Title: Improving the Oral Health of CSHCN through the Lifespan
1Improving the Oral Health of CSHCN through the
- A CSHCN Perspective
- Toni G. Wall, MPA
- Director
- Maine Children with Special Health Needs Program
2Maine CSHN ProgramDental Services
- Covered Services
- Cardiac Defects routine dental
- Childhood Cancer routine dental
- Cleft lip/Palate routine dental and specialty
- Routine dental limited to 150/year for children
with cardiac and cancer - Cleanings, fluoride treatments, and x-rays.
- Children with clefts unlimited number of visits
and services
3- Every child and adolescent deserves ready access
to coordinated and comprehensive preventive,
health-promoting, therapeutic and rehabilitative
medical, mental health and dental care. Bright
Futures Childrens Health Charter
- Primarily a rural state
- Minimal infrastructure for public health services
- Reliable oral health data is limited
- Access, Access, Access
- Insufficient number of dentists
- MaineCare
- If you are low-income, special needs, elderly or
5CSHN Program GoalBuild the capacity of
non-dental professionals to recognize and
understand oral diseases and conditions.
6ALL CYSHCN will receive coordinated, ongoing,
comprehensive care within a medical home
- Provide training using the Maine Smile Matter
curriculum - Collaborate with Maine Dental Association and
Maine Chapter of AAP to establish a referral
system - Provide care coordination to families on dental
7All CYSHCN will have adequate private and/or
public insurance to pay for the services they
- Increase routine dental care to all CSHN program
clients - Increase access to dental clinics
- Provide training to dentists on caring for a
child with disabilities
8All CYSHCN will be screened early and
continuously for special health care needs
- Health prevention begins at birth provide
anticipatory guidance at primary care visits - Instruct parents on brushing, flossing, baby
bottle tooth decay, fluoride etc. - Teach parents to look for signs of decay.
9Services for CYSHCN will be organized in ways
that families and youth can use them easily
- Resources available in physicians office
- Location of dental clinics
- Funding sources
- Family Voices
- CSHN Program
- Maine Oral Health Program
- Resources for adaptive oral health devices
10Families of CYSHCN will partner in decision
making at all levels and will be satisfied with
the services they receive
- Included on Advisory Boards Maine Oral Health
Advisory Committee - Assist in the development and design of
promotional materials - Assist in training parents on prevention
11All YSHCN will receive the services necessary to
make appropriate transitions to all aspects of
adult life, including adult health care work and
- Importance of oral health and prevention
- Adult health care providers understand the
importance of oral health - Include youth on oral health advisory boards
- Assist in locating adaptive equipment
- Raise awareness on the importance of oral health
- Start early, emphasize prevention, involve
parents - Integrate oral health into other service delivery
systems ie. Primary care - Expand knowledge base
- Build on existing partnerships and collaborations
- Use the 6 performance measures as a base