Title: Child safety and deprivation
1- Child safety and deprivation
- Mike Hayes
- Child Accident Prevention Trust
2Child safety and deprivation
- Numbers, trends and patterns
- Effective prevention
- Learning from the Neighbourhood Road Safety
Initiative - Low literacy and prevention
- Mapping activity in Bradford
3Deaths and injuries in the UK - birth to 14
- 251 deaths in 2005
- England and Wales 213 (25.6 per million)
- Scotland 20 (35.3 per million)
- Northern Ireland 18 (30.9 per million)
- About 100,000 admissions to hospital
- Over 2 million AE attendances
4By comparison
- 251 deaths from accidents compares with
- 60 deaths from family abuse and neglect
- 20 killings by strangers
- 115 deaths from meningitis
5Accidental deaths, England and Wales birth 14
years, 1979 - 2005
6Downward trend
- Increased child restraint and seat belt use and
improved vehicle design - Increased smoke alarm ownership
- Safer (and new) consumer products
- Improvements in medical care
- Changes in child behaviour, reducing exposure to
7Injury mortality rates by social class
Source I Roberts and C Power (1996), BMJ Vol 31.3
8Injury inequalities
- The poorest children are also more likely to be
- admitted to hospital
- admitted with more severe injuries
9Injury inequalities
- The environment where children travel and play
- The houses they live in
- The stress their families live under
10Effective interventions
- Apparent lack of effect does not mean that
something is not working - Changing knowledge and attitudes and hence
behaviour can take time - Differences between countries may mean that
interventions do not travel or will need
11Key messages
- Education, environmental change and legislation
all have a part to play and their effect in
combination is important - Community-based campaigns need
- the sustained use of injury surveillance systems
- commitment to inter-agency cooperation
- time to develop networks and implement a range of
12Pedestrian and cycle initiatives
- 20 mph zones
- Cycle helmet educational campaigns
- Cycle helmet legislation
- Education aimed at parents for pedestrian
injuries - Area-wide urban safety measures
- Cycle training
13Car passengers
- Child restraint and seat belt educational
campaigns - Child restraint loan schemes
- Child restraint legislation
14In the home
- Smoke detectors programmes
- Child-resistant packaging
- Product design
- General safety devices
- Window bars
- Parent education on hazard reduction
15The NRSI local authorities
- Blackburn with Darwen
- Blackpool
- Bolton
- Bradford
- Bury
- Liverpool
- Manchester
- Nottingham
- Oldham
- Rochdale
- Salford
- Sandwell
- Stoke-on-Trent
- Tameside
- Wigan
16Targeting people and places
- People AND places, not people OR places
- Consider road safety issues that people face, not
simply the problems that the places where they
live can create - Identifying the groups at risk can help to
identify organisations that can assist - Need to get behind the statistics remember that
what people want to do, but cant, matters in
taking road safety decisions
17Innovative approaches
- Not just about creating new interventions - it
can also involve new ways of defining target
audiences, creating new working methods, adapting
staffing requirements, creating and sustaining
new partnerships, etc - Innovation can take time
- Can be about doing things differently, not
stopping doing things - Making the case for being innovative is not easy
18Involving the community
- Asking people about their concerns and listening
to their answers - Seeking reactions to proposed interventions
- Involving the community in programme development
and delivery - Can bring communities together, improve image of
council - Can be time-consuming and expensive, but can be
the key to successful projects
- Partners can open many doors, for example
- access to target groups, especially hard to reach
groups, often through pre-existing relationships.
- additional resources - people, skills and
knowledge, money and other resources - new approaches and other ways of thinking about
issues - access to additional policy frameworks
- Development and maintenance of partnerships
requires effort. Dedicated posts in NRSI
councils. - Other benefits
- Partnerships can lead to costs being shared
- Can help the sustainability of programmes as a
result of new agencies becoming involved in road
safety - Broadening the reach by embedding road safety
into the plans of other agencies
21Other issues
- Communication and collaboration
- Road safety programmes can improve links between
local authority departments, as well as between
local authorities and other agencies - Sustainability of programmes
- Partnerships can lead to costs being shared
- Embed road safety into the plans of other agencies
22Addressing low literacy
23Literacy in England and Wales
- One in six adults has the reading age of a child
aged under 12 years 5 million adults - Of adults with poor literacy
- two-thirds have a reading age of 9-11 year olds
(3.5 million adults) - 1 in 30 cannot read English at all (180,000
24Poor literacy, deprivation and ethnicity
- Among adults with poor literacy
- 33 are in low-paid jobs
- 44 are unemployed
- 36 of tenants of publicly-owned housing have
poor literacy - Adults from black and minority ethnic communities
are between 2.5 and 3.5 times more likely to have
poor literacy than the population as a whole
25(No Transcript)
26Mapping activity in Bradford
- Commissioned by Bradford LSCB
- Part of a process to developing a local child
accident prevention strategy - Interviews with a sample of people undertaking
child accident prevention work - Report by the end of January
27Very early findings from mapping
- Enthusiasm among practitioners
- Lots of good work being undertaken
- Welcome for Davinas Hartleys post
- Good time to be moving forward following the
restructuring of the PCTs - Scope for better coordination of activities and
sharing of who is doing what
28Child Accident Prevention Trust email
safe_at_capt.org.uk web www.capt.org.uk