SRF Primary Networking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SRF Primary Networking


Mae Yna Dair Elfen / There Are Three Elements. Self Review Framework ... Mae'r elfennau hyn yn caniat u i ysgolion weld lle maent yn sefyll ar hyn o bryd ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SRF Primary Networking

Supporting schools on the Self-Review
Framework. Cefnogi ysgolion ar y Fframwaith

Mae Yna Dair Elfen / There Are Three Elements
  • Self Review Framework
  • Recording progress on the On-Line Tool
  • Acquiring the ICT Mark
  • Fframwaith hunan-adolygu
  • Cynnydd cofnodi ar yr Offer Ar-Lein
  • Cael y Marc TGCh

...dros gyfnod o dair blynedd / over a three year
Cyd-destun ar gyfer hunan-adolygu Context for
the self-review framework
  • A ydym yn defnyddio technoleg yn effeithiol?
  • Cefnogi newidiadau cymhleth a symud tuag at
    gwricwlwm syn seiliedig ar sgiliau
  • Adolygu a gwella
  • Are we using technology effectively?
  • Supporting complex change a movement to a
    skills based curriculum
  • Review and improvement

Ar ôl staffio, technoleg ywr ail faes mwyaf o
ran gwariant parhaus sydd gan ysgol! After
staffing, technology is the second greatest area
of ongoing expenditure that a school has!
Fframwaith hunan-werthuso BectaBecta Self Review
Important to distinguish between self review
framework and ICT Mark.
Beth yw Fframwaith hunan-werthuso Becta?What is
the Becta Self Review framework?
Fframwaith hunan-werthuso ar-lein syn gosod
strwythur o wyth elfen. Maer elfennau hyn yn
caniatáu i ysgolion weld lle maent yn sefyll ar
hyn o bryd o sabwynt eu datblygiad TGCh, bler
hoffent fynd a sut i gyrraedd yno. 1.
Arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth 2. Cwricwlwm 3.
Dysgu ac addysgu 4. Asesu 5. Datblygiad
proffesiynol 6. Estyn cyfleoedd ar gyfer dysgu
7. Adnoddau 8. Effaith ar ganlyniadau
An on-line framework of eight elements that
enable schools to review where they are in terms
of ICT development, what they need to develop and
how to move forward. 1. Leadership and
Management 2. Curriculum 3. Learning and
Teaching 4. Assessment 5. Professional
Development 6. Extended Opportunities for
Learning 7. Resources 8. Impact on Pupil
Benefits and outcomes of the self review
Buddiannau a chanlyniadaur hunan-werthuso
  • Where are you in your whole school improvement
    and ICT development?
  • How does your school compare with others?
  • What are your schools aspirations?
  • What does good look like in your school?
  • How will your school progress further?
  • What actions will your school leaders prioritise?
  • Where might your school need support?
  • Pa mor bell ydych chi wedi symud ymlaen yn eich
    cynlluniau gwella ysgol gyfan a TGCh?
  • Sut mae eich ysgol yn cymharu
  • ag eraill?
  • Beth yw dyheadau eich ysgol?
  • Sut y gwelir da yn eich ysgol?
  • Sut mae eich ysgol yn mynd i symud ymlaen
  • Pa weithrediadau y bydd arweinwyr eich ysgol yn
    eu blaenoriaethu?
  • Ym mha agwedd allai eich ysgol fod angen cymorth
    a chefnogaeth?

Dealltwriaeth a hyder drwy hunan-werthuso
Understanding and confidence through self-review
  • Gwelliannau ysgol / School improvement
  • Defnydd effeithiol o dechnoleg / Effective use of

Some schools will be here
Self-review framework
Where are you?
Maturity and effectiveness
All good schools should be here
Where are you?
Some schools will be here
Ysgolion yn gwerthuso eu datblygiad / Schools
evaluate their progression
Yr elfennau hunan-adolygu yn cyd-weithio The
self-review elements working together
Effaith ar Ganlyniadaur Disgyblion Impact on
the Learner
Datblygiad Proffesiynol Professional development
Adnoddau / Resources
Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth Leadership and
Hunan-werthuso pobl yn cynllunio gwelliannau
Self-review - people planning improvement
  • Adolygur arfer yn hytrach nar dechnoleg
  • Canolbwyntio ar werthuso gwelliannau ysgol gyfan
    yn hytrach nag awdit ar weithrediad y dechnoleg
  • Adolygu eich gweithrediadau a chynnydd yn ogystal
    âr arfer
  • Defnyddio adolygiad i sefydlu consensws syn
    ymglymu - Yr holl staff / Barnau a sylwadau
    disgyblion / Eraill syn ymwneud âr ysgol
  • Review practice not technology
  • Focus on evaluating whole school improvement not
    auditing technology implementation
  • Review your actions and progress as well as
  • Use review to establish a consensus involving -
    All staff /Pupils' views and insights / Other

tynnur drafodaeth allan or byd technoleg ai
gosod yn gadarn ym myd dysgwyr a dysgu. take
the discussion out of the technology world and
place it firmly in the world of learners and
Lefelau Y Fframwaith Hunan-WerthusoSelf Review
Framework Levels
Fframwaith Hunan Werthuso / Self Review Framework
Fframwaith ArolyguCyffredin Common Inspection
Fframwaith Hunan-werthuso Self Review Framework
Arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth Leadership
Management Cwricwlwm Curriculum Dysgu ac addysgu
Learning and Teaching Asesu Assessment Datblygiad
proffesiynol Professional development Estyn
cyfleoedd ar gyfer dysgu / Extending
opportunities for learning Adnoddau
Resources Effaith ar ganlyniadau disgyblion /
Impact on pupils outcomes
Pa mor dda mae dysgwyr yn cyflawni (Safonau)
The achievement of learners (standards) Pa mor
effeithiol ywr addysgu, yr hyffoddi ar
asesu The quality of education and
training provided Pa mor effeithiol ywr
arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth strategol Effectiveness
and efficiency of leadership and management.
Offer ar-lein / On-line tools
  • Rhyngweithiol / Interactive
  • Arweiniad Cyngor / Guidance Advice
  • Fersiwn personol or hunan werthusiad / Own
    version of their self-review
  • Cymhariaeth Meincnodi / Compare benchmark
  • Cynllynio / Planning
  • Hawdd eu defnyddio / User friendly!

Asesu /Assess
Cynllunio / Plan
Cymharu / Compare
  • Meincnodi / benchmarking

Strwythur - Structure
  • CGY Gwaethgaredd 6 - Rhaid ir AALl ddangos
    gwelliant mewn dwy elfen.
  • BSF Activity 6 The LEA must demonstrate
    improvement in two elements.
  • Rhaid - Effaith ar Ganlyniadaur Disgyblion
  • Must - Impact On Pupil Outcomes
  • Awgrymedig Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth
  • Suggested Leadership and Management
  • Ystyried elfennau arall - Blaenoriaethau ysgol
  • Consider other elements - School priorities
  • ee./eg. Asesiad Asesu ar gyfer Dysgu
  • Assessment -Assessment For Learning

Rhai enghreifftiau o ffyrdd o weithredur
Un arweinydd yn adolygu yr holl elfennau
Maer tîm arweinyddol yn adolygu ac yn cwblaur
Mae staff yr ysgol / clwstwr yn gweithio mewn
timau i gwblhau pob elfen.
Yr holl staff yn cydweithio gydai gilydd i
adolygu elfen
Maer tîm arweinyddol neu dimau staff yn rhoi
adborth ir holl staff
Y person yman adrodd nôl ir tîm arweinyddol
Yr holl staff yn cyfrannu tuag at drafodaethau ac
yn ffurfio consensws
Derbynnir sylwadau yr holl staff, disgyblion,
llywodraethwyr ar gymuned trwy drafodaethau,
gwneir cyfraniadau i adroddiadaur adolygiad a
chyrhaeddir at gonsensws ar y lefelau a
Staff yn cydweithio ar yr holl elfennau yn eu tro
Yr holl staff yn gweithio ar adnabod y
gweithrediadau sydd angen eu cymryd i symud
ymlaen i lefel uwch o aeddfedrwydd yn y defnydd o
TGCh. Cytunir ar gyfrifoldebau ac atebolrwydd
gydar tîm arweinyddol a daw gweithrediadau yn
rhan or cynllun gwella ysgol.
Ystyriwch weithio mewn clwstwr neu mewn teulu
A few possible approaches to self-review
Consider a cluster or family approach to
Cefnogi ysgolion ar y fframwaith hunan-werthuso
Support for schools on the Self Review Framework
Amser rhyddhau i ysgolion ddatblygu dwy elfen y
flwyddyn - Release time for schools to develop
two elements per year over a three year period
(six elements) BSF Activity 6a Support of ICT SRF
Consultants (LEA School based) Annog ysgolion
i weithio mewn teuluoedd - Encourage schools to
work in families or groups of similar
schools Annog ysgolion i ddatblygu dwy elfen
derfynol - Encourage schools to develop the two
final elements and consider ICT Mark
accreditation Cefnogaeth i ddefnyddior offer
ar-lein - Support to use the on-line
tool Mecanwaith ar gyfer rhannu ymarfer da -
Mechanism for sharing good practice
Taflen Adolygu / Review Sheet
Review Sheet
Taflen Adolygu
Developing an ICT capable school
  • Positive characteristics
  • - High levels of knowledge, understanding and
    skills demonstrated by all staff and learners
    when planning, selecting and using ICT
  • - Strong role for ICT in learning and teaching
    culture of the
  • school
  • - All classes reflect appropriate use of the
    school ICT development plan
  • - Staff and learners have a positive attitude
    towards ICT, disposed to use ICT and evaluate
    the outcomes
  • - SMT are proactive in promoting ICT in learning
    and teaching
  • - Role of ICT development team and co-ordinator
    results in an effective system for planning
    and regular monitoring
  • - Staff development and IT training are planned
    effectively, based upon need.

Developing an ICT capable school
Features of low levels of ICT capability -
Failure to build upon learners prior
learning- Undemanding work (simple tasks,
irrelevant contexts, repetitive tasks) - ICT
used only as a reward or to keep learners
quiet - Assumption any use of ICT is good (even
when inappropriate)- Little feedback to
encourage individual development of work /
skills- Current provision does not recognise
what technology learners use confidently
away from the classroom.
(No Transcript)
What is the ICT Self Review Framework? Becta
guidelines...(Carmarthenshire LEA is not
responsible for the content of any external
websites.) Documentation What is the Self Review
Framework.pdf (size 759.4 KB) Ways to use Self
Review Framework.pdf (size 3.1 MB) The Eight
Elements of the SRF.pdf (size 369.4 KB) SRF
School Review Sheet.doc (size 116.7 KB) ICT self
review - initial brief.doc (size 29.7
KB) Presentations Introduction to SRF in
Carmarthenshire.ppt (size 1.8 MB)
  • Evidence
  • although there was general consensus among staff
    about the level that school had reached in each
    element, there were many questions asked about
    the whereabouts of evidence.
  • data on ICT performance and pupil achievement
  • trackers of each pupils achievement
  • the schools improvement plan
  • monitoring and evaluation forms
  • parent, pupil and staff questionnaires
  • evaluation from training sessions
  • governor feedback
  • school policy
  • external validation

  • Evidence
  • ICT development plan
  • the school improvement plan
  • professional development
  • performance management
  • minutes from various meetings
  • lesson observations
  • ICT presentations made to other schools

  • Evidence
  • the school development plan
  • school Inset summary
  • planning and assessment sections of the ICT plan
  • the staff handbook
  • schemes of work
  • teachers planning files
  • teachers assessment portfolios
  • the heads monitoring records
  • displays around the school
  • pupils work books
  • individual education plans of special education
  • data-handling packages for assessment

  • Evidence
  • the school development plan (which includes a
    detailed ICT development plan),
  • parent questionnaires
  • pupil questionnaires
  • staff self-evaluation profiles
  • schemes of work
  • planning documents
  • year-group assessments
  • individual pupil profiles and year-group pupil
    progress profiles

Becta Self Review Framework
(No Transcript)
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