Introduction to the GAA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to the GAA


... talking to the media and answering questions about PFCD ... Use additional facts and statistics that relate directly to the message of your ... Barack Obama, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to the GAA

National Speakers Bureau Training September 12,
Training Overview
  • Review of Our Objectives for Today
  • Speaking About PFCD
  • Covering Our Key Messages
  • Incorporating Your Organization and Its Messages
  • Talking to the Media Things to Keep in Mind
  • Potential Questions About the PFCD
  • Review of Speakers Bureau Presentation
  • List of PFCD Speakers Bureau Resources
  • Comments and Questions

Training Overview
  • Review of Our Objectives for Today
  • Speaking About PFCD
  • Covering Our Key Messages
  • Incorporating Your Organization and Its Messages
  • Talking to the Media Things to Keep in Mind
  • Potential Questions About the PFCD
  • Review of Speakers Bureau Presentation
  • List of PFCD Speakers Bureau Resources
  • Comments and Questions

Our Objectives Today
  • By the time you leave today, wed like to make
    sure you
  • Are familiar with the key messages of PFCD and
    proof points
  • Are comfortable talking to the media and
    answering questions about PFCD
  • Understand how you can best incorporate your own
    organizations voice when talking about PFCD
  • Are comfortable using the standard PFCD
    presentation and other speakers bureau resources
  • Have a chance to ask questions about the speakers
    bureau and PFCD

Training Overview
  • Review of Our Objectives for Today
  • Speaking About PFCD
  • Covering Our Key Messages
  • Incorporating Your Organization and Its Messages
  • Talking to the Media Things to Keep in Mind
  • Potential Questions About the PFCD
  • Review of Speakers Bureau Presentation
  • Comments and Questions

Speaking About PFCD Covering Our Key Messages
When you speak about PFCD and its focus, there
are three things you will generally want to talk
The Problem What is the crisis of chronic
disease and why is it so important?
The Solution What are the things that need to
be done to make improvements in this area?
What We Are Doing About It What is PFCD and how
is it making a difference?
Speaking About PFCD Covering Our Key Messages
THE PROBLEM Chronic diseases are the single
greatest threat to our nations health and our
health care system.
  • Patients with one or more chronic disease account
    for more than 75 of the 2 trillion we spend
    every year on health care.
  • Chronic diseases account for 70 of all deaths
    1.7 million deaths per year.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention, The United States cannot effectively
    address escalating health care costs without
    addressing the problem of chronic diseases.

Presentation The Unhealthy Truths Fact Sheet
The Growing Crisis of Chronic Disease in the
United States Research An Unhealthy America
The Economic Cost of Chronic Disease, 2008
Almanac of Chronic Disease
Helpful PFCD Resources
Speaking About PFCD Covering Our Key Messages
THE SOLUTION Creating public and private
policies and programs that actively promote
health and wellness inside and outside of the
health care system.
  • We can saves lives, and control costs, by doing a
    better job of preventing and managing chronic
  • Many of the chronic health problems that are
    costing our country too many lives and too much
    money could be prevented, delayed, or alleviated
    through simple changes in behavior and lifestyle.
  • We need a health care system that encourages and
    incentives all of us to prevent disease before it
  • We need resources and support in every community
    to make sure all Americans have an equal chance
    at living healthy lives free from disease.

Helpful PFCD Resources Policy Platform Ideas
for Change Keeping America Healthy A Catalog
of Successful Programs
Speaking About PFCD Covering Our Key Messages
push for health reform that transforms our health
care system from one focused on illness to active
promotion of health.
  • PFCD is a national coalition of more than 110
    patient, provider, community, business and labor
    groups and health policy experts committed to
    raising awareness of policies and practices that
    save lives and reduce health costs through more
    effective prevention and management of chronic
  • The PFCDs Mission is to
  • Educate the public about chronic disease and
    potential solutions for individuals and
  • Mobilize Americans to call for change in how
    governments, employers, and health institutions
    approach chronic disease
  • Challenge policymakers to make the health policy
    changes needed to effectively fight chronic

Helpful PFCD Resources PFCD Program
Overview PFCD Brochure Policy Platform Ideas
for Change
Speaking About PFCD Incorporating Your
Your organization plays an important role in
PFCD, so be sure to
  • Explain how your organizations work contributes
    to PFCDs mission
  • Use additional facts and statistics that relate
    directly to the message of your organization
  • Pull issue-specific slides and statistics from
    the Almanac of Chronic Disease
  • Talk about the value of the Partnership to Fight
    Chronic Disease and what this partnership means
    to your organization

Speaking About PFCD Talking to the Media
  • While Policymakers and the Public is our
    Audience, the Media
  • Is our messenger
  • Shapes our reputation
  • Wants new, different information
  • Is pervasively negative
  • Wants mostly to inform though most reporters
    know little about the topic theyre writing on

Speaking About PFCD Talking to the Media
  • When Talking to the Media, Stay On
    MessageRemember that
  • Its a game
  • Dont wait for the right question it may not
  • Inject your message wherever possible
  • Conclude first
  • Flip-flop all youve been taught about making
    your case
  • State your main point first, then offer
    supporting points
  • Winding gradually to a conclusion invites
  • Put it in your own words
  • Bridging can help
  • That may be the case, but
  • Thats a good point, but the main
    consideration is
  • We all agree with that, but whats at issue
  • Thats not my area of expertise, but I can
    tell you
  • As I said
  • While_____ is certainly important, dont
    forget that


Speaking About PFCD Potential Questions
Answering the Question, Does Prevention Save
PFCD believes an investment in disease prevention
and management is worth it because
  • Some forms of prevention, early detection, and
    appropriate management of chronic illness have
    been shown to save health care dollars.
  • While not all preventive interventions save money
    in the short run, over the long-term such
    investments can save health care dollars. Several
    recent U.S. studies have shown that the lifetime
    health care costs of healthy weight adults are
    significantly lower than of those who are obese,
    and that investing in wellness programs to
    prevent obesity can save money. Similar findings
    exist for smoking cessation programs.
  • Cost-saving arguments against prevention
    routinely fail to consider the broader
    implications of prevention on productivity and
    the economy.
  • Given the fact that three-quarters of the total
    cost burden of chronic illness is attributable to
    lost productivity, this is a major oversight that
    results in underestimation of cost-savings.
  • And most importantly, the fundamental objective
    of any health care system should be to help
    individuals live longer, more fulfilling lives.

PFCD Resource The Case for Prevention
Speaking About PFCD Potential Questions
  • Do you plan to continue this effort after the
    general election?
  • We are committed to raising awareness of chronic
    disease and the policies and practices our nation
    needs to embrace in order to reduce health care
    costs through effective disease prevention and
    management. We are constantly evaluating the best
    methods for spreading the word.
  • Will you endorse candidates in each party?
  • No. This is not a partisan coalition
  • We will be asking every candidate where they
    stand on the issue of chronic disease and how
    they plan to address it
  • Will you recommend policy positions for
    candidates to adopt?
  • A commitment to address the problem of chronic
    disease is the position we want candidates to
  • There are numerous best practices and many
    different policy solutions that can be effective
  • How can I, my business, or my community get
  • There are many ways that you can get involved.
    Write to the presidential candidates and your
    elected officials urging them to address the true
    drivers of health care costs chronic diseases.
    Spread the word in your community and businesses
    about the importance of maintaining a healthy
    life style by eating right, exercising regularly
    and following up on annual health screenings. And
    encourage your friends and family to join the
    fight against chronic disease. For more
    information on how you can get involved, visit

PFCD Resources PFCD Program Overview PFCD FAQ
Training Overview
  • Review of Our Objectives for Today
  • Speaking About PFCD
  • Covering Our Key Messages
  • Incorporating Your Organization and Its Messages
  • Talking to the Media Things to Keep in Mind
  • Potential Questions About the PFCD
  • List of PFCD Speakers Bureau Resources
  • Review of Speakers Bureau Presentation
  • Comments and Questions

List of PFCD Speakers Bureau Resources
  • Presentations
  • General Presentation (reviewed in this deck)
  • Promising Practices Presentation
  • Talking About The Problem
  • The Unhealthy Truths
  • The Growing Cost of Chronic Disease
  • 2008 Almanac of Chronic Disease (PPT slides can
    be used in presentation)
  • An Unhealthy America The Economic Cost of
    Chronic Disease
  • Talking About Solutions
  • The PFCD Policy Platform Ideas for Change
  • Keeping America Healthy (Promising Practices)
  • The Case for Prevention
  • Talking About PFCD
  • Program Overview
  • Policy Platform Overview
  • Frequently Asked Questions

All of these resources can be found in the PFCD
Partner Pack
ack Username client_pfcdpart Password
Training Overview
  • Review of Our Objectives for Today
  • Speaking About PFCDCovering Our Key Messages
  • Incorporating Your Organization and Its Messages
  • Talking to the Media Things to Keep in Mind
  • Potential Questions About the PFCD
  • List of PFCD Speakers Bureau Resources
  • Review of Speakers Bureau Presentation
  • Comments and Questions

The Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease A
Vision for a Healthier Future
Title of Presentation XX, Month, Year Name of
Presenter Title of Presenter PFCD Advisory Board
  • Background on the Crisis of Chronic Disease
  • Overview of PFCD and its Impact
  • Getting Involved

Six Unhealthy Truths Tell the Story of the Rise
of Chronic Disease and Its Impact on Health and
Health Care in the U.S.
Truth 1 Chronic diseases are the 1 cause of
death and disability in the U.S.
133 million Americans, representing 45 of the
total population, have at least one chronic
Chronic diseases kill more than 1.7 million
Americans per year, and are responsible for 7 of
10 deaths in the U.S.
Truth 2 Patients with chronic diseases account
for 75 of the nations health care spending
During 2005, the U.S. spent almost 2 trillion on
health care
In public programs, treatment of chronic diseases
constitute an even higher portion of spending
More than 96 cents in Medicare
and 83 cents in Medicaid
The United States cannot effectively address
escalating health care costs without addressing
the problem of chronic diseases. -- Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
Truth 3 Two-thirds of the increase in health
care spending is due to increased prevalence of
treated chronic disease
Level 0f health spending among the noninstitutiona
lized U.S. population, 19872000
(in billions of nominal dollars)
Increase attributable to rise in prevalence of
treated chronic disease
211 billion
Truth 4 The doubling of obesity between 1987
and today accounts for nearly 30 of the rise in
health care spending
Percent of U.S. Adults Who are Obese
BMI 30, or 30 lbs overweight for 5 4 person
Truth 4 The doubling of obesity between 1987
and today accounts for nearly 30 of the rise in
health care spending
Percent of U.S. Adults Who are Obese
If the prevalence of obesity was the same today
as 1987, health care spending in the US would be
10 percent lower per personabout 200 billion
The percent of children and youth who are
overweight has tripled since 1980
BMI 30, or 30 lbs overweight for 5 4 person
Truth 5 The vast majority of cases of chronic
disease could be better prevented or managed
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    (CDC) estimates
  • 80 of heart disease and stroke
  • 80 of type 2 diabetes
  • 40 of cancer
  • could be prevented if only Americans were to
    do three things
  • Stop smoking
  • Start eating healthy
  • Get in shape
  • Management of chronic disease could also be
    significantly improved Chronically ill patients
    receive only 56 of the clinically recommended
    preventive health care services

Truth 6 Many Americans are unaware of the
extent to which chronic disease harms their
health and their wallets
National survey conducted in April 2007 on
Americans views of chronic disease and its
impact on health and spending
  • Only a small fraction of Americans, less than one
    in six, comprehend the magnitude of the problem
  • That chronic diseases represent more than 70 of
    the deaths in the U.S. and more than 70 of
    health care costs

  • Background on the Crisis of Chronic Disease
  • Overview of PFCD and its Impact
  • Getting Involved

The Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD)
  • Educating Voters, Campaigns, Policy Leaders
  • Mobilizing Grassroots Efforts
  • Challenging Candidates and Policy Leaders

Focusing Health Care Reform Efforts on the
Primary Problem Affecting Americans Health and
the Affordability of Care Rising Rates of
Preventable and Manageable Chronic Disease
PFCD Brings Together the Nations Leading Health
Care Stakeholders
Executive Director Ken Thorpe, Professor and
Chair, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory
University, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Honorary Chair Richard Carmona, Former U.S.
Surgeon General
More than 110 partner organizations, including
Patient and provider groups Civic groups
Business and labor groups Major employers
Public and private health groups Academic
  • An active, executive level advisory board
  • Working groups focused on
  • Grassroots/Communications
  • Policy

Inaugural meeting held April 27, 2007
To Work Together to Develop a Consensus Platform
for Change
PFCD Policy Platform Ideas For Change
  • Advance sustainable Next Generation chronic
    disease prevention, early intervention, and
    management models
  • Promote healthy lifestyles and disease
    prevention and management
  • Encourage and reward continuous advances in
    clinical practice and research that improve the
    quality of care
  • Accelerate improvements in the quality and
    availability of health information technology
  • Reduce health disparities by focusing on
    barriers to good health

Were drawing attention to the issue and
potential solutions through new research and
While PFCD Teams in Key Primary and Battleground
States are Working Hard to Spread the Word to

LaunchedFeb. 20
IALaunchedMay 30-31
LaunchedMarch 5
LaunchedMay 2224
OH LaunchedNov. 1
LaunchedFeb. 29
NH Launched May 17
LaunchedApril 15
Our Efforts are Making an Impact on the Political
Debate On Both Sides of the Aisle
Chronic diseases in many cases, preventable
conditions are driving health care costs,
consuming three of every four health care
McCains Health Care Plan Address Chronic Disease
Prevention and Management
Too many Americans currently suffer from chronic
diseases The Partnership to Fight Chronic
Disease should be proud for joining together on a
bipartisan basis to tackle this important issue.
-Barack Obama, May 31, 2007
"Chronic diseases account for 70 percent of the
nation's overall health care spending.
  • Background on the Crisis of Chronic Disease
  • Overview of PFCD and its Impact
  • Getting Involved

Insert Organization Name is Working With PFCD
to Push for Positive Change in Health Care
  • Add in information about your organizations
    involvement in PFCD and how your members can get

Thank You!
  • For more information on the Partnership to Fight
    Chronic Disease please visit www.fightchronicdise
  • For more information on Insert Organization
    Name please

Training Overview
  • Review of Our Objectives for Today
  • Speaking About PFCD
  • Covering Our Key Messages
  • Incorporating Your Organization and Its Messages
  • Talking to the Media Things to Keep in Mind
  • Potential Questions About the PFCD
  • List of PFCD Speakers Bureau Resources
  • Review of Speakers Bureau Presentation
  • Comments and Questions

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