Title: Last Lecture: Structure Determination
1Last Lecture Structure Determination Today
Structure Determination, Heme Proteins Mid-term
to end of lecture 9 (last Monday) Bring
Molecular model Review, Q/A Monday Feb. 5 MSB
Rm2-27 530-730
21D 1H Spectrum of Protein
32D-NMR Spectrum (1H-1H NMR)
42D-NMR Spectrum (15N- 1H NMR)
5Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
-relaxation by through space transfer
6Detail of 2D Spectrum
7Set of NMR Derived Structures
8Protein Function
Structure cellular architecture Carriers
transport Enzymes Catalysis
9Oxygen Transport and Storage Hemoglobin and
10Hemoglobin and Human Disease
-Sickle Cell b chain E6 to V6
-b thalassemia imbalance in a to b ratio
11Binding of Oxygen to Myoglobin
1 torr 133 Pa 0.132 atm
12Structural Features of Hb
1. Hb is a tetramer (4 subunits) a2b2 2. One
heme bound per subunit 3. Each heme binds one
O2 4. Hb exists in 2 states T deoxy Hb R
oxy Hb 5. T state is stabilized by intrasubunit
and intersubunit salt bridges 6. Conversion T
R involves breaking salt bridges 7. T R is
also characterized by changes in a1 b2
(a2 b1)contacts subunits move closer
together to expel 2,3 BPG 8. More extensive
contacts remain unchanged a1 b2 a2 b1
13Oxygen Binding Curves
hyperbolic (My) and sigmoidal (Hb)
14Four Factors Affect O2 Binding to Hb
Hb stripped of these factors has high O2
affinity, P50 12 torr little cooperativity
(hyperbolic O2 binding curve) H ions bind to
deoxyHb and stabilize it Cl- ions also
stabilize deoxyHb BPG (2,3-bisphosphoglycerate)
binds to deoxyHb preferentially CO2
binds to deoxyHb preferentially All 4 of these
factors stimulate Hb to release its bound O2 in
the capillaries by reducing the O2 binding
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16Oxygen Transfer Between Hemoglobins
18Structure of DeoxyHb
19Structure of OxyHb
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23T to R Transition in Hemoglobin
25Specific Binding of Bisphosphoglycerate to