Title: St.Cenydd History Department
1St.Cenydd History Department
2What do you think is meant by
3What do you think is meant by
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5- To compare
- Life for women in Weimar and Nazi Germany
- To find out
- What Nazi policies regarding women were
- Whether Nazi policies regarding women were
successfully implemented (carried out)
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7Stephen Lee, The European Dictatorships 1918-1945
(Routledge, 1987)
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10Stephen Lee, The European Dictatorships 1918-1945
(Routledge, 1987)
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12How did life change for women in Germany 1919 -
Pre 1933
Post 1933
Correct this table some of them are in the
wrong columns
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18What does this propaganda poster tell you about
Nazi beliefs concerning the role of women within
Think What can you see?
19Comment on the atmosphere and mood created by the
E.G. Think about the background scene
Why do you think that the sun has been placed
where it is taking up much of the background?
20How does this idyllic scene fit in with The Nazi
vision of perfect society?
What kind of society did the Nazis wish to
create? Think about Family Life Community
21Task 1 Think of three questions you would like
to ask about this poster
22Task 2 Click on the areas of the poster that
you would like to explore
If you cant decide click here for help
23Task 2 Click on the areas of the poster that
you would like to explore
Try these areas
24The National Socialist German Workers Party
safeguards the National Community The Party
ensures togetherness of the people in the
25The eagle represents the Nazi Party. Notice that
its wings are wrapped around the family
suggesting the family are being protected. The
eagle looks very powerful.
26The father is shown as the head of the family.
He rises above his family with his shirt sleeves
rolled up. He is the worker protecting the
family. His arms are wrapped around the family,
further suggesting he is looking after them.
27The mother is shown with a scarf holding her hair
back as if she has been carrying out domestic
chores. She is gently cradling her baby and
looks both healthy and happy to be surrounded by
her family.
28The baby provides the central focus of the
poster. All of the children conform to the Aryan
ideal (blonde hair and fresh complexion, etc).
The little girl is close to the mother, and the
boy next to his father. They are portrayed as a
happy family, with the baby illustrating that
this is a growing family.
29Comrades, if you need help and assistance ask
your local branch of the NSDAP
30What can you see in this source?
31Remember that some women resisted Nazi ideas
concerning the role of women within society.
Even though there was very little organised
opposition to Hitler some women remained loyal to
their church groups and others actively sought
employment (usually low paid and mundane jobs)
Some women joined opposition political parties
such as the Social Democrats, or the Communists
in protest
Some women spoke out and argued that they had
special talents for certain jobs and should not
be tied to the home
Some women argued that they had an equal right to
the same education, jobs and experiences enjoyed
by men