
MB/sec, comparable to large RHIC experiments!
on-line selection of electron candidates
Suppression 10 - 100
LVL2 triggered events are transported to mass
52Online Electron Selection
LVL1 Trigger
LVL2 Trigger
Hadron dominated
e/e- signal
53 54Production Runs
- November 2002 CC _at_ 2 AGeV , ? 200 106
Events (LVL1LVL2) - - Target 2 x 2.5 int. length
- - Trigger MMeta gt 3 (LVL1)
- LVL2 ? 10x enhanced pair statistics
- _at_ 92 ee- pair efficiency comp. to
LVL1 - - up to now only inner Mini-Drift Chambers in
analysis dp/p 8 - - 4 sectors with high mass resolution
- February 2004 p p _at_ 2 GeV , ? 420 106
Events - - calibration, efficiency studies
- September 2004 CC _at_ 1 AGeV , ? 500 106
Events (LVL1LVL2) - - Target 1 / 3 segment(s) -gt 6 int.
length - - Trigger MMeta gt 3 (LVL1)
- LVL2 ? 17x enhanced pair
statistics - _at_ 90 ee- pair efficiency comp. to
LVL1 - - up to now only inner Mini-Drift Chambers in
analysis dp/p 8 - - all sectors with high mass resolution
55Production Runs II
- September 2005 ArKCl _at_ 1.757 AGeV , ? 800
106 Events -
- May 2006 p p _at_ 1.25 GeV , ongoing
56Simulation CaCa, E 2AGeV
2 weeks of beam time Mult (LVL1) gt 20 ? ee- gt
15 degrees
CaCa, E 2AGeV
(c.f. HADES Proposal 2004)
57 58The HADES Set-up at GSI
59The HADES Collaboration
60Di-electrons from CC at E 2AGeV2006-05-11
High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer
61CC 2AGeV ee- experimental results
in HADES acceptance
- efficiency corrected spectra
- - detector efficiency
- - reconstruction efficiency
- normalized to the pion yield
12C12C 2AGeV
in HADES acceptance
62CC 2AGeV comparison to RQMD Tübingen
RQMD D. Cozma, C. Fuchs
63CC 2AGeV vs PLUTO, HSD, URQMD (vacuum
64CC 2AGeV vs HSD v2.5. vacuum
66CC 2AGeV vs BUU (B. Kaempfer et al.)
67CC 2AGeV vs PLUTO simulation
Transverse momentum of the di-electron
68CC 2 AGeV PLUTO simulation
70PLUTO simulation
Reconstructed signalTrue signal
Open symbols URQMD Full symbols PLUTO
72Signal to Background ratio
73Background in CC 2AGeV
Reconstructed combinatorial background (LS -
method) Simulated combinatorial background
74- Older data slides on CC 2AGeV
75CC 2AGeV comparison with transport models
vacuum results
- included transport
- calculations
- RQMD Tübingen
- C.Fuchs, D. Cozma
- UrQMD Frankfurt
- M. Bleicher, D. Schumacher
- HSD Gießen (v2.5)
- E. Bratkovskaya, W. Cassing
fail to describe the high mass region
76CC 2AGeV comparison with transport models
filtered with the HADES acceptance
Mee lt 140 MeV/c2
Mee gt 140 MeV/c2
- RQMD in-medium calculation
- collisional broadening
- extended VDM decoherence
- Brown-Rho scaling of VMs
- See Phys. Rev. C68 (2003) 014904 for details.
77CC 2AGeV ee- experimental results
simple event generator only p0 , ? !
p0 , ? cross section well known!
only p0 , ? is not sufficient !
78CC 2AGeV ee- experimental results
"full" PLUTO cocktail
fails to describe the data !
79Physics goals and Experimental Concept
Hadron properties in nuclear medium Minv , G ,
spec. funct. ? r , mB , T
- (p, p, A) A collisions at SIS GSI,
0 ? r ? 3 r0 , 0 ? T ? 80 MeV - Dielectron two-body decays of light Vector Mesons
r, w, f - High resolution spectroscopy of ee- -
pairs, no final state interaction !
?10-15 fm/c