MINERnA: Responses to PAC Questions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MINERnA: Responses to PAC Questions


(Tufts,Rutgers) Absorbers (Rutgers) PMTs, WLS Fibers, FE Electronics (Hampton) ... magnet coil M&S ~$10K. detector stand (not in proposal) no estimate. Costs to FNAL: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MINERnA: Responses to PAC Questions

MINERnAResponses to PAC Questions
  • Kevin McFarlandUniversity of RochesterFNAL
    PAC13 December 2003

Question 1
  • How much money do you expect from Nuclear
    Physics sources? How much from Fermilab? Can
    you provide a table of the labs obligations?
  • Role of Universities and Nuclear Physics
  • FNAL Detector Costs (in proposal)
  • FNAL Installation, Outfitting Costs

Reminder from YesterdayHow We Plan to Fund
  • Seek to fund bulk of detector from University
    program funds and infrastructure programs
  • This cannot happen without strong endorsement
    from this PAC and the lab

HEP/NP Partnership
Nuclear Physics and MINERnA
  • Four university groups and Jefferson Lab
  • Rutgers and Hampton are two of the strongest
    medium energy nuclear physics university groups
  • leaders at JLab in physics addressed by MINERnA
  • Four FTE faculty, three FTE post-docs
  • JLab manpower 1-2 FTE, use of facilities. No
  • NSF MRI Hampton, Rutgers, Rochester
  • 2/3 of MRI funding through NP groups!
  • Rutgers (University) has pledged 150K
    matching.Rochester matching contingent on NP
    involvement. (Hampton is exempt from matching

Costs to FNAL Detector
  • Simply put outside agencies claim they will not
    fun certain aspects of FNAL experiments,
    including utilities, installation
  • Two detector project categories FNAL-specific
    EDIA, critical safety systems
  • design of TRiP-based FE board 130K
  • low voltage distribution (5kW total) 170K
  • magnet coil MS 10K
  • detector stand (not in proposal) no estimate

Costs to FNAL Installation and Outfitting
  • We are in the process of doing a real evaluation
    of this. That process has not concluded.
  • In response to your (perfectly reasonable)
    question, we tried to force that process to a
    quick answer.
  • This is extremely rough, but has some

Question 2
  • Quantitatively, in what way will MINERnA results
    essentially effect the design of, or the eventual
    analysis of data from, MINOS and an Off-Axis
    experiment, and the interpretation of current
    neutrino oscillation results?
  • Historical Tale K2K and the Axial Mass
  • MINOS and Final State Uncertainties
  • (more on this subject in response to question 3)

K2K and MA
  • This is not a direct answer to your question, but
    its a relevanthistorical lesson
  • K2K found unexpectedresults in Q2
    distributionof quasi-elastic events
  • blue box is correlatedenergy scale error
  • Initially, was incorrectlyfixed by increasing MA
  • dipole parameterization ofform-factor
  • Bodek-Budd-Arrington showed it was a mistake in

K2K and MA (contd)
  • Difference between the fudged cross-section (to
    match the observed Q2 distribution) and the true
  • End resultK2K assignedsystematic of20 in
    theabsolute rateat far detector

K2K and MA (contd)
  • Chris Walter at NUINT02 effect of difference
    between correct and fudged solution if one is in
    data and one is in MC.

this is a toy analysis of nm disappearance at
J-PARC Phase I
Why Neutrino CC Energy doesnt equal visible
energy in MINOS a) p only leave KE b) some p
get absorbedc) p0s deposit all energy in
calorimeterEvent multiplicity counts,
especially at low energy!Does not cancel in
near/farMINOS cant measure multiplicitiesTest
change a)b) energy loss by 20 of itself,
which is optimistic for the error with no
One Final State Effect Neutrino Test Beam
D.Michael, yesterday
Question 3
  • In what ways would a fine-grained detector
    improve an off-axis experiment?

  • Backgrounds to Off Axis
  • nes in the beam
  • NC events
  • nm CC events
  • nm CC present in ND, not in FD because of
  • NC events from low energy nm s (upstream)
  • ne from m decays (downstream)
  • As a result, Near/Far Ratio is different for each
    of these three backgrounds!
  • Ideally, want to know
  • how many events look like background in Off-Axis
    Near Detector, and
  • What is the composition of those events
  • Minerna can measure all three samples on axis and
    extrapolate to predict what off axis ND should
    see, or for better precision, Minerva can go off

Another way to look at this How does Figure of
Merit change as you increase statistics?
Question 4
  • For proposal how well can measurements be
    carried out?
  • We dont have full treatments of backgrounds in
    most cases of analyses.
  • We do have excellent knowledge of resolutions and
    reconstruction efficiency (hit level MC and
    reconstruction package).
  • CC/NC Coherent Analyses (most complete)
  • Quasi-Elastic Sample
  • Strange Exclusive Final States

Measurement of CoherentPion Production
  • What you sawyesterday

MINERnA 4-yr Run Plan 25 K CC / 12.5 K NC events
off C 8.3 K CC/ 4.2 K NC off Fe and Pb
Errors here do include backgrounds, efficiencies
for realistic cuts
Coherent CC Pion Production Event Selection
Using the Minerva MC and the energy and tracking
resolutions obtained in the detector studies, we
have evaluated the efficiency for identifying CC
coherent events. Topological cuts 2 visible
tracks (gt8 hits on each) -- muon
(non-interacting) -- and pion (interacting)
candidates less than 500 MeV energy from
neutrals Pion interaction point gt 30 cm from
vertex Kinematic Cuts x lt 0.2 t (q pp)2 lt
0.2 GeV2 e 35 for these cuts.
Coherent NC Pion Production
  • Neutral pion identification has40 efficiency
  • Background is real p0 from resonance production
  • This is expected signal/background separation

Measurement of FA(Q2)
  • Errors are purely statistical and do not take
    into account two effects, which are reduced
    when including quasi-elastic kinemeatic
  • p/p ambiguity for interacting track
  • Subtraction of D production with absorbed p
    from subsequent decay
  • In addition is a 5 error due to beam

Extraction of FA, assuming exact Dipole and
4-year data run
Ability to distinguish between alternative Q2
shapes from vector form factor studies
FA /FA (dipole)
Strange Particle Production
Existing Strange Particle Production Gargamelle-PS
- 15 L events. FNAL - 100 events ZGS - 7
events BNL - 8 events Larger NOMAD
inclusive sample expected
  • MINERvA will focus on fully reconstructed
    exclusive states
  • require the V0 two track decay (L ? p p- and
    K0S ? p p-)
  • Prompt K decay yields a twin-peak signature in
    time profile of the event
  • Efficiency is high, 85 or better, because final
    state p is soft
  • Non-strange backgrounds not studied
  • strategy is to reconstruct intermediate V0 mass,
    require monochromatic m
  • very low backgrounds expected

MINERnA Exclusive States 100x earlier samples 3
tons and 4 years DS 0 m- K L0 10.5 K m- p0
K L0 9.5 K m- p K0 L0 6.5 K m- K- K
p 5.0 K m- K0 K p0 p 1.5 K DS 1 m-
K p 16.0 K m- K0 p 2.5 K m- p K0n 2.0
K DS 0 - Neutral Current n K L0 3.5 K n K0
L0 1.0 K n K0 L0 3.0 K
Other Questions
  • What would the effect on event rates if you only
    had low energy running? On physics?
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