- Mikhail Zhadin
- Institute of Cell Biophysics
- Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia
2A bridge between QED and Medicine
- In one of his last works (Preparata, 2000.
Rivista di Biologia/ Biology Forum 93 467-512),
finishing the description of main ideas of his
remarkable QED theory, Giuliano Preparata wrote - I shall end this presentation by briefly
describing what the new physics has been able to
build of the first section of the bridge towards
Medicine. This section will concentrate on three
arches - (i) the new physics of water (ii) a
possible origin of coherence in cell tissues
(iii) the interaction of very weak, low frequency
magnetic fields with the ions systems of the
cell. - Analyzing point (iii), Preparata referenced
the work by him and his pupils, which was
published after his untimely death (Del Giudice,
Fleischmann, Preparata, Talpo, 2002.
Bioelectromagnetics, 23, 522-530).
3The situation in Bioelectromagnetics in 90-th
- In 1985 Liboff and Blackman et al. discovered
unusual resonance effects of simultaneous weak
(several tens of µT) DC and low frequency AC
magnetic fields (MFs) in the form of a change in
calcium ion concentration in the nervous tissue.
These effects were only observed at the cyclotron
frequency of calcium ions. Later, many works,
which were performed in different organizations
and on different biological objects, confirmed
the real existence of such sort of effects.
However, the physical mechanisms of these effects
in the rather dense liquid medium remained
unclear. The question, what kind of ions free
or bound ones are the main target for MFs
action, was not solved either. The unusual
narrowness of resonance peaks in MFs effects
evidently pointed to the extremely low level of
damping and viscosity within microvolumes in
biological aqueous solutions.
4Resonance peak (Liboff et al. 1987. In
Mechanistic approaches to interaction of
electric and electromagnetic fields with living
systems". N Y 109)Half-width is about 5 Hz
5Our experiments with amino acid solutions
- In the beginning of 90-th (in Laboratory of
Prof. Zhadin, Institute of Cell Biophysics,
Russia) we performed a series of experiments for
investigation of action of weak low frequency AC
MF combined with parallel DC MF on an aqueous
solution of an amino acid. The main attention was
paid to the glutamic acid solution, because it
gave the most prominent effects as compared with
other amino acids. Choosing this simplest system
for investigation, we hoped to understand whether
MFs are able to influence on the ensemble
consisting of free particles alone and to
estimate the minimal threshold of the AC MF for
inducing an effect. The value of DC MF was chosen
to be close to the geomagnetic one (about 40 µT).
In the experiments we measured the value of an
electric current passing through the solution.
6Experimental installation
7Results and their publication
- For each tested value of the AC MF amplitude
we scanned the AC MF frequency around the
cyclotron frequency corresponding to amino acid
ion. To our great surprise, we revealed the
prominent effect already at the AC MF amplitude
measured with several tens of nT in the form of
narrow (less than one Hz in half-width) resonance
peak (shown in the next slide). In 1994 we
submitted the manuscript with our results to
Bioelectromagnetics journal. But its publication
was delayed till the time when Zhadin would give
the physical explanation of a possible mechanism
of this phenomena. The manuscript was published
(Zhadin et al., 1998. Bioelectromagnetics, 19,
41-45 ) four years later, after Zhadin submitted
another manuscript with a theory of action of
combined MFs on thermal motion of an ion within a
macromolecule or microcrystal (Zhadin, 1998.
Bioelectromagnetics, 19, 279-292) elaborated by
him. These results were replicated by Del
Giudice et al. (2002) and Comisso et al. (2006)
in Italy, and Pazur (2004) in Germany.
8Resonance peak in the current through the
9Preparatas theory of MFs influence on
conductivity in aqueous solution
- G. Preparata and his coworkers not only paid
their attention to the above experiments with
aqueous amino acid solutions, giving them a high
estimate and successfully replicating them, but
also elaborated a physical theory of these
effects on the base of Preparatas QED theory of
condensed matter. In their brilliant work (Del
Giudice et al., 2002) they studied the motion of
amino acid ions in coherence domains (CDs where
the coherent water has essentially reduced
viscosity. They showed that under the influence
of DC MF the ions rotate along CDs borders
without loss of their kinetic energy, constantly
suffering internal reflectance, and that AC MF
with the cyclotron frequency corresponding to
charge-to-mass ration of the given ions leads to
the gradual increase in the energy of these ions
and to their escape from the CDs to the
incoherent surrounding medium. These processes
cause the short-term increase of the current
through the exposed solution. Thus all main
objections of critics of this line in
Bioelectromagnetics were overruled.
10Development of Preparatas ideas
- The fruitful theory by Preparata and his
coworkers provided further development of
understanding of forming of resonance phenomena
in aqueous solution of amino acids. Preparata
promoted formation of mutual connections between
Italian and Russian scientists that led to their
successful collaboration. Leaning upon the above
elaboration by Preparata and his coworkers we
were able to understand some problems in more
details 1) How and in what forms do the amino
acid ions enter inside coherence domains (CDs)?
2) How do they participate in formation of
coherent oscillations of molecules within CDs,
and 3) What is the mechanism of successive cyclic
change in different ionic forms in the solution
under the influence of MFs? These problems were
considered in our recent work (Zhadin and
Giuliani. 2006. Electromagnetic Biology and
Medicine, 25 227-243).
11Mixed CDs in aqueous amino acid solution
- Amino acid ions can have different ionic
shapes depending on pH of the aqueous solution.
At pH3, as in our experiments, glutamic acid
ions have a zwitterionic form, that is dipole
with a rather long distance between its two
charges and with a comparatively big dipole
moment. After preparing the solution, zwitterions
take places in the solution by big clusters and,
at the forming of CDs, are inevitably captured by
them. Owing to the carboxylic group, a zwitterion
spectrum has transition close to basic coherent
frequency 12.06 eV of water molecules and its
molecule easily transform into the usual ionic
form, because this frequency is close to the
ionization potential of a glutamic acid molecule.
Thanks to low viscosity inside CDs, MFs increase
kinetic energy of of these ions and withdraw them
out of CDs by means of the mechanism considered
by Preparata and his coworkers. When escaping
CDs, the glutamic acid ions come back into the
surrounding incoherent medium with pH3 and
acquire the zwitterionic form again.
12What molecules are able to participate in mixed
CDs forming?
- Far from each type of molecules are able to
participate in mixed CDs forming. The specific
spectral properties and special ion forms are
necessary for this. The molecules which are
capable of participation in CDs forming can be
not only in single form, but in the form of
molecules bound in a complicated macromolecule
like amino acids within a protein molecule. In
the first case, CDs include these molecules, and
in the second case, when the macromolecule is
bigger than CDs, the CD sits on them. One mixed
CD can bind two macromolecules or two parts of
the same macromolecule, including two particular
amino acids at two parts of the same protein
molecule. High stability of CDs evidences high
binding energy of molecules within them which is
much more than energy of thermal noises and of
hydrogen bonds. Such CDs can provide strong bonds
between macromolecules or different parts of the
same macromolecule (tertiary or quarternary
13Thank you for your attention, my dear
friends !