Computational Geometry Seminar Lecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computational Geometry Seminar Lecture


F(G') = faces of G' For a face f F(G') : |f| = number of edges comprising face f. ... Note, The only faces that do not satisfy this bound with the original ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computational Geometry Seminar Lecture

Computational Geometry Seminar Lecture
103-quasi planar and 4-quasi planar graphs
  • David Malachi.

  • topological graph G is a graph drawn in the
    plane.V(G) is a set of distinct points.E(G)
    is a set of Jordan arcs. (E(G) are straight
    lines ? geometric graph)
  • A topological graph is k-quasi-planar if no k of
    its edges are pairwise crossing.(We shall refer
    to 3-quasi-planar simply as quasi-planar)
  • It was conjectured that for every fixed k, the
    maximum number of edges in a k-quasi-planar graph
    on n vertices is O(n).
  • k 2 ? trivial (Planar graphs, for n2 exists
    E(G) 3n 6).

  • Agarwal in 3-quasi-planar graphs E(G)
  • Pach in 3-quasi-planar graphs E(G) 65n.
  • (Eyal Ackerman, Gabor Tardos)
  • Theorem 1
  • The maximum number of edges in a
    quasi-planargraph on n 3 vertices is at most
    8n - 20.
  • Theorem 2
  • For every positive integer n, there is a
    quasi-planar graph on n vertices with 7n - O(1)

  • Proofs main concept.. (Theorem 1)
  • discharging method
  • Assign charges to elements of input.
  • Compute total charge.
  • discharging phase redistribute charges
    between elements of input.
  • Compute total charge again.

Proof (Theorem 1)
  • Let G be a quasi-planar topological graph with n
  • (WLOG with minimum intersections drawn as
  • Assume G is connected.G doesnt contain parallel
    edges, self loops.
  • Let G new graph V(G) V(G) U X(G) X(G)
    intersection points of edges of G (new
    vertices) ?? u?X(G), d(u) 4 E(G)
    subdivided edges of G with respect to X(G) F(G)
    faces of G For a face f?F(G) f
    number of edges comprising face f. v(f)
    original vertices comprising f.

  • We assign charges to every face f in F(G).
  • For a face f, ch(f) is the charge of
    f v(f) - 4.
  • ?G does not contain faces of size one or two.
  • ? No 0-triangles (3 pairwise crossing).
  • ? Every face in G has a non-negative charge.

  • Sum up all the charges, we get
  • Next, we redistribute the charges without
    affecting the total chargefound in (1).
  • Our target ?
  • Modify ch(f) to a new charge ch (f) of a face f,
    which satisfies ch (f) v(f)/5.
  • Note, The only faces that do not satisfy this
    bound with the original charge ch are
    1-triangles. (ch 31-4 0 , but v(f)/5 1/5

Redistribution begins charge the 1-triangles
  • Let f be a 1-triangle.u is the original vertex
    of f.e1 and e2 be the two sides of f incident
    to u.e1 and e2 are edges of segments e1 and
  • We look for the first face along e1 (e2
    symmetric) which is not a 0-quadrilateral,
    denote fi .
  • ?for sure exists, as the last face contains e1
  • ?fi is not a triangle. (no 0-triangles)
  • We Shift 1/5 units of charge to from fi to f.
  • ? fi lost charge through the edge shared with

Current status of charges
  • For every 1-triangle f, ch(f) 1/5 v(f)/5.
  • For every 0-quadrilateral f, ch(f) 0 v(f)/5.
  • Let f be a face of G.
  • Assume f is not 0-quadrilateral, nor
    1-triangle.? ch(f) (f v(f) 4) 1
    ch(f) ch(f) - xf (xf is the total
    charge f lost in the redistribution)
  • f lost at most 1/5 unit of charge through any one
    of its edges only if both endpoints of the edge
    are new.we have xf (f - v(f))/5
  • ? For that f, ch (f) (2/5)v(f) (4/5)(ch(f)
    - 1) 2v(f)/5
  • ?ch (f) v(f)/5, for all faces f of G.

Second round of redistribution..
  • Now we collect all the extra charge at faces
    incident to an original vertex, and place this
    charge on the vertex.
  • For every face f with v(f) 0, we compute the
    extra charge ch (f) - v(f)/5 ,
  • and distribute it evenly among the original
    vertices v(f) of f.
  • Each original vertex of f receives (ch (f) -
    v(f)/5) / v(f) units of charge from f.
  • ch(f) is the remaining charge at a face f
    after this step, for any f.
  • ch(u) is the charge accumulated at an original
    vertex u.

  • By the construction of ch we have ch (f)
    v(f)/5 for every face f.
  • From equation (1) we have
  • Remains to prove a lower bound on ch (u) for an
    original vertex u.
  • Claim For an original vertex u, ch (u) 4/5.

  • Suppose Claim is true,
  • Combining our bound for ch(f) for any face f
    ?F(G), and ch(u) for any u?V(G), we get
  • E(G) 8n 20. ? (Theorem)
  • Now on to the proof the Claim.

  • Proof ( Claim - ch(u)4/5 )
  • Let G the graph after the second round of
    distribution, u? V(G).
  • Gu obtained from G by removing the vertex u and
    all its incident edges.
  • Let G'u be the corresponding plane drawing. (With
    respect to Gu)
  • - fu be the face of G'u containing u.- Let w be
    a vertex of fu.? There is at least one face f of
    G' that touches both u and w.
  • If f 5, then f alone contributes at least 4/5
    unit of charge to u.Same holds for
    4-quadrilateral, 3-quadrilateral, 2-quadrilateral
    (with the two original vertices not being

  • As f cannot be a 1-triangle, the following cases
  • - 2-triangle contributing 3/10.
  • - 3-triangle contributing 7/15 .
  • - 1-quadrilateral contributing 2/5 .
  • - 2-quadrilateral (with neighboring original
    vertices) contributing at least 7/10 .

  • Note
  • Except for the 1-quadrilateral (and 1-triangle)
    case we find an edge of G incident to u that is
    not involved in any crossing, and therefore, the
    faces on both sides of this edge contribute
    charge to u.
  • There is at least one other vertex w' of fu
    besides w. ( The minimal value of ch''(u) 4/5
    is only possible if fu is subdivided into two
    1-quadrilaterals and a few 1-triangles in G' .
  • ? (claim).

Usage of theorem 1..
  • Let m0 be the largest value such that the
    complete graph Km0 can be drawn as a
    quasi-planar graph.? By Theorem 1 ,m0 14.
  • Claimm0 9 for a quasi-planar geometric
  • ProofOne can inspect and see for itself
  • By Aichholzer and Krasser K10 cannot be
    drawn as a quasi-planar geometric graph.

  • A Reminder
  • Theorem 2 For every positive integer n, there is
    a quasi-planar graph on n vertices with 7n -
  • Proof
  • A constructive one
  • - Let be a hexagonal grid such that for each
    hexagon we draw all the diagonals, but one, as
    straight line edges.
  • - Add a curved edge for the missing diagonal.

  • Finally we add longer edges, two from every
  • One can verify by inspection the
    (3-)quasi-planarity of the obtained graph

  • - degree of vertices that are far enough from the
    boundary is 14.
  • - degree of O(vn) vertices which are close to
    the boundary is smaller than 14
  • ?This quasi-planar graph already has 7n - O(vn)
  • To improve the error term
  • - wrap the graph around a cylinder so that we
    have three hexagons around the cylinder.
  • - draw five more edges on each of the top and
    bottom faces.
  • ?now only O(1) vertices dont have degree 14.
  • ? (Theorem 2)

  • Part 2
  • 4-quasi planar graphs
  • By Eyal Ackerman

  • Theorem (4-quasi planar)
  • For any integer n 2, every topological graph on
    n vertices with no four pairwise crossing edges
    has at most 36(n - 2) edges.
  • Proof ( lets start)
  • Number of a 4-quasi planar graph on n3
  • Is 3
  • ? Assume n 4.

A few definitions
  • ep,q -
  • the segment of e between p and q.- e ? E(G)- p
    and q are points on e.
  • lens
  • e1,e2 ? E(G) which intersect at least twice.
    Region bounded by segments of e1 and e2 that
    connect two consecutive intersection points is
    called a lens.
  • A wedge is a triplet w (v, l, r) such that -
    v?V (G).- l and r are edges emerging from v.- l
    immediately follows r in a clockwise order.
    (of the edges touching v).

Assumptions and markings
  • - G drawn with least possible number of
    crossings. (with respect to quasi planarity)
  • - No three edges crossing at the same point.
  • - For every v?V(G), d(v)2.
  • G does not contain self loops/no parallel edges.
  • G does not contain Empty Lenses.(Lens which does
    not contain a vertex of G).
  • G as beforeV(G) V(G) U X(G) (X(G) new
    vertices)E(G) subdivided edges of G with
    respect to X(G). (We will refer E(G) edges as
  • F(G) Faces of G. f number of p-edges
    f. v(f) number of original vertices.

Proofs main idea is
  • Discharging method
  • Assign charges to faces of G.
  • Redistribute the charges, with certain logic.
  • No faces with negative charge.
  • All wedges have least of 1/18 unit of charge.
  • Total wedges is charge (2E(G) / 18 ) 4n

  • As before, we assign charges to F(G)
  • ch(f) fv(f) 4
  • Total sum of charges is
  • Equality is due to Eulers formula (fe-v2)
    the next equality

  • Minimum face size is 3.
  • Face of size one yields a self-intersecting edge.
  • Face of size two yields an empty lens or two
    parallel edges
  • Only faces with negative charge are
    0-triangles.(3 0 4 -1)
  • Solution
  • Charge the 0-triangles !

  • Let t be a 0-triangle - e1 be one of its
    p-edges.- f1 be the other face incident to e1
  • f1 3
  • If v(f1) 0 or f1 4 (?f1s charge is
    1)? move 1/3 units of charge from f1 to t.
    ( f1 contributed 1/3 units of charge to t
    through p-edge e1 )
  • Otherwise, f1 must be a 0-quadrilateral.

  • We look at the face incident to the opposite edge
    to e1,and continue on until we find a face which
    is not a 0-quadrilateral, Denote - fi.
  • ? fi will contribute 1/3 units of charge to t
    through ei-1.
  • In a similar way t obtains 2/3 units of charge
    from its other p-edges.

  • After re-distributing charges this way, the
    charge of every 0-triangle is 0.
  • A face can contribute through each of its p-edges
    at most once ?every face f such that fv(f)
    6 still has a non-negative charge.
  • Remains to verify
  • 1-quadrilaterals and 0-pentagons, which had only
    one unit of charge to contribute, also have a
    non-negative charge.
  • Observe
  • ? 1-quadrilateral contributes to at most two
    0-triangles (endpoints of a p-edge through which
    it contributes must be vertices from X(G) )
  • ? 0-pentagon, on the other hand, can contribute
    to at most three 0-triangles by Observation 2.1

  • Observation 2.1
  • 0-pentagon contributes charge to at most three
    0-triangles. Moreover, if it contributes to
    three 0-triangles, then the contribution must be
    done through consecutive p-edges.
  • Proof (in waving hands)
  • One can easily inspect that a contribution to
    three 0-triangles, through non-consecutive
    p-edges implies four pairwise crossing edges.
  • At this stage, faces with positive charge are
    called good faces, and faces with 0 charge are
    called bad faces. (except for 0-triangles and
    0-quadrilateral).0-pentagons that contributed
    to three 0-triangles, and 0-hexagons that
    contributed to six 0-triangle BAD

  • At this point, ALL faces have non-negative
  • Next stage is to put charge on the
    wedges..First, a few definitions
  • A-crossing - Let w (v,l,r) be a wedge.
  • An A-crossing of w is a triplet cr (e,p,q)
    such that - e is an edge crossing l at p, and
    r at q- ep,q does not intersect l or r.- the
    endpoints of e are not in we,p,q
  • cr is an uncut A-crossing of w, if ep,q is a
  • cr is farther than cr, for 2 A-crossings cr and
    cr of w, if p?lv,p and q?rv,q.
  • cr is an empty A-crossing of w, if there are no
    original vertices in wcr (wcr we,p,q )

  • X-crossing
  • Let w be a wedge, cr1 (e1,p1,q1) and cr2
    (e2,p2,q2) be two A-crossings of w.
  • x (cr1,cr2) is an X-crossing of w if e1p1,q1
    and e2p2,q2 intersect exactly once.
  • We say that x is empty if both cr1 and cr2 are
    empty A-crossings.
  • wx represents the area wcr1 U wcr2 .
  • y is the intersection point of e1p1,q1 and
  • Vis(x) is the curve (e1p1,y) U (e2y,q2).
  • Vis(x)l is e1p1,y.
  • Vis(x)r is e2y,q2.

  • Observation 2.4
  • x ( cr1 (e1, p1, q1) , cr2 (e2,p2, q2)) is
    an empty X-crossing of a wedge w (v, l,
    r),Vis(x)l part of e1 .an edge e that crosses
    Vis(x)l (resp., Vis(x)r) must cross l (resp., r)
    and must not cross e2 (resp., e1).
  • Let z be the crossing point of e and e1p1,y.
  • Since x is an empty X-crossing of w, e must
    cross the boundary of wx at least one more time.
    (no original vertex inside)
  • If it crosses e1p1,q1 at another point different
    from z, then we have an empty lens.
  • if e crosses rv,q2 then it must also cross
    e2p2,y ? four pairwise crossing edges e0,
    e1,e2, r.
  • ?e must cross l.
  • ?e must not cross e2. (four pairwise crossing).

Charge the wedges
  • Let x and x be two X-crossings of a wedge w.
  • x is a farther X-crossing of w than x, if one
    A-crossing of x is farther than one A-crossing of
    x and the other A-crossing of x is not farther
    than the other A-crossing of x.
  • An uncut A-crossing is farther (resp., closer)
    than an X-crossing of the same wedge, if it is
    farther (resp., closer) than both A-crossings of
    the X-crossing.
  • Given a wedge w (v, l, r), we look for the
    farthest empty uncut A-crossing or X-crossing
    of w.

Start charging wedges
  • If there is no such uncut A-crossing or
    X-crossing, then the face incident to w is not a
  • ?Its charge is at least 1/3 units, from which we
    use 1/18 units to charge w.
  • Assume we find such A-crossing , cr (e, p, q).
  • Let f be the face incident to ep,q outside wcr.
  • f is not 0-triangle as this would yield an empty
    lens or parallel edges.
  • f is not 0-quadrilateral since this would imply
    an empty uncut A-crossing farther than cr.
  • - If f is a bad pentagon, then it follows from
    Observation 2.1 that there is an empty
    X-crossing, farther than cr.
  • ?f must be a good face which will contribute 1/18
    units of charge to w through ep,q.

2nd case
  • Assume we find such X-crossing x (cr1
    (e1,p1,q1), cr2 (e2,p2,q2)). Vis(x)l
    e1p1,y. y is the intersection point of e1p1,q1
    and e2p2,q2 .
  • Let f1 be the face that is incident to y and
    outside wx.
  • Several cases for f1
  • - Suppose f1 is a 0-triangle, e3 be the third
    edge incident to it.
  • ?By Observation 2.4 that e3 must cross l, thus
    l, e1, e2, e3 are pairwise crossing.

  • Suppose f1 is a bad pentagon, then we consider
    the possible casesnone, one, or both of e1p1,y
    and e2y,q2 are p-edges
  • - In case both of them are p-edges ,then there is
    an empty uncut A-crossing of w that is farther
    than x.
  • In case one of them, WLOG e2y,q2 , is a p-edge,
    then there is an empty X-crossing farther than
  • In case none of them is a p-edge ,then there must
    be four pairwise crossing edges.

  • In a similar way, if f1 is a bad hexagon then
    there must be four pairwise crossing edges, or an
    X-crossing of w farther than x.
  • So, if f1 is a bad face, it must be a
  • Let f2 be the face outside of wx that shares a
    p-edge with f1 and is incident to Vis(x)l .
  • If there is no such face, or there is no face
    outside wx that shares a p-edge with f1 and is
    incident to Vis(x)r, then there is an empty
    X-crossing farther than x.

  • f2 cannot be a 0-triangle . (four pairwise
    crossing edges).
  • if f2 is a bad pentagon (or a bad hexagon), then
    again (as before) there must be four pairwise
    crossing edges or an empty X-crossing farther
    than x.

  • So, lets assume f2 be a 0-quadrilateral,Lets
    examine the next face, that is, the face f3 ! f1
    such that f3 is outside wx, shares a p-edge with
    f2, and is incident to Vis(x)l.
  • If there is no such a face, then again, we have
    an empty X-crossing farther than x.
  • Else Apply the arguments for f2 and so on..
    Until we find such a good face, which we must
    encounter, otherwise we have an empty X-crossing
    farther than x.
  • Denote fi -the first good face we encounter
    along Vis(x)l, ei -be the p-edge of fi that is
    contained in Vis(x)l.
  • ?fi contributes 1/18 units of charge to w
    through ei.

  • Left is to prove that after charging every wedge
    of an original vertex, there are no faces with a
    negative charge.
  • We show that by proofing a face cannot contribute
    to too many" wedges.
  • Definition
  • For a (good) face f and one of its p-edges m, we
    say that f is a possible X-contributor to a wedge
    w through m, if there is an empty X-crossing of
    w, x, such that f is outside wx and m?Vis(x)l.
  • Observation 2.5.Let f be a face and let m be one
    of its p-edges. Then f is a possible
    X-contributor through m to at most one wedge.

  • Proof (Observation 2.5)
  • Let f be a face.Suppose f is a possible
    X-contributor through one of its p-edges m, to
    two wedges, w1 (v1, l1, r1) and w2 (v2, l2,
  • Let e be the edge containing m.
  • There are four points p1, q1, p2, q2, such that
  • cr1 (e, p1, q1) is an A-crossing of w1.
  • cr2 (e, p2, q2) is an A-crossing of w2.
  • x1 ((e, p1, q1),(e1, p1, q1)) -
  • the empty X-crossing of w1, such that m
  • x2 ((e, p2, q2),(e2, p2, q2)) -
  • the empty X-crossing of w2,such that m ?Vis(x2)l.

  • Lets we sort p1, q1, p2, q2 by the order in which
    they appear when traversing e from one of its
    endpoints to the other.(such that when
    traversing m the face f is to our right.)
  • ?pi must precede qi, for i 1,2 since f is
    outside of wxi.
  • Assume, WLOG, that p1 precedes p2.
  • (Other case symmetric)
  • ? Notice, By Observation 2.4 l2 must cross l1.
  • Since m ?( ep1,q1 U ep2,q2) , the order of
    the four points is p1, p2, q1, q2 or p1, p2,
    q2, q1

  • Suppose q1 precedes q2
  • w1x1 and w2x2 do not contain any original
    vertex. We have 2 options
  • - l2 must cross l1 and r1.
  • - r2 must cross l1 and r1.
  • The first case yields an empty lens.
  • In the second case, note that e1 must cross
    either l2 or r2 , yielding four pairwise
    crossing edges.

  • Suppose q2 precedes q1
  • Then the edge e2 must cross e twice and
    creating an empty lens, or cross l1 and yield
    four pairwise crossing edges.

  • We conclude that f cannot be a possible
    X-contributor through m to more than one wedge.
    ? (Observation 2.5)
  • ?face f, such that f 7, ends up with a charge
    of at least (when v(f)0)f - 4 - f( 1/3
    1/18 ) 0.
  • ?k-quadrilaterals, for k 0, and good pentagons
    and hexagons, end up with a non-negative charge,
    as their charge after charging the 0-triangles
    was at least 1/3 .
  • Summing up the charge over all the wedges we have
  • 2E(G)/18 4n 8 ? E(G) 36n
  • ?

The End.
  • Thank you !
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