Title: Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics with Radioactive Beams
1Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics with Radioactive
- Livius Trache
- Texas AM University
EURISOL Workshop ECT Trento, Jan. 2006
2Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics with Radioactive
- Indirect methods only!
- Seek (structure) information to transform in
cross sections at astrophysically relevant
energies and reaction rates - For charged part radiative capture (p,g) or (a,
g) reactions - ANC - (p and a) transfer reactions (7Be,8B),
(11C,12N), (13N,14O), (6Li,d), - breakup 8B, 9C, 23Al, 7Be, etc
- charge symmetry study mirror nucleus (or
reaction) ex. (7Li,8Li) for (7Be,8B) - Coulomb dissociation - B(El), Trojan Horse Method
- (other) spectroscopic info Jp, Eres, G
- to estimate direct terms Jp, l, config mixings
variae - resonances (Jp, Eres, Gs) variae, including
resonant elastic scatt. - Need good, reliable data to make credible
predictions - Optical model parameters for elastic, transfer
breakup S-matrices masses, lifetimes, level
densities, GT strength distributions, etc More
stable beam studies RNB !
3Radiative proton capture is peripheral e.g.
4Direct Radiative proton capture
M is
Integrate over ?
Low B.E.
5Proton Transfer Reactions
6ANCs measured using stable beams in MDM
- 9Be p 10B 9Be(3He,d)10B9Be(10B,9Be)10B
- 7Li n 8Li 12C(7Li,8Li)13C
- 12C p 13N 12C(3He,d)13N
- 12C n 13C 13C(12C,13C)12C
- 13C p 14N 13C(3He,d)14N13C(14N,13C)14N
- 14N p 15O 14N(3He,d)15O
- 16O p 17F 16O(3He,d)17F
- 20Ne p 21Na 20Ne(3He,d)21Na
- 22Ne n 23Ne 13C(22Ne,23Ne)12C
- beams 10 MeV/u
- Test cases
from radioactive beams _at_ 10-12 MeV/nucleon
- 10B(7Be,8B)9Be, 14N(7Be,8B)13C
- 7Li beam 130 MeV, 7Be beam 84 MeV
- 14N(11C,12N)13C
- 11B beam 144 MeV, 11C beam 110 MeV
- 14N(13N,14O)13C
- 13C beam 195 MeV, 13N beam 154 MeV
- 14N(17F,18Ne)13C
- work at ORNL with TAMU participation
8RB in-flight production
1.5 105 pps
(p,xn), (p,pxn) reactions in inverse kinematics
9Transfer reactions for ANCs 10B(7Be,8B)9Be
Beam spot F4 mm, Dq1.8 deg, DE/E1-1.5
- Beam Study Detector 1 mm Si strip detector
- Reaction Telescopes
- 105 mm Si strip detector
- 1 mm Si detector
10Better beams sd-shell nuclei
17F (10 MeV/n) on melamine ORNL experiment J.
Blackmon et al, PRC 2005
11Transfer reactions
- Conclusions
- Can extract ANC from proton transfer reactions -gt
(p,g) rates - E/A 10 MeV/nucleon (peripherality)
- better beams reaccelerated OK!
- good detection resolution magn spectrom at 0
deg. - Need good Optical Model Potentials for DWBA!
Double folding. - Study n-transfer and use mirror symmetry
- SpSn gt ANCpconstANCn
- Data further needed for
- Various cases waiting points, breakout reactions
- CNO cycle
- hot CNO
- rap
- rp-process
- H He-burning in general
12(No Transcript)
13CI Upgrade (overview)
- Re-activate K150 (88) cyclotron
- Build ion guides and produce RIBs
- Inject RIBs to K500 cyclotron
- Project deliverables (DOE language)
- Use K150 stand-alone and as
- driver for secondary rare-isotope
- beams that are accelerated with
- K500 cyclotron
14K150 Beam Lines
MDM Cave
Light Ion Guide
Heavy Ion Guide
15Nuclear Astrophysics with upgrade - III
Study sd-shell nuclei for rp-process
- Rare ion beams in MDM at 10 MeV/u
- - accelerated beams for transfer reactions
around 0o - large cross sections and high
sensitivity -
- Rare ion beams for resonance studies
- - elastic scattering for resonances with more
beams - Rare ion beams into MARS, MDM
- study r-process nuclei masses and lifetimes
(d,p) react
(c/o R.E. Tribble)
16One-nucleon removal can determine ANC (only!)
Momentum distributions ? nlj Cross section ?
ANC Gamma rays ? config mixing
Need Vp-target Vcore-target and reaction
Calc F. Carstoiu Data see later
17One-nucleon removal spectroscopic tool
- Example of momentum distributions all types!
- E. Sauvan et al. PRC 69, 044503 (2004).
- Cocktail beam 12-15B, 14-18C, 17-21N, 19-23O,
22-25F - _at_ 43-68 MeV/nucleon.
18Summary of the ANC extracted from 8B breakup
with different interactions
- Data from
- F. Negoita et al, Phys Rev C 54, 1787 (1996)
- B. Blank et al, Nucl Phys A624, 242 (1997)
- D. Cortina-Gil e a, EuroPhys J. 10A, 49 (2001).
- R. E. Warner et al. BAPS 47, 59 (2002).
- J. Enders e.a., Phys Rev C 67, 064302 (2003)
- Summary of results
- The calculations with 3 different effective
nucleon-nucleon interactions are kept and shown - JLM (blue squares),
- standard m1.5 fm (black points) and
- Ray (red triangles).
19S17 astrophysical factor (ours)
New S17(0) 18.0 ? 1.9 eV?b (G Tabacaru ea,
8B breakup
- For comparison
- (7Be,8B) proton transfer at 12 MeV/u
- A. Azhari e.a. two targets
- 10B S17(0) 18.4 ? 2.5 eVb (PRL 99)
- 14N S17(0) 16.9 ? 1.9 eVb (PRC 99)
- Average Phys Rev C 63, 055803 (2001)
- S17(0) 17.3 ? 1.8 eVb
- 13C(7Li,8Li)12C at 9 MeV/u
- (LT e.a., PRC 66, June 2003))
- C2tot 0.455 ? 0.047 fm-1
- S17(0) 17.6 ? 1.7 eVb
- JLM S1717.42.1 eVb no weights
- standard S1719.61.2 eVb
- Ray S1720.01.6 eVb
- Average all
- C2tot 0.483 ? 0.050 fm-1
- S1718.71.9 eVb
- (all points, no weights)
- Published LT et al.- PRC 69, 2004
New average S17(0) 18.2 ? 1.8 eV?b
2022Mg(p,g)23Al reaction
- Gamma-ray space-based telescopes to detect
current (on-going) nucleosynthesis - Astrophysical g-ray emitters 26Al, 44Ti, and
22Na - Satellite observed g-rays from 26Al (T1/27 105
y), 44Ti, etc., but not from 22Na (COMPTEL) - 20Ne(p,g)21Na(p,g)22Mg(b,n)22Na
- Depleted by 22Mg(p, g)23Al ?!
- Dominated by direct and resonant capture to first
exc state in 23Al
2123Al versus 23Ne
- Structure of 23Al poorly known only 2 states, no
Jp - Mirror 23Ne has Jp5/2 for g.s. and Jp1/2 for
1-st exc state (Ex1.017 MeV) - NNDC says Jp3/2
23Al halo nucleus level inversion?!
J. Caggiano et al., PRC 65, 025802 (2001)
X.Z. Cai et al., Phys Rev C 65, 024610 (2002)
2222Mg(p,g)23Al reaction in novae
- Calculating the astrophysical S-factor in the 2
spin-parity scenarios, if level inversion occurs,
the difference is dramatic (upper figure) - The resulting reaction rate is 30-50 times larger
in the T90.1-0.3 temperature range for the case
of a 2s1/2 configuration for 23Al g.s. - This may explain the absence of 22Na thru the
depletion of its 22Mg predecessor in 22Mg(p,
g)23Al - Direct (2s1/2 or 1d5/2) and resonant capture to
first exc state in 23Al (bottom figure).
2323Al breakup experiment
- Proposed to measure _at_GANIL
- Momentum distributions for 12C(23Al,22Mg) _at_50
MeV/u - Calculated in the two scenarios nlj2s1/2 (top)
or 1d5/2 (bottom). - One-proton-removal cross section is about 2x
larger for the 2s1/2 case. - Detect g-rays in coincidence with 22Mg to
determine the core excitation contributions. - Determine Jp from mom distrib
- Determine Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients
for 23Al from cross sections and from there the
astrophysical S-factor for proton radiative
capture leading to 23Al in O-Ne novae.
24Conclusions - Breakup
- Can do proton-breakup for ANC! Need
- E/A 30-100 MeV/nucleon (peripherality and
model) - Better data to test models and parameters!!!
- Can extract ANC from breakup of neutron-rich
nuclei, but the way to (n,g) cross sections more
complex. Need extra work here.
In-flight RB production
24Mg 48A MeV
23Al 40A MeV
Purity 99 Intensity 4000 pps First time -
very pure intense 23Al
Primary beam 24Mg _at_ 48 MeV/A K500 Cycl Primary
target LN2 cooled H2 gas p1.6 atm Secondary
beam 23Al _at_ 39.5 MeV/A
(p,2n) reaction
26b decay study of pure RB samples
2723Al ?-? coincidence spectrum
28Tighe ea, LBL 1995 Perajarvi ea, JYFL 2000
23Al 0.446(4)s Qec12240keV
Proton br. total1.1
9548 8456 8164 8003 7877
IAS ft2140 s /-5
7803 IAS 5/2 7787 (5,7/2) 6985 5/2 6575
5/2 2905 (3,5/2) 2359 1/2
NO! 2051 7/2 450 5/2 0 3/2
22Na Qp7580 keV
22Na(p,g)23Mg resonances
- Preliminary results!
- Y Zhai thesis
- VE Iacob, et al.
29Conclusions other methods
- Useful to have various methods/tools at hand
- Medium size facilities useful
- may get things done sooner and cheaper!
- Valuable for (hands-on) education of students and
postdocs! - Competition is healthy and necessary!
3014O p Resonant Elastic Scattering thick
targets, inverse kinematics
Beam quality crucial (no impurities)! E lt 10
- Will work on
- a resonant elastic scattering
- (a,p) reactions, etc.
V. Goldberg, G. Tabacaru e.a. Texas AM Univ.,
PRC 2004
31Nuclear physics for astrophysics. Summary
- Indirect methods
- transfer reactions (proton or neutron)
- 5-10 MeV/nucleon
- Better beams (energy resol, emittance)
- Magnetic spectrometers at 0 resolution, large
acceptance, raytrace reconstr. - breakup
- 30-100 MeV/nucleon
- Can neutron breakup be used for (n,g)?! (yes, but
need n-nucleus potentials) - Spectroscopic info
- Jp , Eres, G, (masses, etc) a variety of
tools at hand - Resonant elastic scattering Elt10 MeV/nucleon. H2
and He targets. - Better models structure and reaction theories
- Need more checks between indirect methods and
direct measurements! - Better models/data to predict OMP, make Glauber
calc, spectroscopy - Direct methods inverse kinematics measurements
on windowless gas targets with direct detection
of product (magnetic separation). E0-5
MeV/nucleon. All nucleonic species.