Title: All Fats Arent
1All Fats Arent
2Whats about Fat?
- Provides Energy , 9 calories compared to 4
calories in protein and carbs. - Used to make important hormones.
- Carries Fat soluble Vitamins A,D,E, K.
- Insulates and Protects Organs.
3Understanding What Fats Do
Unsaturated fats are good Lower lousy LDL
cholesterol and raise healthy HDL
cholesterol Lower rates of heart attack and
stroke Saturated fats are bad Raise LDL and
HDL - Net overall effect is more harmful than
good Trans fats are the worst Raise LDL
cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterolRaise
rates of heart attack and stroke
4To Much Lousy Cholesterol (LDL) Clogged
5(No Transcript)
6The Cholesterol Factor
Cholesterol Waxy substance critical to
production of hormones and vitamin D Important
to limit amount of cholesterol we
eat Cholesterol in bloodstream is whats really
important High blood cholesterol levels
increase risk for heart disease Biggest
influence on blood cholesterol mix of fats in
diet HDLHealthy Cholesterol LDL Lousy
Cholesterol Triglycerides Terrible Cholesterol
7Total Fat Percent Goal Individualized25-40 of
Total Calories
- Saturated BAD LIMIT or AVOID
- Animal fats (butter, lard, bacon grease)
- Tropical oils (lard palm coconut)
- Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils
- Polyunsaturated-10 ESSENTIAL
- Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils) liberal amounts
- Many vegetable oils (corn, soybean, safflower)
- Monounsaturated-12-20 Liberal Amounts
- Healthier oils (olive, peanut, and canola)
8Omega 3 Fatty fish 2 times a week Omega 6
High amounts can be toxic to a fetus, limit if
Make this the main fat in your diet. Use olive
oil, canola peanut oil for cooking.
Count grams of Saturated fat. heart disease
Check food labels for hydrogenated oils and TRY
TO AVOID Avoid Fast Foods
9Trans Fat Labeling Regulation
- All food labels must be changed by Jan 1, 2006 to
declare level of trans fat per serving - Less than 0.5 g trans fat may be declared as 0.
- Check the ingredients do you see
- hydrogenated oil
10 Ban Trans Fats? Whos in charge?