Title: Beamline 12'2'2 refocus optics
1 Report on West Coast Activity COMPRES 6th Annual
Meeting, Lake Morey, VT Simon Clark Advanced
Light Source, LBNL, Berkeley, CA and Dept of
Earth and Planetary Science, Berkeley, CA June
19th 2007
2Infra-red (bl 1.4)
BL1.4.3 Spectromicroscopy
Nicolet Magna 760 Nic-Plan microscope
3Diffraction (bl 10.3.2)
E 17keV Spot size 100µm
4Beamline 12.2.2
M. Kunz, A.A. MacDowell, W.A. Caldwell, D.
Cambie, R.S. Celestre, E.E. Domning, R.M. Duarte,
A.E. Gleason, J.M. Glossinger, N. Kelez, D.W.
Plate, T. Yu, J.M. Zaug, H.A. Padmore, R.
Jeanloz, A.P. Alivisatos, and S.M. Clark. A
beamline for high pressure studies at the
Advanced Light Source with a superconducting
bending magnet as the source, J. Synch. Rad.
12(5) 650-658 (2005).
5End Station 1
6End Station 2
712.2.2 problems last year
- IR laser breakdown
- (January 15th March 1st)
- Hutch retro-fit (8th March-August 3rd)
- IR laser breakdown (Oct 7th Dec 4th)
- ALS shutdown (Oct 16th Dec 31st)
8High Pressure Lab.
Raymond Jeanloz Earth and Planetary Sciences UCB
Berkeley Principle Investigator
Simon Clark Advanced Light Source Calipso project
Jinyuan Yan COMPRES Post-Doc Automation of data
Martin Kunz COMPRES Beamline Scientist
Sander Caldwell COMPRES Associate Beamline
10Beamtime requests
12First Science Paper!
13Williams Review
Quentin Williams UCSC Chair Wendy
Mao Stanford Jennifer Jackson Caltech Abby
Kavner UCLA Joe Smyth U Colorado Tom
Sharpe Arizona State
14Williams report recommended priorities
- For the team
- Focus resources on exploiting beamline 12.2.2.
- Establish the ALS as the premier facility for
powder diffraction from laser heated samples in
diamond anvil cells with an emphasis on
usability. - Once this is completed start development of a
single crystal facility. - For the project manager
- Acquire a high-pressure gas loading apparatus.
- Expand the staff.
15We should fully implement the Williams report
16Focus on bl12.2.2
- Reduce support of 1.4 and 11.3 to 10 for
July-Dec 07 period - Reduce support of 1.4 and 11.3 to 0 from January
17Fiber lasers
18Improve laser heating
- New fiber lasers move current laser to HPlab
for development system - Move microscopes and micro-drills to a new
microscope lab - Utilize optics skills within LBNL
- Form a development task force
- Model existing system and proposed improved
systems - Rebalance skills in the HP team bring in more
optics and laser skills - Build optimized system
Aim to deliver before fall AGU
Simon Clark Advanced Light Source Calipso project
manager Co-PI
Raymond Jeanloz Earth and Planetary Sciences UCB
Berkeley Principle Investigator
Jason Knight Advanced Light Source Associate
Beamline Scientist
Advanced Light Source Beamline Scientist
Jinyuan Yan COMPRES Infrastructure
Post-Doc Automation of data analysis
Martin Kunz COMPRES Beamline Scientist
COMPRES Associate Beamline Scientist
ALS postdoctoral fellow
20Gas loading system
GSE-CARS system Cost 80k plus installation at
ALS (5k)
- Beamlines working routinely and to specification.
- Implementing improvements recommended by
Williams report - Focus on beamline 12.2.2
- Improve laser heating system
- New fiber lasers
- Explore alternative optics
- Acquiring gas loading system
- Rebalancing skills in support team
- Developing single crystal facility