Title: ESB Presentation
1ESB Presentation
- Oireachtas Committee
- 2nd November 2005
- Emergent trends in Europe
- Full opening of the Irish electricity market
- All Island electricity market
- ESB International Investments
- ESB Investments
- Networks
- Power Generation
- Environmental Compliance and Renewables
- Electricity prices
- Issues Going forward
3Energy Policy
Market Liberalisation
Oil /Gas /Coal Volatility
4Full Market Opening
- All customers free to choose supplier
- On time and on budget delivery of complex IT
systems to enable Market Opening - ESB commitment to facilitating competition
- reduce market share
- discount sale of power to competitors
- ESB contracts with Independent Generators
- Viridian, BGE, Airtricity, Aughinish, Tynagh
5All Island Market
- Commitment to integrate markets by July 2007
- Welcome development gt fully supported by ESB
- ESB market share reduced to 40-45
- c 2000MW on new plant in 7 years
- 70 owned by Independent Power Producers
- ESB planning to repower Aghada power station
6ESBs Amorebieta Power Station in Spain
7 Distribution Transmission Investment
8Infrastructure Delivery 2001 - 2005
- 65,000 kms of MV renewal
- 370,000 customer connections
- 250 kms of new transmission circuits (x)
- 62 new transmission/HV stations
- 60 refurbished transmission/HV stations
- Capital spend of 3 billion
9Investment in Generation
- Strategy
- Modernise and develop the Portfolio
- Implement best practice OM
- Commissioned two new Peat Stations
- Investment in Moneypoint
- Best practice agreed at many stations
10ESBs Wind Farm at Carnsore Point
11Connection of Wind Generation
- Approx 300MW connected
- Another 600MW accepted offers to connect
- Another 380 MW being offered to connect
- Over 2,000MW of additional applications being
More than 100 new applicants
12Breakdown of ESB Price Increase
- In the period 2000-2006 ESB price increase has
totalled 40. - Generation / Fuel accounts for c 34
- 4 relates to networks
- 2 relates to PSOs (Public Service Obligations)
and Supply costs
13Gas prices (2004 to 2005)
14Oil prices (2004 to 2005)
15Installed capacity fuel mix
16Forecast Baseload prices 2006
- Imperative to deliver massive future
infrastructure needs - Organisation capability
- Funding ability
- Requirement to remain financially strong
- Need to reduce costs and meet regulatory targets
- Important to reach acceptable market share
- Security of Supply Vs Liberalisation
- Requirement for international growth to maintain
scale and skills