Title: Available Data on Alaska
1Available Data on Alaskas Uninsured
- December 2006
- Health Planning Systems Development Unit
- Office of the Commissioner
- Alaska Department of Health Social Services
- Phone 465-3091
- www.hss.state.ak.us/commissioner/Healthplanning
2Who are the Uninsured in Alaska?
- About 117,000 Alaskans (18 of the population)
have been counted as uninsured in 2005. - Young adults, males, and Alaska Natives are more
likely to be uninsured. - People who are self-employed, part-time workers,
seasonal workers, and people who work for small
firms are most likely to be uninsured. - Most of the uninsured are employed most
uninsured who are not employed are children and
others not in the workforce only one in ten of
the uninsured are unemployed people in the
workforce. - Current Population Survey (CPS), US Census Bureau
3Age of the Uninsured in Alaska, 2003-2005 Average
- 20,000 Uninsured Alaskans are 0-17
- 21,000 Uninsured Alaskans are 18-24
- 46,000 Uninsured Alaskans are 25-44
- 30,000 Uninsured Alaskans are 45-64
- 800 Uninsured Alaskans are 65 and older
4Age and Sex of the Uninsured in Alaska, 2003-2005
Although 18-24 year olds are about 1/5 of the
uninsured, a higher proportion of 18-24 year olds
(about 1/3) are uninsured than for any other age
group. Males are more likely to be uninsured
The CPS reports 16 of females and nearly 20 of
males are uninsured.
5Race of the Uninsured, Alaska2003-2005 average
Alaska Natives make up nearly 16 of the
population, but account for 19 of the uninsured.
6Percent of Uninsured Alaskans By Household Income
level 2003-2005 average
7Health Insurance Coverage of Alaskans, 2003-2004
(Source www.statehealthfacts.org, Medicaid
data from CMS/USDHHS Administrative Data, other
from Current Population Survey, US Bureau of the
8Health Coverage by Employment Status(2003-2005
9Uninsured Alaskans by Firm Size2004
Less than one-fourth of firms with less than 10
employees offer health insurance to their
employees and nearly all firms with more than 100
employees offer some type of health insurance.
Source MEPS, 2004
10Percent of Private Sector Firms Offering Health
Insurance by Industry, 2004
Less than one half of all employers in Alaska
offer health insurance.
Source MEPS, 2004
11Data Sources
- U.S. Census Bureau Current Population Survey
(CPS), Annual Social and Economic Supplement,
2003 through 2005 - (http//www.census.gov/hhes/www/cpstc/cps_table_cr
eator.html) - Agency for Healthcare Research and Policy,
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 2004 - (http//www.meps.ahrq.gov/mepsweb/survey_comp/Insu
12Where to Find Information
- For links to information about insurance, links
to data and research on the uninsured, and
information about the State Planning Grant - www.hss.state.ak.us/commissioner/healthplanning/
- planninggrant/default.htm/
- Email infohealthplanning_at_health.state.ak.us
- Write Health Planning Systems Development
- PO Box 110601 Juneau AK 99811