Title: Solving Distance Constraints by Iterative Projections and Backprojections
1Solving Distance Constraints by Iterative
Projections and Backprojections
- F. Thomas, J.M. Porta, and L. Ros
- Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
- Barcelona - Catalonia
- The problem
- Realizability and its characterization
- The Cholesky decomposition
- The algorithm
- Examples
3The problem
Given a set of points and some pairwise
distances Find all point configurations
compatible with the distances Up to mirror and
rigid transformations
4The problem
Given a set of points and some pairwise
distances Find all point configurations
compatible with the distances Up to mirror and
rigid transformations
5Translating a 6R robot into a set of distance
An articulated ring of six tetrahedra 12 points,
30 known distances, 36 unknown distances
6Trilaterable robots
Sometimes, the unknown distances may be obtained
by a sequence of trilaterations
7Trilaterable robots
Similarly, the 3-2-1 and 3/2 parallel robots are
also trilaterable
- The problem
- Realizability and its characterization
- The Cholesky decomposition
- The algorithm
- Examples
9Realizabilityof a distance matrix
- A distance matrix D is said to be realizable in
d - space if there is a configuration of points
in such space whose pairwise distances are those
specified in D
10Necessary and suficient conditions of
- The elements of a distance matrix must satisfy
certain algebraic conditions to guarantee that it
is realizable (that it comes from a point
configuration in 3-space)
Mainly two characterizations have been reported
- Theory of Cayley-Menger determinants
- Theory of positive semidefinite matrices
11Theory of Cayley-Menger determinants
Conditions that a set of distances between points
must satisfy so that the points have a valid
configuration in 3D
- All C-M determinants of 6 points 0
- " " " 5 points
0 - " " " 4 points 0
- " " " 3 points 0
12Theory of semidefinite matrices (I)
13Theory of semidefinite matrices (II)
Theorem (Schoenberg 1935)
A distance matrix D, n ? n, is realizable in d
space if, and only if, its associated Gram
matrix G, n-1 ? n-1, is positive semidefinite of
rank d
- The problem
- Realizability and its characterization
- The Cholesky decomposition
- The algorithm
- Examples
15The Cholesky decomposition
A consistency test for our distance matrix D
16Geometric interpretation
In general If the initial dimension is d, after
d projections the points of the configuration
will collapse to a single point
17Geometric interpretation
(In general, after d projections, we get an n-d x
n-d zero matrix)
In sum
In general If the initial dimension is d, after
d projections the points of the configuration
will collapse to a single point
- The problem
- Realizability and its characterization
- The Cholesky decomposition
- The algorithm
- Examples
19The algorithmBasic operations
- Projection
- Backprojection
Uses the geometric interpretation of the Cholesky
decomposition to prune regions of the search
space that contain no solution. Best seen on an
21Projection (cont)
Contains the zero matrix
Detected does not contain the zero
matrix. 5.1,5.2 can be pruned from the search
The projection scheme
can be reversed
23The basic algorithm in 2D
Projection phase
If the new bounds arent much smaller, bisect
the bounds
Backprojection phase
- The problem
- Realizability and its characterization
- The Cholesky decomposition
- The algorithm
- Example
25ExampleThe 3RPR planar manipulator
26ExampleThe 3RPR planar manipulator
Choosing the previous leg lengths, it has rigid
and flexible configurations
27Solutions found
One box, for each isolated solution
- An algorithm for solving systems of distance
constraints based on projections and
It relies on a necessary and sufficient condition
of realizability, thus avoiding the cluster
Its speed of convergence to the solutions depends
on the chosen sequence of projections that are
iteratively applied
29Future work
30(No Transcript)
31Projection in detail