Title: Introduction to ILC
1Introduction to ILC
2ILC History
- 1992-93 Start of TESLA Test Facility
(DESY) - 2001 TESLA TDR (proposed SC linacs)
- 2005 ITRP Technology decision (warm
vs cold) Formation GDE and Baseline
Design - 2006 EPP 2010 National Academys
Report endorses ILC (as the next
Global HEP facility) - 2007 ILC Reference Design Cost
released - 2008 Start of Engineering Design
- 2010 Engineering Design Report
- LHC Physics Results
- 2012-20 ILC Construction ???
Ingredients for a decision
3Global Design Effort the Vision
2003? 7?
Joint Design, RD, Construction, Operations,
Management In this talk I will describe the ILC
Reference Design developed by the GDE Link to
RDR http//www.linearcollider.org/cms/
4International Linear Collider
- Requirements set by the Physics
- Parameters
- Electron-Positron Collider
- Ecm adjustable from 200 500 GeV
- Luminosity ? ?Ldt 500 fb-1 in 4 years
- Energy stability and precision below 0.1
- Electron polarization of at least 80
- The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV
5ILC Schematic
- The ILC employs two 250 Gev linacs arranged to
produce nearly head on ee- collisions - Single IR with 14 mrad crossing angle
- Centralized injector
- Circular 6.7 km damping rings for electrons and
positrons - Undulator-based positron source
- Dual tunnel configuration for safety and
6ILC Operation
- The ILC is a single pass machine ?
- the beam is not recirculated or reused
- instead is dumped after each crossing
- To make the required luminosity
- powerful electron positron beams required (11
MW /beam) - the beam size is made very small at the crossing
point - To limit the overall power consumption of the
facility, one must use a acceleration technology
with very good wall plug to beam power
efficiency. - This has lead to the choice of Superconducting RF
- Nevertheless, the site power is still 230 MW !
7More ILC Parameters
- Overall parameters
- 2x1034 cm-2s-1 peak luminosity at 500 GeV
center-of-mass - 75 collider availability ? 500 fb-1 1st four
years - 9.0 mA average current during beam pulse
- 0.95 ms beam pulse and 1.5 ms rf pulse length
- 31.5 MV/M average gradient in Main Linacs
- 5 Hz operation
- Range of beam parameter for operability
- 2625 bunches (1000 to 6000)
- 2x1010 per bunch (down to 1x1010)
- 11 MW beam power (down to 5 MW)
- Bunch length 200 to 500 mm at IP
- IP spots sizes sx 620 nm (350 620) sy
5.7 nm (3.5 9.0)
8ILC systems
- Main ILC systems
- Electron and positron source, damping rings, RTML
- Main linacs (cryomodules, RF, cryogenics, etc)
- Beam delivery systems, Conventional Facilities
- skip Controls, Instrumentation, Detectors
30 km
9Talk Outline
- I will describe each of these systems and try to
explain what they do and how they work - For each system I will point out areas where RD
is needed and where new people can engage. - Subsequent speakers will expand on these RD
opportunities - System experts in the audience know much more
than I do if I get it wrong hopefully they will
chime in!
10Electron Source
- What is it ?
- Produces a train of polarized electron bunches
- Nominal train is 2625 bunches of 2.01010
electrons at 5 Hz - Polarization greater than 80.
- How does it work ?
- A polarized laser beam illuminates a photocathode
in a DC gun ( ie HV 140 KV is on all the
time) - Makes electron beam with longitudinal
polarization - Normal-conducting RF structures bunch the beam
and accelerate it to 76 MeV (bunch length 1ns ?
20 ps) - Beam is accelerated to 5 GeV in a superconducting
linac for injection into the damping ring - Superconducting solenoids rotate e- spin to
vertical - Separate SCRF structure provides energy
11Electron Source
More on SC linacs later
8.3 M solenoid 3.16 Tesla !
12Positron Source
- What is it?
- Creates the positrons needed by the ILC
- How does it work ?
- Electrons are accelerated part way down e- main
linac - They are diverted through a wiggler magnet
(undulator) that bends them back and forth
causing them to radiate photons (horizontal
polarization) - The photons hit a target and are converted to
electron-positron pairs - The positrons are collected and injected into the
positron damping ring, cooled, then eventually
accelerated in the other e main ILC linac
13Undulator-based Positron Source
- Located at 150 GeV point in electron linac
- 150 meter undulator followed by photon target
- Copper RF structures capture positrons
- Then accelerate in 5 GeV SCRF linac ? e DR
- Auxiliary keep alive source (10)
- Schematic
14Undulator Magnets
- What is it ?
- A device to convert electron beam energy into
photons by creating a magnetic field of
alternating polarity. - How does it work?
- Electrons are bent back and forth causing them to
emit synchrotron radiation - Also known as a wiggler magnet
other view
B field
15Positron Target
- Large positron flux required
- Large diameter Ti target wheel rotated at 500
rpm - Limited lifetime due to radiation damage
- Remote handling needed hot cells located at
surface - Immersion in 67T field improves yield by 50
Target and Optical Matching Device
Spinning Target Wheel w/ dc OMD
16 Positron Capture Cavity
Goal Power with 5 MW, 1 msec pulses to produce
15 MV/m gradient
SLAC Prototype
Water Cooled L-Band Copper Cavity
17Damping Ring
- What is it ?
- The ILC damping rings include one electron and
one positron rings housed a single 6.7 km long
tunnel - Both rings operate at 5 GeV
- One ring positioned directly above the other
- Primary function
- Accepts electrons (and positrons) with large
transverse and longitudinal emittances and
produces low emittance beams needed for
luminosity production.
18Damping Ring
- Damps incoming beam jitter to main linac
(transverse and longitudinal) to provide highly
stable downstream systems - Delays bunches from the source to allow
feed-forward systems to compensate pulse-to-pulse
variations in parameters such as the bunch charge
19Damping Ring
- How does it work?
- As electrons circulate in the damping ring, they
lose energy by synchrotron radiation in wiggler
magnets - Electrons are re-accelerated each time they pass
through RF cavities - Synchrotron radiation decreases the motion in any
direction, while the cavities re-accelerate only
in the desired direction. - Electrons (or positrons) becomes more and more
parallel as transverse motion is damped
20Damping Ring
- How does it work?
- When charged particles are accelerated they emit
synchrotron radiation peaked (1/gamma) in the
general direction of the particles motion
Re-acceleration By RF cavity
damped electron
Desired direction of motion
Transverse components of electron motion are
reduced Vertical gets very small, horizontal
limited by quantum fluctuations in dipole bending
magnets (ribbon beam)
21Damping Ring
- One Challenge
- The ILC employs a long bunch train 1 ms long
- ie 2625 bunches at 369 ns spacing
- If these electron bunches were stacked end-to-end
in a damping ring with this spacing it would have
to have a circumference of 300 km ! - The Solution
- Stack the bunches close together ( 8.6 ns
spacing) in a 6 km circumference ring and pull
the damped bunches out as needed every 369 ns - Requires very fast magnetic kickers (3 ns
rise/fall) to inject and remove individual
bunches without disturbing neighboring bunches
22Other DR Challenges
- 2625 bunches, 2?1010 electrons or positrons per
bunch, bunch length 9 mm - Instabilities (classical, electron cloud, fast
ion) - Beam power gt 200 kW
- Injection efficiency, dynamic aperture
- Must reduce emittance (V) by factor 106 in 200 ms
- 5 Hz rep rate? ? 25 ms
- g?x,y 10-2 m-rad positron beams to (g?x,
g?v)(8 ? 10-6, 2 ? 10-8) m-rad - Diagnostics
- Must develop instrumentation to accurately
measure these small beams
23Damping Ring Schematic
Low emittance beams Instrumentation!
6.7 KM circumference
650 MHZ SC RF system 200 M of 1.6 T wiggler
e- footprint is identical, but beamcirculates in
opposite direction.
24RTML (Ring to Main Linac)
- What does it do?
- Transports beam from the Damping Ring to the
upstream end of the main linac - Bunch compressors reduce the long DR pulse by
factor of 30-45 to provide short bunches needed
by Main linac and at IP (9mm? 0.3 mm)
5?15 GeV
- Description
- 15 km long 5 GeV transport line (preserve
emittance!) - Spin rotators to orient the beam polarization to
the desired direction at the IP (usually
longitudinal) - Acceleration from 5 GeV to 13-15 GeV to limit the
increase in fractional energy spread associated
with bunch compression - 180 degree turn around which enables feed-forward
beam stabilization - Feed forward ??? Whats that ?
26RTML Feed-forward
- Feed-forward
- Just means you measure and incoming beam
parameter and use the measurements to make an
adjustment downstream in the machine
Feedback system
Correction device
e.g. adjustment of beam energy, position, angle,
- Challenges
- Control of emittance growth due to static
misalignments resulting in dispersion and
coupling (over 15 km of beam line) - Suppression of phase and amplitude jitter in the
bunch compressor RF which can lead to timing
errors at the IP - RMS phase jitter of 0.24 degrees between the
electron and positron RF systems results in a 2
loss of luminosity. - 0.24 degree phase error at 1.3 GHz 1/2 ps !
28Main Linac
- What is it ?
- The ILC is based on two Superconducting Radio
Frequency (SRF) linacs of unprecedented scope
( total length23 km, 1680 Cryomodules, 14,560
SRF cavities, all operating at an average
gradient of 31.5 MV/m)
30 km
29Main Linac Features
- Each Main Linac roughly 11km in length
- 15 GeV ? 250 GeV
- Basic building block is the RF unit
- Each RF unit consists of
- 3 cryomodules (26 cavities and one quad magnet)
- 10 MW multi-beam klystron (generates RF power)
- Modulator that supplies 120 kV HV pulse at 5 Hz
to Klystron (pulse width 1.5 ms) - RF distribution system delivers 310kW per cavity
- Effective filling factor is 67
- Ie the fraction of the length that accelerates
30ML basic building block
ILC RF Unit 3 CM, klystron, modulator, LLRF
Baseline design now has 2 CM with 9 cavities, 1
CM with 8 cavities quad
31Main Linac Parameters
Average beam power is 11 MW / beam ? wall plug to
beam efficiency is crucial ? Superconducting RF
32Issues for ILC Main Linac
- Key issues for ILC Physics
- Machine Energy, Luminosity, Availability
- Technical Challenges
- Achieving high gradient in SRF cavities with a
reproducible process (RD) - Building Cryomodules with these cavities that
meet ILC specification (RD) - A reliable and efficient RF power source (RD)
- Industrialization of high volume components
- Cost Reduction ! (perhaps the most important RD)
- The Global Design Effort is addressing these
challenges via a worldwide RD program
- What is it ?
- A cryomodule is a large cylindrical vacuum vessel
that maintains the superconducting cavites at
their operating temperature of 2 K - Each cryomodule has either 8 cavities and a
quadrupole focusing magnet or 9 cavities - RF energy from room temperature wave guides is
fed to each cavity via adjustable coaxial
couplers - Cavity tuners adjust the cavity resonant
frequency to match that of the klystron
- What does it do?
- RF energy is fed to the cavities at their
resonant frequency produces very high oscillating
electric fields ( 31 MV/m) - The oscillations are arranged so that each cell
of a cavity produces a longitudinal electric
field that accelerates the electrons along the
axis of the cavity - The electrical losses are small such that
essentially all the RF energy is used to
accelerate the beam - For steady state condition
- RF Input Power Cavity Voltage Beam Current
35How do Cavities accelerate beam ?
- Cavities operate in the p mode
- Electric field direction alternates cell-to-cell
- Beam induced RF Power out
- Cryomodules are complex
- Cavities operate in superfluid He
- Cavities are fabricated from pure Nb
- Cavity surfaces must be smooth and free of
particulates or contamination - Cryomodules are expensive
- 20 km of main linac
- 1.6 km of modules associated with sources and
bunch compressors - Single most expensive component of the ILC
Extensive RD effort
37ILC is based on TESLA CMs
38ILC Cryomodule
2K Header and support
Vacuum Vessel
Radiation shields
2K He Vessel
Beam Axis
39Superconducting Cavities
- Remarkable devices!
- The quality factor Q0 of these cavities is 1010
- Ratio of stored energy/ energy loss per cycle
- A church bell with Q0 1010 would ring for many
months after it was struck! - Tiny RF energy loss is what allows SCRF cavities
to deliver most of the applied RF power to the
beam - vs a conventional linac where most RF power
heats copper) - However the losses that due occur deposit heat
energy into the 2 K cavity operating environment
where it is very difficult to remove - Negates part of the gain
- More on this later
- Think about it 31 MV/M is 31 kV/mm !
- Why Niobium?
- Highest critical temperature (9.2K) and
Critical field (Bc 1800 G) of all pure
metals - What limits cavity performance ? (Hasans talk)
- Surface defects ? quench
- Particulates ? field emission
- Ultimately, Peak Magnetic field on SC
- Cavity Shape RD increase Eacc for given Bpk
AES Tesla-shape
AES Re-entrant
Cavity Shapes under study
41Evolution of Accelerating and Surface Magnetic
New Shapes era, LL and RE
4260mm-Aperture Re-Entrant Cavity, 58
MV/m!KEK/Cornell Collaboration
- But still have to make 9 cells work
43Cavity/CM process and Testing
Plan Develop in labs then transfer technology to
44SCRF Infrastructure
- This process requires extensive infrastructure
- Bare cavities
- Fabrication facilities (Electron beam welder, QC,
etc) - Surface treatment facilities BCP Electro-polish
facilities (EP) - Ultra clean H20 High Pressure Rinse systems
- Vertical Test facilities ( Cryogenics low power
RF) - Cavity Dressing Facilities ( cryostat, tuner,
coupler) - Class 10/100 clean room
- Horizontal Test System (cryogenics and pulsed RF
power) - String Assembly Facilities
- Large class 10/100 clean rooms, Large fixtures
- Cryo-module test facilities
- Cryogenics, pulsed RF power, LLRF, controls,
shielding, etc. - Beam tests ? electron source (RF unit test
45Cavity Fabrication
- Sheet Nb is eddy current scanned (QA to eliminate
defects) - Half cells are formed by deep drawing sheets then
annealed - BCP cleaned prior to welding
- Half cells ?dumb bells via electron beam
welding - End groups assemblies are fabricated via EB
welding contain HOM and ports for main coupler - Entire 9 cell cavity is assembled by EBW
46SCRF infrastructure
- Nb sheet Eddy Current Scanner
Finds defects in sheet Nb before fabricating
- defects few microns matter!
47Main Linac
48Materials RD and QC
- Quality Characterization of Nb sheet from
vendors - Surface properties oxides, inclusions, and
scratches via eddy scanning of Nb sheet from
vendors - Measure material composition (RRR, chemical
composition, etc) - Measure Nb mechanical properties ( ie crystal
structure) - Surface studies
- Electropolish and BCP process studies (single
cell programs) - Surface contamination studies
- EM microscope, SIMS, atomic surface microscopy
- Nb crystal structure
- Small grain vs large grain vs single crystal
cavities - Weld studies ( e.g. TIG welding)
- Nationwide collaborative effort
49 Quality Control Material RD
Nb Materials RD
RRR - measurements
- Purity, grain structure, and surface defects
50Basic SRF RD examples
Studies of flux penetration at grain boundaries
TIG weld Chamber _at_ MSU
H24 mT
H28 mT
Ar purification
H32 mT
Goal Cost reduction e.g no EB welding for end
H40 mT
DC Magnetic flux penetrates when magnetic field
is parallel to plane of GB).
51Cavity Tuning
- Completed cavities are mechanically tuned to
correct frequency and field flatness - Automatic Tuning machine
- 16,000 cavities!
- FNAL is working with DESY KEK to develop new
generation tuning machines - Bead pull network analyzer
DESY Tuning machine
cavity pre-tuning example
initial measurement
after 1st pre tuning
Field flatness gt 98
52Cavity Surface Processing
- What is it?
- During fabrication the Nb surface is highly
deformed and foreign material introduced - Surface processing removes the damaged layer of
Nb and attempts to make smooth defect free
interior - How does it work?
- The favored technique called electro polishing
- 8510 mixture of Sulfuric, HF acid is introduced
into the cavity, a pure Aluminum electrode down
the axis - A DC current is applied that results in material
removal from the cavity interior - High spots are preferentially removed until the
cavity arrives at a mirror like finish - The devil is in the details? (RD)
- Your bathroom faucet was probably
53Electro-polish at DESY
54U.S. Cavity Processing Test
Cavity Fabrication By Industry
Surface Processing _at_ Cornell
Surface Processing _at_ Jlab
Surface Processing _at_ ANL/FNAL
Vertical Testing _at_ Jlab
Vertical Testing _at_ Cornell
Vertical Testing _at_ FNAL
Cavity Dressing Horizontal Testing _at_ Fermilab
55EP and Vertical Test _at_ TJNL
- TJNL has modified existing infrastructure for
EP, HPR, and Vertical Test of 9-cell 1.3 GHz ILC
cavities. ( gt 30/year ) - HPR high pressure rinse with ultra pure water
EP and Vert Test at TJNL
Quench at 42 MV/M but back down to 32 MV/M
56EP Vertical Test Cornell
Vertical test
Vertical EP Infrastructure
HPR ( High Pressure Rinse)
ACCEL cavity EP Processed tested at Cornell
Limited by quench_at_ 30 MV/M
- New vertical EP RD infrastructure
- Modified HPR, and Vertical Test of 9-cell 1.3 GHz
ILC cavities.
57Surface Processing ANL/FNAL
- A new joint surface processing and test facility
- Clean rooms, BCP, and state of the art EP _at_ ANL
- New Chemistry and Clean Rooms, operational Oct 07
- New VTS system at FNAL being commissioned now
New Chemistry Rooms EP
New Clean Rooms
58Cavity Dressing
- After successful vertical test
- Cavity welded inside He vessel
- Cavity opened to install main coupler
- Tuner added
- Test cavity again before its buried in a CM!
- Horizontal Test
- First test of the cavity with high pulsed RF
power - Also serves as high power RD Test Bed
- RD
- cavity tuners (slow), microphonics, Lorentz force
detuning, high power RF processing3.9 GHz first,
then 1.3 GHz cavities
59Cavity/Cryomodule Testing
- bare cavities Tests
- Vertical orientation in a dewar of LHe
- Dewar is pumped to make it superfluid (2 K)
- Tested with a low power CW source (lt 500 W)
- Resonate cavity to high electric gradient
- Measure achievable gradient and Q
- Dressed Cavities Tests
- Coupler, tuner, and He vessel installed
- Test with pulsed RF power 300 KW
- Tests tuner, coupler, etc before installation in
CM - Cryomodule test
- Test entire CM as it will be used in ILC
- Includes beam tests
- Sergei will describe these facilities
60Main Coupler
- What is it?
- Transfers RF energy from a room temperature RF
wave guide into a cavity at 2 K - How does it work ?
- A transition is made from wave guide to a coaxial
input to an antenna inside the cavity - Mechanically adjustable coupling to cavity
- Penetrates insulating vacuum, allows for thermal
contraction during CM cooldown - Heat intercepts at 70 K and 4K
- Breakdown detectors, etc. Complicated !
61Coupler Schematic
62Cavity Tuners
- What is it and how does it work ?
- A flat tuned cavity is like an accordion
- Pushing or pulling from the end changes the
resonant frequency ( remember that because of the
high Q the bandwidth is quite narrow) - Qext 3e6 so cavity Bandwidth is 430 Hz
- 1 micron 300 Hz
- Slow tuners bring it in range (via motor)
- Fast tuners (piezoelectric) are pulsed to correct
for Lorentz force detuning during the RF pulse - Different mechanical designs are under study
63Cavity Tuners
- Several mechanical solutions Cost ? Performance
? - Marc will tell you more about these. (RD)
64Cryomodule Assembly Facility
He Vessel Welding
Bare Cavity Test (VTS)
Dress Cavities
High Power Test ( HTS)
Cavity String Assembly In Clean Room
Cryostat parts
Cryomodule Test
Module Assembly
65 Cryomodule Assembly
Assembly of a cavity string in a Class-100 clean
room at DESY
The inter-cavity connection is done in class-10
Cryomodule Assemby at DESY
66Fermilab Cryomodule Assembly
- Where MP9 and ICB buildings
- MP9 2500 ft2 clean room, Class 10/100
- Cavity dressing and string assembly
- ICB final cryomodule assembly
- Infrastructure
- Assembly Fixtures
- Clean Vacuum, gas, water Leak Check
- Goal Produce RD Cryomodules (1/month)
- Use all this for tech transfer to industry
MP9 Clean Room
1st Cavity for HTS
String Assembly Fixture
ICB clean Fixtures being installed
67TESLA Module Results
68Cavity and Cryomodule Goals
- The GDE has established project wide RD goals
for ILC cavities and cryomodule performance - S0 goal Establish a process controls to
reliably achieve 35 MV/M in bare cavity tests
(80 yield) - S1 goal Complete an ILC Cryomodule with all
cavities at working at an average accelerating
gradients gt31.5 MV/M - S2 goal Demonstrate a fully qualified ILC RF
unit - Coordinated International RD program
- FNAL is heavily engaged in this activity
69Main Linac RF system
Gradient 31.5 MV/m Bunch Charge 2e10 e Rep
Rate 5 Hz Beam Current 9.0 mA Input Power
284 kW Fill Time 596 ms Train Length 969 ms
(9-8-9 Cavities per Cryomodule)
70RF Pulse Shapes
- What is it?
- A RF amplifier that is used to produce the
microwave power that accelerates the beam - How does it work?
- A 1.5 ms HV pulse ( 120 KV) is applied to
heated cathode producing an electron beam - Low power RF applied to an upstream buncher
cavity modulates the beam into a bunches - The bunched beam excites a stronger resonant RF
standing wave in a downstream catcher cavity - The resultant field slows incoming electrons
producing RF power that can be extracted (
50-60 efficient) - The used electrons produce heat (removed by
72Klystron Schematic
73ILC Klystrons
Baseline 10 MW Multi-Beam Klystrons (MBKs) with
65 Efficiency Developed by Three Tube
Companies in Collaboration with DESY
74Toshiba MBK Test Data
Nominal Power for 31.5 MV/m Operation
- Good but still performance and
- lifetime issues for all 3 (RD)
- What is it ?
- The device that turns wall plug power into the HV
pulses needed to drive klystrons - How does it work ?
- Several types ILC baseline bouncer
- A voltage supply charges a capacitor bank
- A HV switch discharges the bank through a step up
transformer - Special circuits flatten the output pulse so it
does not droop as the capacitors discharge
76ILC Baseline Modulator
77Pulse Transformer Modulator Layout
78Marx Generator Modulator (RD)
Charge in parallel, discharge in series 10 x 12
kv modules vernier
2 m
Fine Vernier
120 kV Output Cable
Buck Regulator
Coarse Vernier (31 Redundancy)
12 kV Cells (102 Redundancy)
79ILC RF Distribution Math(for 33 MV/m Max
10 MW Klystron
- 33 MV/m 9.0 mA 1.038 m 308 kW (Cavity
Input Power) - 26 Cavities
- 1/.93 (Distribution Losses)
- 1/.86 (LLRF Tuning Overhead)
- 10.0 MW
80ILC Cryogenic System
- What is it?
- The ILC SC cavities operate in superfluid He. A
large cryogenic system is required to maintain
them at 2 K - What does it do?
- A small amount of heat is generated at 2 K and
4.5 K in each cryomodule - 3 sources
- Small RF losses in the Nb cavities (AKA BCS
losses) - Beam induced RF energy absorbed at low
temperature - Heat load due radiation, conduction,
imperfections - Dynamic loads dominate
- Load per CM is small but it adds up!
81ILC Cryogenic System
- Heat load
- 37 KW at 2 K but efficiency 1/700
- 45 KW at 4.5 K efficiency 1/200
- ILC Cryo plant
- 10 large plants cool the SRF linacs
- 3 smaller plants mostly 4.5 K loads cool the
damping rings and collision region equipment - These are big plants! (similar to LHC plants)
- They consume 37 MW of wall plug power
- Estimated LHe inventory 100 metric tons!
82ILC Surface Presence
RDR Plan 5 Cryo Plants /linac
LHC plant 18 KW at 4.5 K ILC plants are
LHC coldbox
83LHC Helium Compressor Station
Important issue is where to locate these on the
84LHC He Gas Storage Vessels
85Beam Delivery System
- What is it ?
- Delivers the beam from the main linacs, focuses
the beam and maintains the beams in collision - What else does it do?
- Post-linac emittance and energy diagnostics
- Halo collimation and machine protection
- Tuning dump and fast extraction dump
- Final focus system
- IP beta functions of bx 1020 mm and by
200400 um - Interaction region with 14 mrad crossing
- Crab cavity rotate bunches so they collide head
on - IR hall large enough for two detectors in a
push-pull mode - Surface buildings for detector assembly
86BDS Challenges
- Compact final quadrupoles
- Crab cavities with tight phase stability
- Tuning with tight jitter and alignment tolerances
? many feedback systems - Beam collimation to limit backgrounds without
disturbing the beam - Low loss extraction to main dumps of high power
(11 MW) disrupted beam with large energy spread
87Luminosity Beam Size
- frep nb tends to be low in a linear collider
- ILC achieves luminosity with small spot size and
large bunch charge
88Achieving High Luminosity
- Low emittance machine optics
- Contain emittance growth
- Squeeze the beam as small as possible
5 nm
Interaction Point (IP)
89ILC Availability Issues
- Integrated Luminosity is what matters!
- ILC is 10x larger than previous accelerators
- Aiming at an availability (uptime) of 75
- Predict very little integrated luminosity using
standard accelerator MTBFs and MTTRs - Stringent requirements on component system
availability - Need improvement in MTBF 10x on magnets, power
supplies, kickers, etc - Drives choices such as redundant power and
particle sources and dual linac tunnels - Potential for significant impact on project cost
- MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
90Conventional Facilities
- 72.5 km tunnels 100-150 meters underground
- 13 major shafts gt 9 meter diameter
- 443 K cu. m. underground excavation caverns,
alcoves, halls - 92 surface buildings, 52.7 K sq. meters
567 K sq-ft total
91Main Linac Double Tunnel
- Cryomodules and LET in one 4.5 M tunnel
- Beam-on serviceable components in 2nd
- Three RF/cable penetrations every RF unit
- Safety crossovers every 500
92Detector Concepts under development
- One IR region Two detectors push-pull
- Above ground assembly (similar to CMS)
- Detector RD in progress, world wide
collaborations - Few test beams in the world today Fermilab has
93RDR Design Value Costs
- Summary
- RDR Value Costs
- Total Value Cost (FY07)
- 4.80 B ILC Units Shared
- 1.82 B Units Site Specific
- 14.1 K person-years
- (explicit labor 24.0 M person-hrs _at_ 1,700
hrs/yr) - 1 ILC Unit 1 (2007)
- Reference design frozen Dec-06 for cost
estimate - International Value System
- Provides agreed upon estimates of value
- Based on lowest reasonable price for required
quality - Estimate of explicit labor (man-hr)
- Snapshot in time
- S Value 6.62 B ILC Units
- U.S. costs include GA, escalation, contingency,
etc - factor 2 or more higher
94ILC Value by Area Systems
Main Cost Driver
Conventional Facilities Components
DRAFT PHG - Value Estimate - ORSAY - May 16, 2007
ILC - Global Design Effort
95Schedule ?
2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010
Global Design Effort
LHC Physics
Baseline configuration
Reference Design
Engineering Design
ILC RD Program
Expression of Interest to Host
International Mgmt
96Main ILC RD activities at FNAL
- Main Linac activities
- Accelerator physics design in support of the RDR
- Demonstrate feasibility of all Main Linac
technical components (test facilities !) - Engineering design of ML technical systems
- Estimates of the ML cost cost reduction
- U.S. Industrialization of high volume ML
components - Civil and Site Development activities
- Civil engineering of machine enclosures
- Study U.S. sites on or near the Fermilab site
- Estimate costs for conventional facilities
- Detector RD
- Lots more detail in talks that follow
- The RDR is a complete self-consistent design for
the ILC - GDE RD program to demonstrate technology
- Many issues main linac cavities, power sources
and LLRF, damping ring instabilities and
emittance generation, BDS SC quadrupoles and crab
cavities, BDS tuning and operation, beam
instrumentation and hardware for high
availability ? RD - The RDR provides an excellent basis for the
Engineering Design phase - You dont have to be an accelerator physicist!
- Lots of places where lab users, university
groups, students etc. can contribute!