Title: DongHoon Yi
1Sub-Gbps Uncompressed HDTV over IP Trials
APAN 19th Bangkok Meeting
- DongHoon Yi
- 2005/ 1/ 26
- dhyi_at_netmedia.gist.ac.kr
- Networked Media Laboratory
- Dept. of Information Communications
- Gwang-Ju Institute of Science Technology
- Uncompressed HD Streaming system
- Decompressed-Live HDV (221Mbps)
- Uncompressed-Stored HDTV (885Mbps)
- Compressed HDTV (SMPTE 305M , 270Mbps) Streaming
- Uncompressed HDTV (SMPTE 274M,1.2Gbps) Streaming
3Uncompressed HD streaming system
4Decompressed-Live HDV (221Mbps)
- Goal Pre-experiments of several hundreds Mbps
HDTV stream - Too expensive HDTV camera
- Pre-development of uncompressed HDTV system
- Feature
- 1280x720 progressive, 30fps
- YV12 Planar YUV format, 8-bpp 2x2 U and V planes
- UDP Socket Tuning
- Burst sending and then rest
- Sender - Non-blocking, Big Sending Buffer
- Blocking mode can avoid packet loss in sending
buffer - ? Performance is poor (Data loss between
sender module and decoder module) - Better performance by Non-blocking mode
- Avoid packet loss by big sending buffer
- Receiver - Blocking, Big Receiving Buffer
- Non-blocking receiving socket waste computation
time to check whether it receive or not.
5Decompressed-Live HDV (221Mbps)
- Implementation (based on Windows DirectX)
- Experiments
- 220270Mbps
6Uncompressed-Stored HDTV (885Mbps)
7Uncompressed-Stored HDTV (885Mbps)
- H/W Issues
- NIC - Different NIC shows different performance
- Intel 1Gbps NIC showed the best performance
- Disk read up speed
- Old type of DISK I/O can be bottleneck
- LAN cable
- Cat6 is better than Cat5
- S/W Issues
- Burst streaming
- By giving some delay inter-packet, burst packet
sending is fixed. - Other Issues
- Acquisition of 720p video file.
- Generated by 3D production tool (Alias Maya)
- Future works
- 1080i supports
- Multi-channel 1080i streaming
8Uncompressed-Stored HDTV (885Mbps)
KOREN Workshop (Dec. 3th 2004)
9Compressed HDTV (SMPTE 305M , 270Mbps) Streaming
- Demonstration between Korea and Barcelona
- System information
- ResearchChannels S/W
- Resolution 1080i
- Compressed by SONY HDCAM Codec
- Transport format SMPTE 305M(SDTI)
- Sender
- Workstation with Gigabit NIC
- Stored HD file
- Receiver
- Decoder Box
- SONY HDCAM Decoder, Demultiplexer, D/A Converter
- Workstation with Gbit NIC, SDTI Interface
card(VideoPump) - Display device
10Compressed HDTV (SMPTE 305M , 270Mbps) Streaming
- International Lightpath provisioning
11Compressed HDTV (SMPTE 305M , 270Mbps) Streaming
PDP Display
270Mbps Stream Receiver System
Audio Speaker
Audio AMP, Mixer
Audio D/A Converter
Video D/A Converter Demuxer, Decoder
12Uncompressed HDTV (SMPTE 274M,1.2Gbps) Streaming
- Developed in GIST
- HD Contents
- SONY HDCAM, SMPTE 274M standard
- 1920X1080/59.94/I, 1125 lines per frame (Active
line 1080 lines) - Server
- NAS (Storage system), Workstation with GbE.
- Client
- Workstation with GbE.
- VideoPump, SONY Demultiplexer and D/A Converter,
Display device (PDP)