Title: Part 1 Your Region
1Part 1 Your Region
2Environmental diversity
Average annual rainfall, Victoria
3- Sunraysia Mallee
- Mining
- Horticulture
- Viticulture
- Transport
- Swan Hill
- Wheat
- Barley
- Stone Fruits
- Retail
- Central Victoria
- Tourism
- Mining
- Agricultural
- Defence Industries
- IT and Communications
- Shepparton District
- Dairying
- Horticulture
- Viticulture
- Wimmera
- Wheat
- Pulse Crops
- Oil seed
- Mining
- Ballarat Region
- Manufacturing
- IT and Communications
- Education
- Tourism
- Retail
- Gippsland
- Dairying
- Energy
- Manufacturing
- Fishing and aquaculture
- Horticulture
- Tourism
- Timber
- South West
- Dairying
- Tourism
- Horticulture
- Sheep/wool
- Beef
- Geelong Surf Coast
- Tourism
- Manufacturing
- Education
- Shipping
4Not all agriculture has the same effect
Labour intensive On-going employment
Labour non-intensive Very little employment
Labour intensive Seasonal employment
5Some industry sectors are growing employment
while others are not
- Change in employment by selected industries,
regional Victoria, 1981 to 2001
6Settlement patterns and population density
7Historical population growth
- Population growth regional Victoria and Melbourne
1841 to 2001
Source ABS
- Victoria
- About to reach 5 million people (4.962 million at
31 March 2004) - Growing at around 1.2 per annum
- as is Australia
- as is the World!
- In 2001
- 24.7 of us were aged less than 18 years
- 16.8 of us were aged 60 years or more
- 23.4 of us were born overseas
- Median age was 35 years
9Historical population growth
- Population growth rates regional Victoria and
Melbourne 1976 to 2001
Source ABS
10Age structure
- Age structure of Victoria, 1971 and 2001
Source ABS
11Change in age structure
- Net change in age structure of Victoria, 1971 to
Source ABS
12Age profile
- Proportion of population by 5-year age group,
Melbourne and regional Victoria, 2001
Source ABS ERPs
13The sources of recent Victorian population
growth population growth in Victoria, 1971 to
Natural Increase 929,000
Overseas Migration 660,000
Interstate Migration -303,000
(1,857,000 births 928,000 deaths)
Population growth 1,286,000
14Components of population change, Victoria 1971
to 2003
Natural Increase
Net Overseas Migration
Net Interstate Migration
Total Population Change
15 Declining fertility rates
- Age specific fertility rates, Victoria, 1971 and
Source ABS
16Increasing life expectancy
- chance of survival by age, males, Victoria,
1881 to 1998
Source ABS
17Net migration Melbourne and regional Victoria
- Historical net migration between Melbourne and
regional Victoria, 1966 to 2001
DSE adjusted for inter-censal discrepancy
Source ABS, DSE
18LGA/region net migration 1996 to 2001more than
300 persons
Source ABS Census 2001