Title: Mobile Radio Propagation
1Mobile Radio Propagation
- Mobile radio channel is an important controlling
factor in wireless communication systems. - Transmission path between transmitter and
receiver can vary in complexity. - LOS (Line Of Sight) ? Simplest(e.g., buildings,
mountains, foliage - trees/bushes, speed of
2...Mobile Radio Propagation
- Wired channels are stationary and predictable
- Radio channels are extremely random and have
complex models. - Modeling of radio channels is done in statistical
fashion based on measurements for each individual
communication system or frequency spectrum.
3Propagation Models
- Aim
- To predict the average received signal strength
at a given distance from the transmitter -
Large scale propagation models, hundreds or
thousands of meters. - To predict the variability of the signal
strength, at close spatial proximity to a
particular location - Small scale or fading
4Free Space Propagation Model
5Units of Received Signal Strength
- Electrical Field
- Magnitude E IEI Volts/meter
- E - Vector
- Direction E xEx yEy zEz
6...Units of Received Signal Strength
- Power
- P ? Watts or dBm
- P (dBm) 10 log10 P (mW)
- P(mW) P(dBm)
- 10 10
- 1 0
- 10-1 -10
- 10-2 -20
7Propagation Models
- Free Space Propagation Transmitter and receiver
have a clear, unobstructed LOS path between them. - Reflection From the surface of the earth and
from buildings and walls. Usually dimensions of
reflecting object are much greater than
wavelength. - Diffraction Bending of electromagnetic waves
around sharp edges such as, sharp towers or peaks.
8...Propagation Models
- Scattering Due to objects in the medium that
are small compared to wavelength and the number
of objects is many (e.g., foliage, street signs,
lamp posts, rain, shower).
9Free Space Propagation
- Transmitter/receiver have clear, unobstructed
LOS path between them. -
- T d R
10...Free Space Propagation
- Pr Pt Gt Gr ?2 Valid if d gtgt 2D2 / ?
- (4?)2 d2 L
- D Max dimension of transmitting antenna.
- Power
- Pt Transmitted Power,
- Pr Received Power
- Gt Transmitter antenna gain
- Gr Receiver antenna gain
- L System loss factor ( L ? 1, transmission
lines etc, but not due to propagation)
11Antenna Gain
- Gain of antenna
- G 4?Ae / ?2,
- where Ae is effective aperture of antenna
- ? c / f (Hz) 3 108 / f meters
12Electric Field - Power Relation
- In free space, the power density is given by
- Pd Pt Gt E2
- 4? d2 ?
- where, ? Intrinsic impedance of free space.
13...Electric Field - Power Relation
- ? ?0 / ?0
- For air, ? (4? 10-7) /(8.85 10-12 )
377 ? - Pr Pd Ae IErI 2 Ae IErI2 ?2 Gr
- ? ? (4?)
- If the power at a receiving antenna is Pr 7
10 -10 W, antenna gain Gr 2 and transmitting
frequency is 900 MHz, determine the electric
field strength at the receiver.
- f 900 MHz gt
- ? (3 108) / (900 106) 0.33 m
- IEI (Pr 377 4?) / (0.33 0.33 2)1/2
- 0.0039 V/m
- Given a transmitter produces 50W of power. If
this power is applied to a unity gain antenna
with 900 MHz carrier frequency, find the received
power at a free space distance of 100 m from the
antenna. What is the received power at 10 km?
Assume unity gain for the receiver antenna.
- Pr Pt Gt Gr ?2
- (4?)2 d2 L
- Pt 50 W
- Gt 1
- Gr 1
- ? (3 108) / (900 106) 0.33 m
- L 1
- d 100 m
- ?
- Pr 3.5 10-3 mW
- Pr (10 km) Pr (100 m) (100m/10km)2
- 3.5 10-3 mW 1/100
- 3.5 10-6 mW
19Relating Received Power Level to Receiver Input
20...Received Power Level to Receiver Input
To matched Receiver
- For matched receiver, R Rant
- I Vant / (2 Rant)
- Power Received V2 / R V2/ Rant Vant2/ (4
Rant) - Or Vant Pr (d) 4 Rant
- Vant - ?E.dl where E is the electric field V/m
21Reflections from Ground and Buildings
- Electric Properties of Material Bodies
- Permittivity ? F/m ? Farads/m
- Permeability ? H/m ? Henries/m
- Conductivity ? S/m ? Siemens/m
- ? ?0 ?r
- ?0 Permittivity of free space 8.85 10-12
F/m - ?r Relative permittivity
22Laws of Reflection at the Boundary Between Two
- Er ? ? Reflection coefficient
- Et T 1 ? ?
- Transmission coefficient
?i ?r
23Vertical Propagation (Or Parallel Polarization)
?1, ?1, ?1
?2, ?2, ?2
? t
- E-field in the plane of incidence
24Vertical Propagation (Or Parallel Polarization)
- ? -?r sin?i (?r - cos2?i)1/2
- ?r sin?i (?r - cos2?i)1/2
- ?2 sin?t - ?1 sin?i
- ?2 sin?t ?1 sin?i
25Horizontal Propagation (Or Perpendicular
?1, ?1, ?1
?2, ?2, ?2
? t
- E-field normal to the plane of incidence
26Horizontal Propagation (Or Perpendicular
- ? -?r sin?i (?r - cos2?i)1/2
- ?r sin?i (?r - cos2?i)1/2
- ?2 sin?t - ?1 sin?i
- ?2 sin?t ?1 sin?i
27Brewster Angle No Reflected Wave
- ? 0
- ð?r sin?B (?r - cos2?B)1/2
- ?r2 sin2?B ?r - cos2?B
- ?r 1 sin2?B
282 Cases
- sin?B (er -1)/(er2 -1)1/2 First
medium is air e1 e0, e2 e0er - sin?B (er2 - er )/(er2 -1)1/2 Second
medium is air e2 e0, e1 e0er
29Reflection from Perfect Conductor
- Parallel / Perpendicular / vert.
polarization horiz. polarization - ?i ?r ?i ?r
- Ei Er Ei - Er
30Ground Reflection (2-Ray Model)
T (transmitter)
R (receiver)
31Field Equations
- d several kms
- ht 50-100m
- ETOT(d)
- For d gt 20hthr / ?
- Received power Pr
- A mobile is located 5 km away from a base
station, and uses a vertical ?/4 monopole antenna
with a gain of 2.55dB to receive cellular radio
signals. The electric field at 1 km from the
transmitter is measured to be 10-3 V/m. The
carrier frequency used is 900 MHz. - (a) Find the length and gain of the receiving
- A mobile is located 5 km away from a base
station, and uses a vertical ?/4 monopole
antenna with a gain of 2.55dB to receive
cellular radio signals. The electric field at 1
km from the transmitter is measured to be 10-3
V/m. The carrier frequency used is 900 MHz. - (b) Find the received power at the mobile using
the 2-way ground model assuming the height of the
transmitting antenna is 50 m and receiving
antenna is 1.5 m above the ground.
ht 50 m
hr 1.5 m
d 5 km
35- (a)
- f 900 MHz
- ? (3 108) / (900 106) 0.33 m
- Length of receiving antenna,
- L ? / 4 0.33/4 0.0833 m 8.33 cm
36(b) Gain of antenna 2.55 dB gt 1.8 Er (d)
2 10-3 1 103 2? 50 1.5 (5
103)2 0.333 113.1 10-6 V/m
37Pr (d) I Er I2 ?2 Gr ? 4?
(113.1 10-6) 2 (0.333) 2 1.8 377
4? 5.4 10-13 W -92.68 dBm
- Diffraction allows radio signals to propagate
around the curved surface or propagate behind
obstructions. - Based on Huygens principle of wave propagation.
39Knife-edge Diffraction Geometry
- (a) T is transmitter and R is receiver, with an
infinite knife-edge obstruction blocking the
line-of-sight path.
40Knife-edge Diffraction Geometry
- (b) T R are not the same height...
41Knife-edge Diffraction Geometry
- ...If ? and ? are small and hltltd1 and d2, then h
h are virtually identical and the geometry
may be redrawn as in (c).
42Knife-edge Diffraction Geometry
- (c) Equivalent where the smallest height (in
this case hr ) is subtracted from all other
ht - hr
- h ltlt d1, d2
- h gtgt ?
- Excess path length
- ? ?
- ? ?
- h ltlt d1, d2
- h gtgt ?
- Phase difference
- ? 2 ? ? / ?
- 2 ? h2 (d1 d2 )
- 2 ? d1 d2
45Diffraction Parameter
46Three Cases
- Case I h gt 0
- Case II h 0
- Case III h lt 0
47Case I h gt 0
- ? and ? are positive since h is positive.
48Case II h 0
- ? and ? equal 0, since h equals 0.
49Case III h lt 0
- ? and ? are negative, since h is negative.
50- The electric field strength of the diffracted
wave is given by - Ed F(v) Eo
- where Eo is the free space field strength in the
absence of both ground and knife edge.
51Approximate Value of Fresnel Integral F(v)
52- v Range Gd (dB)
- v? -1 0
- -1?v? 0 20 log (0.5 0.62 v)
- 0?v?1 20 log (0.5 e-0.95v )
- 1? v? 2.4 20 log (0.4
- v?2.4 20 log (0.225 / v)
- Compute the diffraction loss between the
transmitter and receiver assuming - ? 1/3 m
- d1 1 km
- d2 1 km
- h 25 m
- Given ? ? 1/3 m
- d1 1 km
- d2 1 km
- h 25 m
- V
- 2.74
55- Using the table,
- Gd (dB) 20 log (0.225/2.74)
- -22 dB
- Loss 22 dB
- When a radio wave impinges on a rough surface,
the reflected energy is spread out or diffused in
all directions. - Ex., lampposts and foliage.
- The scattered field increases the strength of the
signal at the receiver.
57Radar Cross Section (RCS) Model
- RCS (Radar Cross Section)
- Power density of scattered wave in direction of
receiver - Power density of radio wave incident on the
scattering object
58Radar Cross Section (RCS) Model
- (4?)3 dT 2 dR 2
- Where,
- PT Transmitted Power
- GT Gain of Transmitting antenna
- dT Distance of scattering object from
Transmitter - dR Distance of scattering object from Receiver
59Practical Link Budget
- Most radio propagation models are derived using a
combination of analytical and empirical models. - Empirical approach is based on fitting curves or
analytical expressions that recreate a set of
measured data.
60...Practical Link Budget
- Advantages of empirical models
- Takes into account all propagation factors,
both known and unknown. - DisadvantagesNew models need to be measured for
different environment or frequency.
61Log-Distance Path Model
- Over many years, some classical propagation
models have been developed, which are used to
predict large-scale coverage for mobile
communication system design.
T d0 R PT PR(d0) PR(d)
62...Log-Distance Path Model
- Path loss at d0 PT/P(d0) K(d0)n PL(d0)
- Path loss at d PT/P(d) K(d)n PL(d)
- PL(d) / PL(d0) (d/d0)n
- PL(d) dB PL(d0) dB 10n log10 (d/d0)
63Received Power in Log-distance model
- PR(d) dbm Pt dbm PL(d) db
- n -gt path loss exponent
- d0 -gt reference distance close to transmitter
- Environment n
- Free space 2
- Urban area cellular radio 2.7 3.5
- LOS in building 1.6 1.8
64Log-Normal Shadowing
- Log-distance path loss normal gives only the
average value of path loss. - Surrounding environment may be vastly different
at two locations having the same T R separation
65Log-Normal Shadowing
- More accurate model includes a random variable to
account for change in environment. - PL(d) db PL(d) X?
- PL(d0) 10n log (d / d0) X?
- X? -gt Zero mean Gaussian random variable (dB)
- ? -gt Standard deviation (dB)
66Received Power in Log-Normal Shadowing Model
- PR(d) dbm PTdbm PL(d) db
- Values of n and ? are computed from measured
data. - Linear regression method which minimizes the
difference between measured and estimated path - Estimated over a wide range of measurement
locations and T R separations.
67...Received Power in Log-Normal Shadowing Model
- Probability PR (d) gt ?
- Probability PR (d) lt ?
68Calculation of Q Function
- Q(z) Q function
- Q(-z) 1- Q(z)
- Q(0) 1/ 2
- Q(z) obtained from Appendix F,
- Table F.1, page 647
69Calculation of Q Function
- Four received power measurements were taken at
the distances of 100m, 200m, 1 km and 3 km from
a transmitter. These measured values are given in
the following table. - The path loss equation model for other
measurements follows log normal shadowing model
where d0 100 m.
- A. Find the minimum mean square error (MMSE)
estimate for the path loss exponent n. - B. Calculate the standard deviation about the
mean value. - C. Estimate the received power at d 2 km using
the resulting model. - D. Predict the likelihood that the received
signal at 2 km will be greater than 60 dBm.
- T-R distance Measured Power
- 100 m 0 dBm
- 200 m - 20 dBm
- 1 km - 35 dBm
- 3 km - 70 dBm
Let Pi be the average received power at
distance di Pi (d) Pi (d0) 10n log (d
/100) d d0 100m gt P0 0 dBm
- d1 200 m, P1 -3n,
- d2 1 km, P3 -10n,
- d3 3 km, P4 -14.77n
- Mean square error J ? (P Pi)2
- (0 0)2 -20 (-3n) 2 -35 (-10n) 2
-70 (-14.77n) 2 - 6525 2887.8n 327.153n2
- Minimum value gt dJ(n) / dn
- 654.306n 2887.8 0 ? n 4.4
- Variance ?2 J / 4 ( P Pi)2 / 4
- (0 0) (-20 13.2)2 (-35 44)2 (-70
64.988)2 - 4
- 152.36 / 4 38.09
- ? ? 6.17 dB
- Pi (d 2 km)
- 0 10(4.4) log (2000/100)
- -57.24 dBm
- Probability that the received signal will be
greater than 60 dBm is - _____
- PR PR(d) gt -60 dBm Q (g- PR (d)) / s
- Q (-60 57.24) / 6.17
- Q - 0.4473
- 1 Q 0.4473
- 1 0.326
- 0.674 gt 67.4
77 of Coverage Area
- Given a circular coverage area of radius R...
- In the area A, the received power PR ? ?
- The area A is defined as U(?)
Area A
78Calculation of Coverage Area U(?)
- U (?) (1 / ? R2 ) ƒ Prob PR (R) gt ? dA
- _____
- Where Prob PR (R) gt ? Q ? - PR (R) / ?
79Final Equation for U(?)
- The error function erf(z)
80Alternate method
- Use Table 4.18 (page 143)
- For the previous problem, predict the percentage
of area with a 2 km radius cell that receives
signals greater than 60 dBm.
- From solution to previous example,
- Prob PR (R) gt ? 0.674
- gt(? / n) 6.17 / 4.4
- 1.402
- From table 4.18, Fraction of total area 0.92
gt 92
83Other Propagation Models
- Outdoor propagation models
- Longley Rice model point-to-point communication
systems (40MHz100MHz) - Okumaras model widely used in urban areas
(150 MHz 300 MHz) - Hata model graphical path loss (150 MHz 1500
84Other Propagation Models
- Indoor propagation models
- Log-distance path loss model
- Ericsson multiple breakdown model